Why did they waste half the movie on the stupid wedding plot?

Why did they waste half the movie on the stupid wedding plot?

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Because Sonicfags ar literal braindead retards that will eat every single shit you give them as long as it has Sonic on it then attack every reviewer on the internet that didn't like the movie and then call it a masterpiece and one of the greatest movies ever made.


Why the fuck does Sonic have blue arms?

did they say your review was garbage?

>a masterpiece and one of the greatest movies ever made.
It's definitely not that but the Sonic parts are actually genuinely good (aside from maybe the dance off scene). The human parts are fucking godawful though. Even worse than the last movie. It was almost like they were trying to make the human parts terrible intentionally or something.

Dwarfbros...not like this


I should also clarify I count Robotnik as part of the Sonic plot and not the human plot.

so parents wouldn't get too bored

Hollywood. Simple as.

White guy punched a black guy so the wedding part was Based just for that.

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I hate that movies do this. We got so fucking close to a full blown no holds barred Sonic movie and they had to throw in a Black Wedding to keep the normalfags happy. Maybe next time.

Jealous tendie mad that not even his forced memes with Mario dont work lmao

That honestly surprised me. I'm also surprised Yea Forums hasn't tried to capitalize on it yet. The wedding parts still sucked ass though.

don't be racist, sonic is black now

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What's wrong with the screenshot? If the acting is shitty, an image doesn't convey that.

Not that user but maybe the black titties?

i read this in sonic's voice

>We got so fucking close to a full blown no holds barred Sonic movie
Sounds boring. The wedding is the glue that holds the film together.

brainwashing children with BLM shit

What's the angle here? No cleavage in children's movie? If they meant it to be sexual, they might have cast someone else.

>The wedding is the glue that holds the film together.

Every major character arc in the film is tied to the wedding. It binds the film together.

That doesn't make it blow ass any less.

Is anything with black people in it tied to BLM somehow now?

bro the human main characters are an interracial couple, it's an obvious jew psy op

The FAKED wedding is based, actually.
If you don't like it, you just have bad taste.

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How the fuck is Robotnik tied to the wedding?

i liked the faked wedding part. What i didn't like was the need to have an entire scene dedicated to that woman running the golf kart to get her revenge on her fake husband.

It's not Sonic it's Santiago

To hollywood and entertainment industry as a wole? yes

>Let's make this guys listen to rap and wear cargo pants
>Because we are making our show more urban and they're black

This. The fake wedding part was fine. Everything around it is what sucked dick.

That was legitimately the best part of the wedding.
I emphasized "faked" because there isn't a single "real" wedding scene.

I honestly thought the second movie was going to open with sonic being transported to another world away from all the dumb human side characters.

Less expensive to make than anything with heavy cg

To save money and pad the run time. Notice the bride and husband aren't on any of the group posters

I think it is entirely because they wanted to do that ring exchange scene

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his perfectly sculpted facial hair made me laugh then i wish i had taken a 20 minute shit through the entire wedding segment



It wasn’t “half the movie”, LMAO. You people have ADHD

not vidya

This movie has a literal Sega Genesis manual in it. It's vidya.

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Because sonic is literally pregnant with his first child at the time of filming.
So don't blame him for being out of the hero bus.

If you add up every wedding scene it's about an hour. The movie is 2 hours long with credits.

>Sonic is not vidya

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>If you add up every wedding scene it's about an hour.


It's not. You're just making up bullshit because you're obsessed.
And no. I'm not saying the wedding part didn't suck, because it did. It just didn't take up half the movie.

Now before you reply to me again, actually post proof that all the wedding scenes combined take up 1 hour of the movie's runtime.

>Now before you reply to me again
I do what I want nigga. I don't have to listen to you. Here, have a black ass since you enjoyed them in the Sonic movie so much.

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The dance off was just as cringe and embarrassing as the wedding subplot
The movie unironically needed more Jim Carrey

>The dance off was just as cringe and embarrassing as the wedding subplot
Nah. The dance off was right at home for the audience of the movie, little kids. It's a fun quirky detour before the real action starts.
The wedding scene is a unexplainable attempt at the adult comedy you would expect in an Adam Sandlers movie

>half the movie
You're over exaggerating

>emerald lets you create anything
>50 year old blacksite to clone sonic before they knew he existed
>human characters seem more forced
The lost my rings gag was alright I guess, and the inhaling bubble, I guess.
A black lady saying let's drive towards the giant death robot was completely ubelievable and then they didn't really do anything, Sonic being crushed and Super Sonic appearing from underneath his foot would have been fine.

I liked how it started because it was just completely out of it, but then Sonic and Tails are magically able to dance together like they have been practicing for a while, it got cringe real fast.

of course they pair the fat ugly woman with a fit handsome guy lmao

I felt bad for the lady. Her whole wedding and relationship was a lie. Then they went full cringe and redeemed the guy.

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>pirate fags try to discuss old shit as soon as a decent quality rip drops

This. I wish they didn't double back on it and make redeem the fake husband though

Yes. I don't give Hollywood my money please understand

That's a good thing. It provides a renewed chance for discussion

Thanks pay piggy!

>attack every reviewer on the internet that didn't like the movie
Did you even read the reviews you retard?
They were complaining about the Sonic parts and wanted the movie to focus more on the boring nigger wedding. Like you can literally not make that shit up.
Movie critics are the worst cancer on the planet and should be rounded up and hanged.