
3x3 thread time

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>Persona 4, MGR, Destiny 2, FF8, Sekiro
I just farted in your thread. Try again next time faggot

there is already one, stupid

Pretty gud taste, even when I don't play said games.

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there is no longer another one you are now smart

Why do you prefer onimusha 1 to 2?

rate my taste in games Yea Forums

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>can't count

Yea Forumsrother

I'm trans btw

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NEVER saw a tranny playing such a niche game like homm3
you might be the first tranny

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>two GTA games and the worst witcher

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Neon White isn't even out yet. Eat shit.

I'm a professional games tester. get on my level.

So you play games before they're good and then dont have the time to play games that are actually finished? lol

what's wrong with GTA games?
>the worst witcher
it has the most soul

>NEVER saw a tranny playing such a niche game

Never watched GDQ?

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I’m a straight white male btw

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You contrarian little faggot.


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>Neon White isn't even out yet. Eat shit.
the demo revealed enough

Neon White is chuunicore and stalker is gopnikcore (or preppercore in the states)

quick one of the games that are popping to mind atm

good taste
I don't like any of these games but they aren't bad
this looks pretty correct to me. oh and all trannies should die
unbelievably boring taste

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Based fun gameplay enjoyers


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Unironically because it's shorter and feels tighter even if onimusha 2 has better over all gameplay

9/9 great taste
7/9 nice

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A lot of 3x3 threads on the catalog today, what's up with that?

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need to try out omnimusha sometime


trannycore solely because of the paradox games, otherwise it's solid

didn't like witcher 1


never tried the yakuza games


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+ + ?
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good taste

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I remain a simple man, although I would probably prefer a 4x4 format.

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zoomer following memes?


no these are my favorite games sry

thats a cool one. what is the one on the bottom left friend?
I got filtered by the last dungeon of MM as a kid and again as an old man
Dracula X is underrated
based Vagrant Story enjoyer

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Lmao, I asked because that's exactly why I prefer 1 too. It's nice that 2 has different weapons and the bosses were definitely harder, but the friendship thing felt out of place and I never wanted their help. Also, Issen counters felt cooler and easier to pull of in 1 for some reason.

sich when does GDQ have homm3?

What is the logic behind Alien Soldier
It's not even a popular game in any circle

You forgot Bloodborne

Matthewmatosis likes it and it's somewhat obscure, they praise it to seem like they're patricians part of some elite gaming circle

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And that makes it a trannygame? You missed Bloodborne too which is an actual verifiable tranny meme

good ass list i bet you were born in '96-'98

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Who unironically enjoys Final Fantasy Eight?

Yea Forums does, almost as much as 5 and 9. It almost made The List.

social retard gets the hot girl
I wonder why Yea Forums likes it

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If you're autistic as fuck the junction system is one of the most fun sandbox things to mess around with.
Also the story is cute and the OST is based

Going through SJ and having a fucking blast. The OST blows a lot of the other games in the series out of the water

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Try Burnout 3 and SSX 3
Also I tend to like the original Champion's Edition more than DX, but it's a lot less accessible since they only got the DX version on Steam

Have bought 3/9 of these

Kid Icarus Uprising is really good
I beat Bloodborne a few days ago and I'm replaying it now to unlock some chalice dungeons before my PS Plus trial runs out, really wish it was on PC

>He fell for the party control meme
other than that good list

Rondo and Super Metroid are good
Try AM2R if you haven't, I feel like it's a real contender for best Metroid

good grid
love catherine
nier replicant has a great story

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needs more dark souls/elden troon

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Yep, Onimusha 1 felt like it was designed as tightly as classic RE games. Where you can just knowledge your way through the game and it's a good time. Sure it's a fairly simple game mechanically but that's also kinda what I love about it.

what's your favorite game so I can spend 2 hours searching for and cherrypicking tweets to make a faggot chart

very good shit

>2 months later
>elden turd didn't make it to a single 3x3
how long is everyone gonna keep their radio silence on the emperor's "new clothes"?

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fromsoftware games are popular with trannies because they are online 24/7 and souls shit is huge online

based holy kek