Which VG girl has the hairiest bush? Explain your reasoning. Examples are welcome

Which VG girl has the hairiest bush? Explain your reasoning. Examples are welcome.

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she is or was an aspiring actress, she shaves for sure

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Samus Aran. She's too busy.

I fucking hate Jessie so much it's unreal.

Keyword WAS, now she's a terrorist and doesn't have to put on an act or image anymore and be much more natural in all aspects of her appearance.

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Samus actually respects herself so no


She's literally asian


A confident woman has a bush.

asians dont shave

No Samus would at the least groom and tidy it up because she respects herself

Sakura for sure, asian schoolgirls are always hairy.

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i shouldnt have to explain this

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Aren't you guys tired of being wrong?

for obvious reasons

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You may have to since she can't beat Eloras bush

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Is that what happens when conflict and victory are your parents?

Just look at it

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I think we found the answer for this thread boys.

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I think this one speaks for itself fellas. Jeanne as well

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I hope her pits are hairy as well.

She seems obsessed with her appearance though, don't know why you'd think she's hairy

She is a witch from like idk 1000s of years ago she is definitely not shaved in the first game atleast. Maybe the second tho

Don't forget tifa

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Samus has feather pubes, this is canon.

>Explain your reasoning.
Tali Zorah is a quarian. The species evolved on a planet that never had insect life, therefore quarians performed the act of pollinating plants and carrying seeds. A species like that probably has some thick hairs in various spots on the body to allow pollen to cling to them.

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Yeah a nice landing strip.

Requesting motorboating Haley's titties.

Samus is too busy exercising, hunting bounties and surviving to worry about her bush.

Seems legit

>pratically naked
>still got her fighting gloves on
ok dude

>Asian bush

At least is two words you stupid fucking nigger.

Also she definitely shaves, you're double stupid.


her entire outfit is made from hair

idk man bush seems to be better than the giant roastie pussy she's got here

That's fur not hair

This. Only disgusting women do this. Nobody wants to eat and floss at the same time.

The girls in Resident Evil Resistance have full nude textures under their clothes and they have textures public hair.

no way, post proof

I thought they just have full nude meshes complete with nipples, since the clothes are just another mesh layer on top? There isn't really a reason to model pubes since they don't cause any external deformation in clothes. Except that a very thick bush produces a slight bump in undies

>game lets you make your enemy richer



>One thing that is a bit concerning about this, however, is how RE Engine games are built. Thus far, all of the human characters in RE Engine (RE7, RE2, RE3, and DMC5) have used a scanning technique called Photogrammetry, which allows for a developer to fully scan an actor/model in order to capture their likeness 1:1 for the in-game character model.
really makes you think

That can't be the actual ingame mesh texture. 1024^2 is too small. The ingame character textures are much higher fidelity.

>its true
megacoomers over at crapcom


Absolutely low test. Go back to your little girls.

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Do Saiyans get long pubes when they hit level 3?

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why does she keep turning her head left and right?

Ada Wong because she's asian

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Anyone have art of this??

Tifa for sure
>Jessie is a thot
>Aerith ain't even human and even if she was she's a "flower girl"
Tifa is a tomboy who happens to have anime tits and carries a strong girl next door vibe. She definitely has a thatch and hairy pits

She is such a hooker. You have to see her topless mod. Incredible.

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You may be right

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Jessie Kiss

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Aloy without a doubt, she grew up as a wild person away from her tribe, she isn’t cutting that shit.

What do you think about this? I made the edit

why man

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Where does the hairy Jessie meme come from?

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