Added a "common responses" section, please look it over starting from the top (ordering is not related to content on the left)

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I love my wife Ranni!

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fuck off schizo

the mystery is over

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>Malenia can heal on hit and do ridiculous attacks with clones
>Ranni can kill you telepathically like when you try to drug her and turn her into a sex slave
Clearly the Empyreans are far stronger than the other Demi Gods, Miquella is gonna eat our asshole alive in the DLC.

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>nothing wrong
>fought me

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>Miquella is gonna eat our asshole alive in the DLC.
Bullshit I already killed his sister. Miquella is gonna be piss easy once I figure out how to dodge his Waterfowl Dance equivalent

user it's called sorcery


Why did they remove this kino line?


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>>Ranni can kill you telepathically like when you try to drug her and turn her into a sex slave
Lore-wise I'm probably the strongest sorcerer in the Lands Between right now, so lore-wise I could probably do the same.

Did you have anything to add to the ongoing discussion? I address quite a lot of people's concerns with this new addition

Do you think that Vaati has a ton of Japanese people literally spoonfeeding him?
Or does he literally just rip shit off reddit.

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he definitely does not know japanese or have anyone helping him that knows japanese. he would have never made the 律 mistake if he knew japanese, and he would have never mentioned the "Greattree" if a japanese person was helping him

You should debate Vaati on stream

id rather he just steals my ideas the normal way so it doesn't sound like it "came from Yea Forums"

Was the age of dragons when there was a dragon elden lord?

When was the "age of gods"?

OP sounds like one of those atheists who study the bible, or people from History Channel who are like:
>Here is how this specific climate phenomenon happening in a very specific way at a specific time means that there is a scientific explanation for Moses parting the Red Sea
>No, I swear it's not a fantastical story with magic and shit, there are real historical explanations for everything if you interpret things correctly

>rennala casts Comet Azur during her fight
>sword of night and flame can cast Comet Azur
Uh wtf bros? I thought Carians didn't like Primeval sorcery?

but i talk about the rings magical powers though. did you read the new section? it's right at the top.

idk why you guys are so caught up on the "death" thing. and it boggles my mind further that people think the elden ring also controls other laws of nature that they don't specificy but will die defending

Is the sword even Carian? I thought it was heretical. There's also another spell that looks like Comet Azur but isn't I think, if not we can always chalk it up to the whole fight being an illusion.

Carians are just thieves who stole regular sorcerer tools for themselves, and Rennala is a hypocrite

>[224050040] With the stars of fate set into motion, a certain sorceress is dispossessed of her immortality...
>[224050050] Finally, we can be rid of a longstanding Carian weed...
>[316060010] It was for attempting to restore the primeval current of glintstone sorcery.
>[316060020] The toothless pedantry peddled by the Carian royal family can rot for all I care.

Graven-Mass Talisman [3001]
>A talisman depicting the first school of graven mages—a nightmare that would continue to haunt the academy.
>The primeval current is a forbidden tradition of glintstone sorcery. To those who cleave to its teachings, the act of collecting sorcerers to fashion them into the seeds of stars is but another path of scientific inquiry.
I think Ranni JUSTED Sellen bros...

She cucks her research if you go and marry the 4 armed tart, but no one with sense would actually do that so eh

>Storied sword and treasure of Caria Manor.
yeah, it probably belongs to the carians.

>With the stars of fate set into motion, a certain sorceress is

Man this whole star thing makes no sense. There's another dialogue about how Radahn is holding Ranni's fate in stasis by stopping the stars. What does that even mean? Is he helping or hindering her? Is he helping or hindering Sellen?

im trying to wrap my head around something, marikas hammer iirc says the golden order sealed away destined death.
godwyn was the first demigod to die but who are the others? melina was burned correct? was this when marika decided enough is enough? was this the cause? did she fucking 'break the wheel' to save her daughter?

The greater will was throwing Astels and falling star beasts at things it didn't like, such as the underground moon worshippers. Radhan used his power to halt this in its tracks, and consequently stopped the entrance we needed from being made.

Sellen was immortal because the stars, and thus fate, stopped. I guess her mortality is tied to the stars, and thus fate, for some reason? Maybe a result of her primeval current research.

Radahn stopped the stars due to the "Starscourge Conflict", where he secured Sellia from something.
>The Starscourge Conflict. Radahn alone holds Sellia secure. And stands tall, to shatter the stars.

>who are the others?

besides Ranni, no one is mentioned by name. The walking mausoleums contain dead demigods though. Maliketh also had the nickname "death of the demigods" when DD was imbued into his blade, but it's never mentioned if he actually caused any deaths

What about Ranni? They say he holds her fate in stasis too

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astrologers used to read the fate in the stars, by stopping them, ignoring that the erdtree did a similar thing (note lack of sun but reference to it) they can no longer read the fates.

i mean technically killing radahn does advance Sellen and Rannis quests in a weird indirect way by letting the player go the the underground city. but this seems more like a gameplay design choice than lore

Why is the lake of rot under the Acedemy
Does it affect liurnia

>She cucks her research if you go and marry the 4 armed tart

>The greater will was throwing Astels and falling star beasts at things it didn't like, such as the underground moon worshippers. Radhan used his power to halt this in its tracks, and consequently stopped the entrance we needed from being made.
Or Radahn is pro GO and is stopping Carian and Age of Star lovers from fucking with its shit.

>the erdtree did a similar thing


the giant tree blocks out the sun
I didnt even know it existed in game until someone screenshotted it at a later stage of the game / inference from lightbeams on the water

Might be something like how radiation therapy is useful, but nukes are dangerous? Comet Azur is fine on its own, but too much contact with the primeval current causes problems. Like graven masses and those two sorcerers being turned to rocks.

The way it’s set up makes it seem like he stopped the stars for Sellia’s benefit rather than the GO’s. He’s called a traitor anyway in the end.

the sky is just cloudy, but you can see the sun in liurnia.

im pretty sure the light coming from the tree are from the tree itself

I will never understand ppl invested in souls lore.

1/ It's not interesting.
2/ It's vague bullshit.
3/ It's filled with contradictions.

And yet, the shitter the lore is, the more invested the autists are since "OMG THIS MEANS THIS IS DEEP, SOMETHING IS RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSE THAT WE DIDN'T FIGURE OUT"

>He’s called a traitor anyway in the end.
By Morgott, someone who forcibly took Leyndell, yeah.

>They will fight, and they will die

Yep, I hate those devs who can't stop lying.

>1/ It's not interesting.
>2/ It's vague bullshit.
>3/ It's filled with contradictions.
nah i dont see any of that. these all sound like problems with your interpretation user

>1/ It's not interesting.
>2/ It's vague bullshit.
every fantasy world has unexplained parts
>3/ It's filled with contradictions.
it's not (in japanese)

Vaati just steals from here and reddit it’s not a secret

He’s probably behind some of these retarded posts himself

>the sky is just cloudy
you're ignoring every item relating to the sun in a lore thread mate.
plus you absolutely cannot see the sun in lakes thats where I looked.

im stuck in elden ring dont know where to go.

I went to that place with giants upside down hanged. (Mount something) I arrive at a dead end with the bridge destroyed.

I never went to the snow or giants area.
IS there anything important in the capital other than beating the Elden throne boss?

I found a tunnel underground, but all lead to dead end

>Muh interpretation
That's what I'm saying. It's vague and filled with bullshit therefore you nerds assume that "i-it's because from wants the player to have the freedom to interpret it"

World is already dead and everything that you learn about already happened.
>every fantasy world has unexplained parts
Except here it's filled with unexplained parts (even when you take the time to read every fucking item in the game)
>it's not (in japanese)
That's from responsability. Perhaps they didn't even pay attention to this since they know the lore is bullshit.

>The greater will was throwing Astels and falling star beasts at things it didn't like,

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>everything that you learn about already happened.
wow just like actual history and every fantasy book ever written

>Except here it's filled with unexplained parts
there are infinite unexplained parts in any fantasy universe (and the real universe)

>Perhaps they didn't even pay attention to this
Miyazaki personally consults with Frognation but at the end of the day he can't help them with every single line in the game, he's a busy man that designs every single part of the game

Just realized.
Radahn is holding a fuck ton of stars in place, yet only like 3 hit the planet and the rest just pass by.
I think he honestly is just trying to stop sorcerer fates at that point.

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He was called a traitor because he was probably looking to take the throne for himself, if we assume that's really him fighting with Morgott. Radahn doesn't really seem to have any higher ambitions other than fighting shit and being a warlord.

No, every fantasy book is about following the story of X character and shit happens.
Here the world of Elden Ring is already dead (like any souls game).

>there are infinite unexplained parts in any fantasy universe (and the real universe)
No, tons of shit are explained (see any rpg). Here it's just cosmos bullshit as always (the cheapier trick to get away when you're a hack of a writer).

>From deleted the second moon from Ranni's place with the latest patch
Is this true? I'm on NG+ and can't check it yet

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I want to kiss Ranni's hand!

Radahn is pro GO/GW:
Here is my evidence

>Worships Radagon and Godfrey (mostly Godfrey) as they are wartime leaders
>is the general of the empires armies
>Sieges the capital with Godefroy, GL heir, as his supporting general after a civil war breaks out in the capital with Morgott taking over as Godrick is forced to flee from it.
>Ranni, an anti-GO demigod wanted to kill him because the stars will open up her fate
>Malenia, an anti-GO demigod also wanted to kill him for unelaborated reasons
>GO is constantly trying to contain, screw over, or fuck over Raya Lucaria, Nox (age of star enthusiasts), Carian Royals and just about anything age of stars oriented as that brings about the end of the GO.
>He stops the stars from moving even in his insanity as that will directly bring about the end of the Golden Order.

I don't know if it was from but after getting Ranni's ending i went back to Moonlight Altar plateau and there was only one moon.

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Which hand?

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Kind of a shame, I wish he had more to him but he’s super flat.

>all the moon speculation
>inb4 it was just a skybox fuck up

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>>He stops the stars from moving even in his insanity as that will directly bring about the end of the Golden Order.
Nah, you can bring about the end of the GO without him dying.

>lore becomes mutable because From is shit at coding
holy kek

>Nah, you can bring about the end of the GO without him dying.
Can you get Age of Stars ending without him dying?

Not that one, but FF and shit stealer’s ending can be obtained. Also Age of Fracture.