You guys wanna crossword?
You guys wanna crossword?
12 neverever
16 dwarffort?
You are really bad at these, they are supposed to overlap not just chain together.
21 down: Infiniminer
12 is correct
16 is not clue: mmorpg
I used some site to make this
oh it's eveonline
I wanna love you, but I better not touch (don't touch)
I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to stop
I wanna kiss you, but I want it too much (too much)
I wanna taste you, but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison running through my veins
You're poison
11: Kirby's Pinball Land
not correct
clue: a dev used legos for camera angles
22 - childsstomach
31 is princess peach and 33 is the gamecube
bellyandchest for 22
15. cosmo?
18. toddhoward
34. roguelite
37. rensenware
9. Pic related
33 Gamecube
15. Birdo
38. Watamote
39. Sea raider
31 is incorrect
clue: a japanese man married this game character
33 is incorrect but kind of close
15 is incorrect
clue: game character from nintendo
18 correct
34 not correct, but you're also correct
37 correct
not birdo
15. samus
23. tim sweeney
14. Lifeline
19. Olivia
29. Rine
34. roguelike
1D pstriple
5 across
is CoinToss
13. bloodborne
34. soulslike
6. superdeepthroat
13 is another game that's long awaited and hasn't been released
34 starts with o
10: kirby
28 lostboy.exe
27 redeem?
34. openworld
20. toblerone
6 super deepthroat
20 Toblerone
How about we crossdress instead?
40, eggs
17 Mcdonalds
35 across is Tron-bonne
21 HideoKojima
27 Aerith
Yesterdays crossword was fun. Same person?
24 is signal
8 is Launchpad
21 hideo kojima
7. Reimu
Must be different user. Last one was tight lipped about if people were right or wrong.
35 is a videogame on the ps2
no, just another user that enjoyed yesterday's crossword
OP here, I'll be back.
If you guys like I'll add in the first letters of each unanswered line later
7. sneed
35 is theguygame
3 Uwe Boll
33 supernes?
7. Zelda
Not Reimu. I don't think she's old enough to post. This person is old enough to post, and she really did shitposted on Yea Forums with proof.
you got it
5: is a meme videogame that deletes your files
5. Lose/Lose?
31. neneanegasaki
26 ouya
25 down
Never even played sims i just saw rosebud fit there and looked up it was a code.
you got it