Well Yea Forums? What should Ghostcrawler remove from the generic MMO formula?

Well Yea Forums? What should Ghostcrawler remove from the generic MMO formula?

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making a traditional MMO in the age of the internet and social media is a flawed design decision

women on the development team

I've never had a problem with the generic formula. It's the stupid superfluous shit that gets piled on top of it that sends these games into the trash heap.

Grind, fuck grinding potions, better gear, rats asses just to have fun.
I understand that mmos are made for dopamine addicted trannies, but participation in pvp or end game should not be walled by having a second job.

The DPS, healer, tank trinity.
We optimized the fun out of the original launch of wow because everyone sucked shit at the game and needed every edge.

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Remove daily grind shit. I quit lost ark after 300 hours and am still playing FFXIV since i don't have to play it daily. They've already said that they want to make it casual friendly so we'll see. Before arcane i had 0 confidence in the writing team. Now i have some confidence but mmo's and long arcs are a different beast.

Holy trinity, then the .01% raid difficulty that eats up development time for mechanics and shit no one will see. Raids can be hard and enjoyable, no one enjoys mythic raiding where after a month all that shit is getting nerfed into the ground anyways

Not being able to slutmog so as not to hurt the fefes of hambeasts.


this. my game for example only has talent tree where player can pick skills/abilities that fit to their fantasy

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Just play GW2 with the rest of the troons

just image the alternate rolls and new encounter designs possible. add kiting, crowd control specialists, buff specialists

I imagine it would be very hard to balance and make it different enough at the same time.

>he thinks there are mmos without troons
being a geek or a nerd is already normal, those are already well defined marketing targets
the new transgresion is being a troon, mmos are their genre now

Their cash shop will be fucking massive.

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no niggers or ugly women on the dev team or in the game

>Remove daily grind shit
dailies/weeklies have caused me to drop more than a few games. Its just another job.

He could try removing himself and going back to Sea World where he belongs.
Seriously what was with blizzard hiring unqualified designers?
>Marine Biologist

>Corporate Lawyer

>Jeff Kaplan
>Half Jew Everquest NEET

Remove all casuals. Git gud or get gone

Make casual content like leveling challeging and don't just limit that challenge into "end game" content.


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>Dev effort revolves around high end raiding
>rest of the game is just low budget shit
>nobody new enters the game after a while
>game dies

Just as long as there's no RNG gear upgrade system that nukes your gear when you fail like in Korean MMOs, then you're already in the right direction. Fuck you, BDO.

When will the iron grip of retard boomers trying to relive everquest and wow vanilla release MMOs? its a stale genre because of them

I still miss it

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he spent more time making excuses for why his shit development wasn't shit than developing any content


That's only about 100~ skins per year. Given that it's a free to play game, that's not really unreasonable.

>no holy trinity
What's the alternative? Not being combative, I'm genuinely interested.
>mechanics heavy puzzle-boss a la Destiny that ultimately distills into some combination of an adds phase, a platforming/ball passing phase, then a locked in DPS phase and the boss might as well not even be there
>action-based combat with either a totally on-rails or pseudo on-rails fight a la MHW kulve taroth, alatreion, etc. that can or can't have mechanics like a healer or a tank or everyone reliant on themselves but necessary to accomplish the high-end goals
I admittedly and obviously don't play a ton of multiplayer cooperative games. Despite how formulaic this stuff becomes, I enjoy Destiny and MHW/R "raid" designs quite a bit. I also like holy trinity, but that's just me.

What's an interesting alternative? Some combination of stuff?

>hurr durr why is a free to play game trying to make money??

>casual shitter thinks he’s desired orneeded

reliance on RAIDS
fucking nigger cancer that should've died after 2010

If its just cosmetics it would be amazing that way there would be a lot of variation in glamours.

Parsing faggotry

>poopsocker doesn't understand why his waste of lives keep vanishing

I think the idea of big raids and a bunch of mechanics to do is just outdated in general. Social sandbox games that are scalable without harder and harder, and better and better gear are more interesting if done well. Like if you could take Project Zomboid and have 1000 players on a server and a massive map it would appeal to me more than weekly raid lockouts, gear chasing, endless new expansion releases for more gear chasing.

>uh ohh guys, consumers are no longer eating our shit, maybe we should start asking for their opinions

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I don't know what you're talking about, games like old WoW or Everquest haven't been made in at least a decade. Literally appealing to ADHD zoomers is what's holding MMOs back and that's been well demonstrated for half of your natural-born life.

hardcore games alone cannot sustain a game, you either need a base of whales meaning that there will be p2w content or a base of casual gamers meaning budget has to go to different parts of the game such as storylines, environment design, leveling/questing, low level raids, and other content that is better enjoyed by casuals and new players.

MMOs with daily/weekly chores are the worst. Being forced into a set "schedule" is exactly what I don't want from an MMO. Sometimes I want to autistically grind for 12 straight hours, other times I don't feel like playing at all. But most modern MMOs force me to play for exactly 1 hour a day, no more & no less.

designing content for the loud minority aka elitists and super casuals, it's a waste of time and energy

MMO's are inherently boring by concept and design. Make a different type of game

This kinda shit ruins games. Eve Online started feeling like a chore when they started introducing shit like daily logins and shit. It feels like an obligation, and really detracts from the immersion.


found the nintendie or the boomer shooter retard

How about for once they make a game where enemies have AI that controls their actions instead of aggro?

DFO does some pretty interesting things. They have Pure DPS, Synergy DPS (less powerful DPS that has 1 unique passive buff for the party) and Buffer.with changes on team comp depending on elemental or neutral damage.

When did i say that? Riot is actually good at pricing their skins. They also have a system where you can get good free skins if you're lucky. Mmo probably wont have that.

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Time limited fomo shit. Stuff can be added and removed as long as players can select a server state to replay or finish anything they want

>Make a different type of game
Or you could stay in your own threads jrpg tranny.

designing everything around hardcore elitists players, who make up like 1% of the actual playerbase
unironically focus on fleshing out the little things to do, and casual focused content
Sure it wont please everyone but, it'll sure as fuck be more fun and more populated

Having your progress basically reset every patch and expansion is shit. Content islands also. Why can't there be more mmos that have horizontal progression, where new content means more options and not "here are your new pauldrons that are +50 instead of your old ones which are +10"

make it actually be a mmo instead of a glorified lobby for 5 man instances

damn mortal online 2 is a great success

As much as I love raids, I think you're pretty much right on the money. The power-creep has never given anything meaningful to the games they're in, and they've only ever seemed to have fractured the community.
As far as the social sandbox thing, I don't really know about that. I think the qualifications to make those kinds of games "done well" are just too vague because they are necessarily reliant on the player-base to create that effect. I think you have to strike a balance between community-driven content getting fit into the developer-driven content used as a set of limits to inspire creativity in the first place.

Hybrid systems where no one is really THE healer or THE tank seem to do well enough that a bit of fleshing out could make a system that's robust and deep.

You could also go totally radical and design dungeons/raids/encounters/whatever that don't require any sort of coordinate fighting, but some other cooperative effort. Instead of a functional horde mode every 3 rooms followed by a boss fight, you could have encounters consist of a set of 1v1 fights between mini-boss style enemies and individual party members.

>instanced content
>removing content
>solo content
>fomo content
>nerfing content/skills
>boring safe content

Gear sets

this. holy trinity is garbage
no one actually wants to play tank or healer, there's just retarded women who want a passive role or autists who think playing tank makes them more important and smarter.
every single fucking game devolves into struggling to find a tank or healer because everyone plays dps and then at some point you're gonna end up tank or healing and it's not fun so why am i playing this unfun video game then

>What should Ghostcrawler remove from the generic MMO formula?
A reachable level cap.

This is a good idea always liked exponential type leveling, there should be a soft cap but you should be able to keep leveling at an extremely slow/difficult rate for super tiny bonuses to stats or whatever

touch some grass
have some sex
and hit the showers chud

I like pulling wall to wall and I don't want it taken away from me.

You mean like monster hunter? like the early levels are slow but then you unlock your rank and you start leveling to crazy numbers?