PAX is canceled forever.
PAX is canceled forever
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Another tragic covid death because of the unvaxxed
how fat and/or unhealthy were they?
Most people dying from covid are fat or already have health issues.
Was he vaccinated
The fucking size of her. If it wasn't covid it was going to be something else soon.
Here's a picture of her.
was she vaccinated
if so then it doesnt work. in b4 psuedo science about the unvaccinated somehow creating an issue when natural immunity is by far more effective
and before leftists jump down my throat heres the pandemics cause and funder admitting natural immunity is better
It wasn't the Rona. It was the Rona plus half a million burgers.
what was his BMI
fuckin called it.
Most likely was you had to show proof of vaccination to get in.
Something really needs to be done to the sheer amount of shit food being produced and consumed in this Country. It's obviously a health problem but I don't know it can be tackled without some crybaby bullshit.
>natural immunity
>best way to avoid dying from coof
>is to get the coof with no prior defenses
i think we cracked the code
>if so then it doesnt work
You do know that no vaccine is foolproof, right? Not a single one has been. It's about the statistical advantage that vaccines provide. Say you have a 30% chance of catching something but the vaccine is 80% effective at giving you immunity. That drops you to like, a 6% chance of catching it. If 100% of the population is vaccinated, that drastically reduces the amount of the population who might catch it.
I know you're just shitposting at this point but holy fuck the fact that retards keep spreading this dumb shit is getting tiresome because there are still enough dumb pieces of shit out there who believe it.
>Sissy Jiang
Why contain it?
More pandemics will kill them off so they don't pass their behavior to any potential offspring.
We throw almost half of it away, too.
The vaccine is to prevent the symptoms of it from being severe. That's it.
Looks like an average American to me.
COVID vaccines don't affect your chances of catching the coof.
>covid killing off shitty nerd culture conventions
wtf I love China now
You're welcome. lol
Getting vacinated is like blocking a spam call number, there's no guarantee that you can't get another spam call from even the same source.
>roosterteeth booth
Top kek are they even still relevant today? Last time I heard about them was when Ryan Haywood and that Fun Haus guy had their nudes leaked and both was fired.
COVID Survival Rate For Under 20s is 99.9987%
5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021
Europe's FDA Warns Against Vaccine Boosters, Expresses Concerns Over Immune Response
New Study: Infection Fatality Rates Lower In Elderly Than Previously Thought – Very Low In Youth
Im not getting a vaccine where you cant discuss its adverse side effects.
Im not getting a vaccine when it only kills the elderly or very obese
Im not getting a vaccine when covid deaths have been marked down suspiciously. cry more. you injected poison into your body because you are a sheep and you want to bring down everyone else with you. nope!
>switching the numbers
Slick, Doctors online are admitting now that most deaths are vaccinated people. Plus young people around the world are up 25% for cardiovascular events this past year, stop spreading disinformation leftist shill.
>source: dude trust me
pax east was so boring this year, i know you're literally paying to go see advertisements but the things being advertised weren't even fucking good
>American has arrived
Was a fun thread while it lasted.
>be overweight
>not vaxxed against the kung flu
>got the flu last year
>perfectly fine after 3 days of fever and joint pain
>Americans still going on about COVID when the rest of the world has moved on
what a miracle that this "pandemic" only occurred when the repo market failed, thank g-d
just a couple of more doses cuckold you dont want to be like the evil nazis do you?
for them its literally about politics and always has been. they really do think "if you support the vaccine you are left, if you dont youre right". its insane.
>be in the middle of rush hour
>not wearing a seat belt
>drive through a red light full speed
>don't get in an accident
Lmao imagine being such a pussy.
Did my own research. Says you are a bunch of faggots
>Doctors online are admitting now that most deaths are vaccinated people
which doctors?
She's the picture of health!
>critical thinkers
AKA scientists and researchers who have confirmed the vaccine is safe, you fucking antivaxx shitlord.
Me in the back.
I'm severely obese and either somehow didn't get it or didn't even feel it. I think it's just olds and fatties who doubly abused themselves with lots of drugs.
even so, it helps keep the coof from being bad
>friends hang out one day last week.
>one friend said he had allergies
>turns out he had covid.
>unvaccinated, so he was knocked out for like 2 days with fever.
>I get the sniffles and feel a little tired
>I'm vaccinated (and boosted)
>the worst symptoms are a mild headache and feeling tired.
Was the same for the other two people in my house who were also vaccinated and caught the coof. Only our unvaxxed friend had a terrible feverish weekend
"enforcer" so fattie that checks badges and goes "sir ..uh Sir you badge...uh...okay....." as you walk past them without on
>violating the nuremberg code because you were telepathically instructed to by a demonic interdimensional fungus
Pfizer had a 80,000 page report that just came out a few days ago. They know that it doesnt work and causes lots of side effects.
Enjoy your remaining life, vaxx takers.
>when the rest of the world has moved on
And nothing of value was lost
That's literally impossible considering there's no way to know long term effects of the shots since the development was like 14 months
Obviously the doctors that told the patient that they can go out freely now
Healthy as a bowling ball
I have lung cancer and got it before the vaxx and it just felt like a normal flu, probably because I'm not FAT lamo
The flu can kill healthy young adults so Covid doing the same isn't that far-fetched.
What does Enforcer mean? Going by the picture I imagine she(?) just goes around trying to cockblock guys hitting on the cosplay sluts.
show me on the constitution where it says the british NHS decides US law you fucking demon
>she must've been sick for several months
>look up more information
>PAX East happened weekend of April 21
TIL PAX East happened recently and I never got any emails, never seen any threads, nor recommendations via YouTube or Twitch.
Yes, it can. But the chances of that are very low. Speaking of the flu I find it funny how it basically fanished off the face of the earth over the last two years. I'm not being a conspiracy theoryst, but people really just stopped talking about it.
Nobody cares. You're a subhuman nigger and everything you say is wrong because you are just an animal.
Oh no!
Anyway, PAX happened? Didn't hear a damn thing about it.
I'd rather be called Spaghetti.
Fine, I'll bite. I've taken 3 shots by now. I've witnessed family members getting the corona but thanks to being similarly vaxed they got over it like a really bad flu but I've gotten nothing. I'm borderline obese, high risk of diabetes and a lot of other symptoms related to bad posture, lack of exercising , bad sleep, and allergies, etc.
How long do I have?
>Video games board
>Sperging about vaccines
Can this thread just get deleted already please?
they don't need gamers like you
they need gamers who clap on command and buy MTX
She can attend PAX East and West at the same time
I love you too, sir.
Since you have cancer, you might want to know that cancer is a disease of hindered oxygen respiration. With this knowledge you can search quite a lot.
If only it was a BLM rally...then she may have been safe...
Enough talkin with the dogs here.
Wasn't PAX created literally as a response to events like E3 becoming too commercial and focused on industry shilling?
That abyss really do be staring back huh.
The same measures that prevent COVID spreading help stop Influenza as well. Niggas really just didn't wash their hands before.
>heart attack, stroke, motorcycle accident
>uhhhhhhhh covid death nobody cares about russia-ukraine anymore so we gotta bring it back into focus
waste of time
evil wybiebo an' dey funding welfare and two-story buildings. who does dey dink dey is teaching people math an' geometry? ain't they know math is raciss
>30 people per 1 million die
my god shut everything down
this is actually the second enforcer to die from covid
Sedentary lifestyles aren't helping either.
dude the literal cope from this subhuman sheep is insane
you let them experiment with your body because the media told you to do so lol dance monkey
I've been to 3 conventions asking for vax proof and I'm not even vaccinated
event staff to run the thing
used to be volunteers, now paid
cool so he got 2 days with a fewer and you got a life long mysterious probably cancer and VAIDS