Bro...look at the writing bro...they speak in british and they very serious...this is so mature, just a game for me

>bro...look at the writing bro...they speak in british and they very serious...this is so mature, just a game for me
>bro... there's blood, politics, ugly realism... this is like totally grown up stuff...

Attached: Final-Fantasy-16.jpg (1200x675, 142.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The least ambitious Final Fantasy in history.

Obsessed tendie

What kind of obsessive retard spams this for years

Can it just come out so I can laugh at bad sales and how mediocre the game is? This faggot Yoshi-P is literally taking forever.

you sound liek a faggot

Holy fucking shit can Barry shut the fuck up already


This was one of the trailers that hyped me the most in years, and I don't even play Final Fantasy

>troonal troontasy troonteen

The internet has made this game bulletproof for me. I was on the same boat during the announcement trailer, but now it does not matter now how many times I hear the word uninspired related to it, I will probably enjoy the game no matter how much of a middling experience it is.

final midtasy 16 lul

I'm a bit scared because they got some devil may cry faggot to work on the game and dmc is for faggots so I'm afraid it will suck. Should go back to turn based

>vnshit>renting vnshit>danganshitter of all the vnshit

The fact that we've seen so fucking little of this game, and you're still doomposting it 2 years later, makes me think you're a Nomurafag schizo that's genuinely terrified that it will be good

Can't be worse than ff7 remake

looks mid af fr fr no cap
anyone know when the warzone update is coming out?

game of thrones?

The bad kind DMC clone that nobody asked for.
I'm expecting microtransactions in FF16

>The fact that we've seen so fucking little of this game, and you're still doomposting it 2 years later, makes me think you're a Nomurafag schizo that's genuinely terrified that it will be good
What's with FF14 troons and tribalism? Is the MMOERPG dilation sim the only thing that stops you from roping yourself? Nomura being a hack won't make your kusoge look better.

You're very stupid

No NFTs no buy

Hi Barry

Barry lives in your head rent free, FFaggot.

>You're being tribalistic!!
>brings out "FF14 troons" out of nowhere
So this is the power of autism, huh.

>it's not ff14 troons brown nosing yoship and ff16 I swear!

The combat system looks good and that's the most important part

Just like what the series has been since IV?

nah definately was 13 and 15, games just using the name and only the name

>responding to barry and expecting anything else

>its another "J"RPG in euro dogshit

>Barry made this thread because there is an anti XV thread up right now

how sad

Game looks good only thing I dislike is any mention of fucking crystals.

These are the same arguments seinenfags use to insist that their shitty genre is better.

Attached: x37wd2mzh6n31.png (1280x719, 621.04K)

This thread is supposed to shill XV, or is it Barry making Yea Forums fall for the bait but Yea Forums didn't bite

Is there any rumor about FF XVI? Like the game itself or when it is showing up again?

I've seen people say there's not going to be a party, but I'm not sure of that.

Low IQ shonenspic, begone.

>thinking demographics are genres
Leave and fuck off back to

Yoshida wears a new ring for each year FFXVI has been in development hell

oh shit, i didn't realize that YA wasn't a sub-genre of fiction, it was just a demographic all this time!!!!!!11!


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Attached: 16352470368644.jpg (1024x819, 238.75K)

witcher fantasy 16 lmao


If you don't want "muh politics" in your medieval Fantasy story, then what would you rather have? Another stale simplified plot about collecting crystals to defeat the evil one with the power of friendship?

Attached: 1535154780761.jpg (798x535, 72.25K)

I'm going to play this with japanese voices

Politics are fine. Just not real-world politics.

What does that mean? You just don't want them to make race allegories or LGBT+ themes? Would one country aggressively annexing another hit too close to home due to recent current events and be too real-world for video games?

>You just don't want them to make race allegories or LGBT+ themes?

>The least ambitious Final Fantasy in history.
IX was just a rehash nostalgia circlejerk that wasn't even supposed to be a main series title

What was the most ambitious?


>Ask me how i know youre too young to be here

Imagine caring about a shitty game from Yoshit-Piss and a retarded DMCuck. Couldn't be me.


Even worse
Generic DMC fantasy 16



>>bro...look at the writing bro...they speak in british and they very serious...this is so mature, just a game for me
LMAO I'm gonna play it with Japanese voices anyways, just like any Final Fantasy game should be played