How have you coped with the feminization of gaming?
How have you coped with the feminization of gaming?
I don't buy many games any more
AAA garbage has always been bad, even the crap you thought was good because you grew up with it. I didn't play any of it then and it's not changing now.
Playing 10-20 year old games on repeat and ignoring everything new that comes out from mainstream developers.
Lmao what do you play, then? Just indies and rom hacks?
i stopped playing 95% of the new shit, a lot of us did.
I only buy/play Japanese games.
Buy games that aren't made by Blackrock/Vanguard slaves.
if you identify with this image you have a small brain.
I don't buy Western trash.
By realising piracy is a very masculine activity
>how did you respond to western devs being woke
>by becoming a weeb
Play less video games.
by playing hentai games
Feminization as in seeing more women in Japanese games? That's a good thing and it's beautiful.
It's simple: I don't play anything released after 2006.
I'm a gay bottom and only fantasize about the right with men and never fantasize about the left
I think I just got insight into the mentality of NPCs, thank you gimp user.
When are these threads going to be an autoban?
>faggots are just as subhuman as women and niggers
I always suspected it.
Those asshurt comments only indicate how right on the money you are user.
"all men ___" is going to be dumb as fuck 99% of the time. that pic is firmly in the 99%
modding the females to make them attractive and naked
By not having FOMO and not playing meme shit.
You and I are nothing alike you loser. No shitty meme is going to change that...
I'm much more selective in what I play these days.
I ignore all games with it in and play what I want
I’ll take the hugs and the guns, you can keep the baby talk and sacrifices for yourself
huh? the only "gamer girls" i see are ones that want to take off their clothes to lonely nerds
Who fantasises about dying? If you can't even win in your own imagination you really are fucked
which react video was this one from?
Getting into new hobbies that aren't chick-infested yet and occasionally replaying the classics.
It's less about the dying and more about the "greater than ourselves"
I look like that and sound like that.
playing games made before 2014
why do you think remakes are the hype nobody gives a shit about the new sjw crap
Gaming is bigger than ever.
How do chuds cope with that?
The fantasy isn't about "dying", it's about camaraderie, being part of something greater than yourself, and being loyal to it no matter the odds.
I don't need to cope, I only play games I like. You should try it, instead of playing games you hate.
>mommy issues
No. Get that shit out of here.
Its rare the AAA game i even play
Skip the trash and its all good
>slave morality
you're just trying to farm (You)s aren't you
But putting up a strong front is a dude thing though, moms got nothing to do with it.
If it was winning and a woman to come back to this would be based but like way too much shit these days, it's basic human urges + abstraction to the point of mental illness
Yes, it is clearly me twisting words for outrage and not you, friend. You are a correct, based free-thinker.
If it’s with a bunch of bros I guess I can see the romance in it
Ideally, I want everyone I know and care about to survive so we get paid at the end of a fight. I honestly can’t see myself shooting, stabbing and burning whoever the enemy is without something in it for me, like cash or the sweetest plot of land someone could ask for
Women do that everyday of their lives.
What? Women never get told crying is for pussies, or to keep a stiff upper lip, or that they gotta be strong because they're the man of the house now. Putting up a strong facade is literally all dude stereotypes. What crack are you smoking?
I laughed out loud.
I have never in my life met even one who could control their emotions
t. Underage
Get a job and go talk to those single mothers working alongside you. Everything is a facade and they just want to go home to their kids.
you win the thread, funniest shit I've read all day
Look at these anons who didn't have a mom to hug them heh
by playing old games exclusively and not ever having a single video game-related interaction with real people
>Women put up a brave front
Inspirational and stunning. Women suffer through so much.
>Men put up a brave front
So? It's called being a man, incel
what's so bad about appealing to the male fantasy anyway ? can't we dream a little ?
>single mothers
If the last 30 years didn't clue you in they hate you and want you dead, they're just taking very small steps each time toward the ultimate goal
Dreams are for pussies. Are you a man or aren't you?
Miserable cunts cannot stand seeing men that arent as miserable as they are.
why ask here?
I dont know where feminist commentators interact with the public tho.
I play non-propaganda games.
Such a game existing would be exclusionary to women. Fuck you.
Eat shit faggot.
>it's bad because it appeals to men
>what's wrong with appealing to men?
misery loves company
You told people to fuck off and make their own games and they did that and now you're mad? Why not do the same?
I play games I wanna play like I always have and I don't wanna play preachy bullshit. If there's more preachy bullshit in AAA, I play fewer AAA games.
Uhhhhh that didn't happen at all. They just infiltrated and ruined every AAA game company.
Now there's nothing fun to play so we can only complain. All those companies like blizzard or nd used to be great
The games that bros are making are problematic and canceled. It's not that women are making their own games,it's that they are also preventing bro games from being made. When was the last time you saw a Duke nukem style game taking the piss out of action movies, or a big tit damsel in distress?
Grow up and touch grass. Not everything exists like your insecure bubble says it does. Your just a bad as the SJWs.
Yeah they sure are making their own games, and not completely ruining existing franchises. No they are not completely wrecking blizzard and Activision, they are making new studios.
You sound anally devastated.
Women have zero social pressure to "act normal". They are never ostracized for crying in the workplace, or taking "me" time to cool off.
Blizz and Activision ruined themselves. If they didn't hire women they wouldn't have gotten into the problems they have.
I told cancerous faggots and dykes to fuck off.
They are pawns of their kike owners and they ruined comics, TV, movies, music and are after vidya.
Everything they touch turns into shit and reflects their shit for brains soulless insides.
And I will tell you cancerous faggots to fuck off until we meet in hell and even there I will be telling you for all eternity how much of a cancer you are.
I play tabletop games.
Which is slowly getting corrupted as well but things that require actual skill and work tend to be harder for them to take.