On today's show V – we discuss Capcom’s attempt at correcting mistakes and restoring fan expectations for the Resident Evil Remake franchise. Currently, a possible new outsourced company has begun preliminary ground work on a restored Resident Evil 3 Remake. As you know RE3-Remake was a disaster and failed both sales and fan expectations. Let’s get out our lockpicks and ready those first aid sprays… We’re going in!
Yo-Dawg: I heared you like Fanmakes of Remakes
Before we begin our segment note that we of TUCKER are not payroll shills. Please support independent journalism and our other fellow European cocksucker-faggots that feel it necessary to spread lies, disinformation and false promotions. Tucker giggles Discords (even those where 2 people every comment, account and poster. Like the Yea Forums karaluchs)
so fox news comes to 4 chan now?
Developed by: (Our dear friend Robin!!) (Interview with Robin in the near future!) Blue Square Studio Games
Website: not going to link the game but just search for it.
Search: “RE3 Fan Remake”
Currently as it stands Resident Evil 3 remake has been the ONLY digital Steam release to remain nearly at full price since its 3 years release.
Producer Peter Fabiano has been released from Capcom (quietly) as this shit happened on his watch and approval. Also note this was the same director that has went on record stating such dishonest claims as:
Reports state “millions” have sold yet at no point is an official sales number been given as with other titles in the Remake branding.
The “Cant Get Laid”” Bigrade (CGL) had serious influence in making this game. Confirmed with a this Eruogamer interview with the voice actress of Jill (Nicole Tompkins).
> Ironically this interview has been removed from all sections of eruogamer covering RE3 remake.
Our producer attempted to use the wayback machine in order to continue our investigation… But all we got was tranny Suzi ‘Capcom paid for my sex change’ Hunter.
> HUH?!
We’ll keep you posted
I downloaded it a few weeks ago. Its okay at best, attempting to recapture what the game needed to be. Jill in her shorts is still a turn off for me however. Skirts are ok for women to wear, its not fucking 1950.
>Producer Peter Fabiano has been released from Capcom (quietly) as this shit happened on his watch and approval.
He wasn't, and even worked on Village. He also left Capcom for Bungie, So basically everything else you said is bullshit too
> Fix camera angles
> 3-rd person game play
That’s the real debate with RE that is now being thrown about. Personally, I don’t think it was about the angles of the game. It was about how much developmental effort was put into the project. It was rushed, half assed, and a multiplayer mode that next to no one cared about in the second or third week. Both are fine when done right. No one is expecting a 2 second load time when moving from the front door to the table with the first aid spray. But its shown that it can be done with effort.
there is no point in a shot for shot remake
>i heared you like demakes
you heard wrong
Our sources say he was actually. Everyone knows he worked on village, but that was his last hurrah. He was yeeted.
And no, Tucker Carlson never bullshits.
That guy was mocapped in RE7 as the demo dude. He didn’t seem like a bad guy but he couldn’t manage the RE westernized games that were phoned in from Nipon. 7 was fun but it doesn’t have high replay value. RE8 was ok for a single playthrough then you may have attempted to unlock all the weapons. Merc mode was fun. But the whole thing doesn’t feel like a resident evil game. It feels like a first person something. Idk
I'm still waiting for an actual re3 remake desu. The base game for re3 remake was terrible.
>3 is my favorite RE
>They fuck over the Remake
>We'll never see an actual remake of 3 again
All I have to say is, its been three years and arguments online still continue if this game is good or not. It shouldn’t be that hard, either it’s a good entry or it isn’t.
> it isn’t obviously
what a shit thread
Why? Because we aren't spreading paid lies? Go and play with your lurker sock accounts and pretend its a family. Shoo-Shoo. This is my show.
>Anyone remember this soon to be disaster?
Hah.... ah... Save us gaben!
Tucker why are you alive? Just to suffer?
Many (prolyl false) praises sing that she’s popular on Yea Forumsboards which she totally isn’t. Its so strange that so much smut has been made of a single re character in such a short period of time. Its like a law of nature: come out with all that woke shit, followed by copies not moving, backtrack and have instant regret. You’ll see these threads pop up with her naked stuffed with porn knowing full well its going to be ripped down or claiming its “will buy your game” after dolling her up.
> Fuck that
You wanted one of those people as your protag – you should stick with it and watch your franchise sink. I’m still waiting to see any successful modern franchise where they did this with a female lead and its still relevant.
> But all we got was tranny Suzi ‘Capcom paid for my sex change’ Hunter.
Fucking LMao!!
3 just didn't have the same magic place in the group consciousness as 1,2 and 4 have. I think the remake did as well as could have been expected.
It was average. They have 2 versions i think. one where its like a HD re 1 remake and another where its the 3rd person jazz. I really don't get the hate over fixed cameras. It doesn't really diminish when done correctly.
>Namefagging polshit
This board has really gone done the shitter huh
user are you feeling alright? It looks as if you had an aneurysm somewhere down the middle of that post.
I remember when this place used to incessantly mock fox FUCK IT WE'L DO IT LIVE and now they think the O'Reilly replacement retard is the second coming of christ.
This shit isn’t going to sell. This is why they aint releasing it. If the shit tactualr re3 remake game was its introduction why would they expect it to sell afterwards. It’s like attempting to sell
Its time to move on. Fans know its bad, Capcom obviously knows its bad, content creators know its bad as they’ve said so a dozen times. No one is asking to see more of whatever this type of game 3 Remake was as a sequel. It needs a reboot in a reboot.
And? she is hyper sexualized now. Still looks like her face got hit with a sledge hammer and a personality of a white middle aged single mother in debt. Buutt…
> milkers
> honk honk
You can play the original if you want the original you know. instead of dabbing or whatever it is you kids do these days
People were far less well-informed back then. The /pol/ influx unironically helped this board, people have become way more aware of the world and its inner workings since then.
Remake of a remake. Hmm.. yeah someone fucked up. But credit where credit is due at least they are attempting to do something about it. But it’s a fan game so, they are letting fans correct the mistakes of a paid company to make the game?
Remake ception.... **Dramatic music***
>But all we got was tranny Suzi ‘Capcom paid for my sex change’ Hunter.
fucking forgot about this lol. Capcom keeps trying to push online RE and it never works. Bring back Outbreak. That's it. That's all you need. Make more Outbreak style games.
Yeah it’s a fan game mostly done by one guy. It looks jankey all hell but its looks neat.
They blatantly lied about RE3makes lenght/depth after it was revealed. Might as well repost this for a hundredth time:
“You can explore a lot more of Raccoon City this time,” promises producer Peter Fabiano.
''You’ll find that you’ll be able to walk through areas and explore a bit more than in the original''
“Hopefully, fans of the original will be very impressed by the reimagined Raccoon City,” he continued. “It’s way more fleshed out, there’s a huge attention to detail'' big LUL
''Given the fact that the original Resident Evil 3 was constrained by the hardware limitations of the PS1, it makes sense that Capcom will want to expand upon its ideas and potential much more, now that they have significantly more powerful hardware at their disposal. Making Raccoon City larger and more explorable is certainly a great way to do that.''
See how everything that Peter Fakeiano spouted in these interviews after RE3make was revealed is nothing but lies and pure bullshit??
You can't, actually. You'll always know that RE has been redditified and completely destroyed and it'll sour any attempt at enjoying the original games. Hell I tried playing 2 recently and all I could think of was how much I hate DEmake 2 and all the reddit tourists that praised it. Reddit ruined the franchise.
This image is incredibly biased because both sides have been doing that shit. The country has only further devolved into tribalism and extremism since 2008
> You can play the original if you want the original you know.
Besides the point. If you advertise something as a remake then throw all of it out of the window for a cash grab then it isn’t a remak*cough*ff7*cough*. Remake
>the /pol/ influx unironically helped this board
it was the fucking death knell of this entire website what are you talking about.
Please stop
pic related is what is happening
the left histeria is clearly fucking everything up
just look at blues fleeing to red states and then turning them blue
Didn’t you hear? Its sexist to have skirts in a video game. After all…
>Don’t you recall the 2GB patch to remove all the skirts from RE2 Remake?
Weren’t you offended by Ada swaying her hips talking to Leon in the jail section? I mean it just made want to chop off my own dick and become transgender. I’m ashamed to see a woman in a skirt. Girls don’t wear skirts in this modern era! – Alex Jones
The fixed camera angle thing ended during the PS3 era. 3rd person shooter re's are great when its done correctly. Not like re6
That shit was call of duty or splinter cell with zombies.
theyre opposite sides of the same fucking coin.
Ada wang
What is this even about? Does anyone know? Is it just like the multiplaer that was included with RE3..? I haven't heard anything about it.
Please don't scare away our sponsors...
Its a big mixed bag of online mult-player DIVISION shit you've seen over and over. Skill trees, unlockable, hunter player fight kill player. etc etc. RE3 remake was the test bed. It didn't do so hot which is why we don't have it
>This image is incredibly biased because both sides have been doing that shit.
The difference is that one side is evil and the other is good.
this desu
It's abandonware. It's been 2 years since RE3 was released and RE:Verse is still unavailable.
is that a L4D reference user?
He did tell alot of lies. I wonder what went wrong with development.
Rumors abound say it was DLC turned into a full release banking in on nostalga fags. But more has to be to that puzzle.
Just watch it on youtube... there's like a dozen of capcom ponies playing the thing. Carci is the only one that hasen't played it yet in the past month on his channel.
I'm not even into gooks but that's one of them id make a colony with.
God RE fans are a fucking blight
No one cares TuckNuts. Tell us about RE4 remake. What's taking so long?
Remakes are shit because they change one main feature of the series, regardless of how true they are to the original.
Because of advancements in technology, the entire map is connected. Meaning that the enemy chasing you can follow you through rooms rather than being a random chance at an encounter in a room. These motherfuckers were never supposed to be able to chase you through the whole house until you either "lose" them or just take a nap in a saferoom for 40 fucking minutes.
They had a hard time porting over characters for Dead by Daylight... yuck
Holy shit, why would someone make a remake... of a remake? That bad? Never played the game but was it that bad?
Who's Carci?
This. Fucking plebbit defended the scene where Annette dies twice when playing both Leon and Claire scenarios. It was such an easy mistake to fix but Crapcom is just too damn lazy.