Viking games

Are there any actually good viking games? I tried AC:Valhalla and it was shit. Just watched the northman and want to play some norse kinos

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Expeditions Vikang
Playing M&B Warband as a nord

Is Valheim any good?

Volgarr the viking is awesome

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Valhalla is the best viking game ever made, and I say this without any irony or hyperbole whatsoever, so if you think that game sucks ass (and I wouldn't disagree with you if you did) you are shit out of luck if you're hungry for norse vidya

>simping for white niggers.
Björshawn would have killed you just for your shoes.

>raw meat
gay showoff

Why do the mentally ill outsiders and crazies always look like incel school shooters or this?

Attached: ghj.png (560x935, 767.61K)

As far as Viking lifestyle, AC Valhalla is sadly probably the most comprehensive. If you want Norse lore and mythology, God of War ps4 was surprisingly excellent for the lore side of things.

Is there a mod that removed the niggers?

How many glowies are in that picture?

>Not a single female in sight
>Raw meat

Oh my. Nazis are booty busting themselves now

There's 3 blacks in the game and they're all entirely optional (one is seasonal and doesn't appear except during those faggy fake larpagan holiday events the devs shill), you don't need to interact with them unless you're a completionist

Valheim is fun for a bit.
Northgard for RTS/Resource management
Rune for that oldskool third person adventure fix.

lol rightards are so fucking retarded

Those are just normal blue collar boomers

I truly cannot understand why people (especially americans) are obsessed with viking history.
It is literally so boring, and defined entirely by them just going around killing random people, Northman was good because it accurately portrayed them as insane mentalists, i'm honestly astounded that people can come away from it and think it "glorified" viking """"""culture""""""".

Violence is cool

like what? middle aged white men? they're just aged-up incel school shootersthank you based white man for shooting schools!

I thought it was refreshing especially with no POC/lgbt stuff

bro... it's about my masculinity..... i lift weights so basically if i could go back i would be a chad norseman and be able to kill all the people i disagree with!..!

Vikings built major cities like Dublin still around today and established trade hubs they did more than just raid churches

they also made Kievan rus

Why praise vikings if they are literally just the absolute definition of a nigger?

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okay. Ist there a mod to remove them?


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>tapeworms are based and redpilled

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these are feds

>travel to foreign lands
>kill people
>pillage their shit
how does that not resonate? Basically the proto-american

Answer the question shill. Is there a mod to remove them, and if so link it.

no one cares about gang bangers killing each other, shooting up a public place are killing a bunch of innocents is something only white incels do

Uhhh excuse me sweaty he said SCHOOL shooter. Why would a nigger be at one of those???

make it yourself it cant be that hard

It's fun but they ran with the money

Now that's some racism.

meaning....? no updates?

I had never heard of this movie until people started raging/rallying against/for it. Is it actually any good? I don't much care for vikings over all

Do you have a source to back up its all gang related

It's so nice to know the race war will never happen, because the moment any right wing death squad tries to mobilize, they'll all start accusing each other of being feds and kill each other before a single non-white or lefty is slain.

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American race war is already happening
White americans are genociding themselves because of racial guilt

>comparing gangbangers taking out other gangbangers to school shooters indiscriminately murdering other kids because they didn't get enough hugs

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They update as frequently as Project Zomboid devs

l always love to see people associate norse/viking/chrisitan/pagan imagery as white supremacist.
>norse blood runs in my veins
Along with Tyrone and Shekelsteins, dirty bloods lol, you love to see it.

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>Assuming all blacks are gang bangers
Racist inkwell

ok fed

better reason than most black people start fights over

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>considering black lives to be worth less than white lives
Trump lost sweatie

Yeah, but It's a meme template that non-whites on FB and twitter love using

It's basically this. Bunch of losers that are insecure about their masculinity so they have to roleplay as some ancient warrior culture despite not knowing anything about it. Spartanfags are the worse but it's funny seeing their reaction that these "badass" Spartans MUH MOLON LABE got completely destroyed by a bunch of homosexuals aka the Thebans.

>Expeditions Vikang
Good game, but seeing the latest installment in the series I come to realize how fucking woke that game was in retrospective.
I spend the entire game giving them the benefit of the doubt for the stronk women and shit, and now I realize that I was fooling myself.
I mean the childhood friend tomboy is also a trope that people who watch too much anime like, but the gay friend? man.

Crusader Kings 3

>whitoid liberals killing their race
don't really care

What the fuck is going on today? Is this just one dude all day or has there been a newfag explosion?
What were you hoping to get out of that reply? Do you want commended for acknowledging it? Shut the fuck up

Why aren't more conservatives for abortion?

As I hear it, it's one of the main things keeping the number of black people down.

You get more government assistance the more kids you have so

WE WUZ VIkangz

Its pretty good yea, the seething from people saying "theres no diversity, where are all the PoCs and female warriors, this is a problem and I dont like it" when its trying to aim for authenticity is just a by product, the people praising it for this almost certainly have no idea what the themes of the movie actually are and just "WOW EPIC ACTION AND FUCKING VIOLENCE, this is my history! Thats literally me! Fuck niggers being involved, the absence of niggers and women is why this movie is great!", and dont know whats actually happening.

Gets boring fast

Why does everyone have this cartoon-y caricature of the Republican Party from like the 80’s in their heads

Imagine doing this and not thinking you are a megatool.

Conservatives tend to have values even if it hurts their goal, liberals simply have a goal and their values are trampled on the way to it.

White birth rate goes up too when you ban abortion.

thanks for the commentary homo, you’ve really added a lot to the discussion

I have no clue what those bars and numbers mean.
Please explain it to me like I'm a 6 year old who repeatedly dropped on the head daily for four months straight.

Maybe because millions more white children would be born per year if it's banned

white liberals are the only group to have an outgroup preference, meaning they prefer other races to their own, which means a pretty fast track to population replacement