For me, it's Neneko.
For me, it's Neneko
Women can't be alone, femcels don't exist and neither do lonely romance thirsty women
Kasumi, but they all seem pretty awful. I hate women so much it's unreal.
>Shiori - 186cm
That's it, she's the one for me.
I'm trans btw, not sure if that helps.
They do exist, they are called fujoshi, and you don't want to hang out with them.
ill take them all
Hot I love anal.
I don't see the downside to childhood friend Chinami.
Chinami is the only one with decent tiddies.
Shes clearly the NTR route.
I just want to motorboat Chinami's tits.
Judging by the appearance only, I suppose that Kasumi is the best girl.
Gokubro btw.
>shark teeth
There was never a choice. What's this from btw?
Chinami is literally the only actual chance that will happen.
Post the original design
shizuko or hatoko
>dislikes strangers and sexual harassment
is she?
vn name, is it like amagami?
Thats how it always starts!
Those are obvious red flags.
>school setting in japan
>characters genuinely look like japanese students and their traits are expressed creatively
maybe some people will miss the theatrics, but to me this is excellent design
these types are the ones who fall fastest and hardest to gigachad advances
everyone knows that if you cant see her eyes then its best girl
I want to fuck them all
So is this actually coming out or what?
all I see is NTR
How isn't Hatoko the only choice here? How mentally ill do you have to be to chose anyone else?
You might want to get your brain checked. Do some detox.
Gokubro btw.
is this a real game thats real and isnt fake or is this another fucking MACROBATE
I prefer the REAL neneko
golem get ye gone
For me it's fucking none of them if a girl is asocial she's legitimately maladjusted and/or insane and you should stay away and let her be, the damage's done and you can't fix it
who the fuck is victor bazan?
there's no getting rid of this poison
really though why remove most of the flaws on some heroines?
>chinami no longer has an ugly face underneath her bangs
>hatoko no longer has skin issues due to not eating properly
is it to pander to normalfags?
>Flirty and thristy
>Childhood friend
She's too perfect, compared to the others. It makes me worried too. VN games like to have twists and drama. I'm always cautious when things are going too well with the stories and characters. Makes me curious what her route is like.
This is a remake?
Goku lost.
katawa shoujo took 5 years so well have to wait and see, that's if someone is actually making something
redpill me on gokubro
it's nothing
because some of them were a real turnoff
have you seen how kasumi looked topless?
calling it repulsive would be an understatement
lets not forget the game is mainly to jerk off
no there were some concepts
Where can I find the old imagery kek
Soulless no real disability girls
They are mentally disabled.
yeah they are women and thats considered a mental illness now google bpd symptoms and it describes a woman perfectly
It's just not the same
>because some of them were a real turnoff
Then please play one of the tens of thousands of eroge geared towards normalfags.
It's not like Teaching Feeling immediately healed the scars before the sex scenes.
anime scars have their appeal and are one of the more liked physical imperfections
a teen looking like a 90 year old under the clothes is disgusting from start to finish
haha yeah wow thats sounds awful, you wouldn't happen to have that image so I can look at it out of morbid curiosity haha
Found it
I do.
you will have to dig through the archives for a naked version
which one smells like pee and hair grease?
unironically all of them
Give me all of them, nigger. I'm not fucking choosing.
yumi seems like the only one who wouldnt smell like it
this kind of girls make my inner animal go wild
Should be thicker
No such thing as femalw incels
Chinese swimmer mode?
Looks soulless