I'm Dante the demon killer. Has a nice ring to it don't ya think?!
Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Not in a million years
one job user
Fuck you
FUCKY OUUU-BLAAAAAARGH *vomits all over you*
fuck me? no, fuck you.
...and I've got a bigger dick
This was clearly reference to his hair soon becoming like that and poking humor at the eventuality
are you okay user?
this game was great, its a shame so many fucking faggots loathed it so much
it's unironically cringekino of the highest caliber
why was this game so angry?
I'm better looking.
*tips fedora*
Was he right?
Is it just me or does DmC have a hatedom kinda like Metal Gear Survive where you get the feeling that most of the people who hate the game never played it and hate it for some political reason, like Zack Snyder fans hating DC movies that he didn't make. The people who make the DMC games love DmC. DMC5 borrows heavily from it, like how modern Hitman borrows from Absolution. I don't quite get the sheer petulant HATRED the game gets. Especially since it's a noticeably well written game. Lost Planet 3 was the same. Very well written, quite enjoyable. But LP2 fans just seethe with hatred because it's different and was by a different company.
I used to get my hair cut just like this
El donte
Were you twink mode as well?
It only looks good on twinks.
I wish we got quiet donte from the trailer and not what we got
The general consensus is that the gameplay was fine save for the color-coded enemies. But the story, characters, and setting were extremely off-putting. It's begging to be hated
I notice that DmC has really, really good Steam reviews. And it makes you wonder whether the people who hate it are a vocal minority or not. Makes you wonder if their screeching made other people never give the game a chance. Makes you think about smoke and mirrors and propaganda.
>ten years ago
>noticeably well written
This bait could not be more obvious.
>But the story, characters, and setting were extremely off-putting.
But the writing is fantastic. In terms of writing quality it shits all over the anime garbage that is the Capcom-developed games. The dialogue is fantastic. The political satire is on point. Maybe that's the problem? That DMC's fanbase think the series has good writing and characters, and don't like DmC for not treating them with "respect" or whatever?
yea the board is just biased, pic related
Lost Planet 3 would have won a prestigious writer's guild award in 2013 but TLOU narrowly beat it. LP3's writing is amazing, and the fact the Japan-focused LP fanbase hate LP3 says a lot about their standards and priorities.
I will never understand the writing complaint because its story is much better than the average DMC story
It changes to onions because of the retarded filter.
It meant to be s-o-y which means “am” in Spanish.
you guys are trolling right?
With DMC 3 being the only DMC with a great story, no im not trolling
DMC has hilariously bad dialogue and not-great plots. DmC has you fighting the demonic embodiment of Fox News. DmC is a game that actually has something to say. It has characters with vibrant, rich personalities who aren't walking cliches. It's a stylish game that both celebrates and satirizes DMC as a series. It's unique.
Remember that most Capcom games have terrible writing. Resident Evil didn't have anything approaching good writing until RE7. And DMC5's writing feels like it's pandering to old DMC fans who want terrible writing for the "charm".
the writing is cringe is fuck wtf are you on about
99% I was either thinking "is this for real?" or just laughing at just how fucking retarded everything was
its a fucking disaster
>DmC has you fighting the demonic embodiment of Fox News.
In this regard, DmC actually has quite a bit in common with Metal Gear Rising. They're both about information control and American politics. And they both display a more insightful view of the topic than the series they're based on does.
>Remember that most Capcom games have terrible writing. Resident Evil didn't have anything approaching good writing until RE7
this is just wrong. REmake had good writing, as did 4 in a cheesy camp way. 5 had some great emotional moments like Jill falling to Wesker and not recognizing her old partner, Chris.
>99% I was either thinking "is this for real?" or just laughing at just how fucking retarded everything was
I think you might have missed the point of the game somewhat. It's satirical, and openly so. The game takes the self-serious nonsense of DMC where a man shouts, "I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIGHT!" and fans are like, "This is writing," and replaces it with a criticism of its audience in both politics and narrative. DmC as a game is shitting all over the ideology and politics of the kind of people who buy DMC games. Vergil is a parody. Sniper abortion is a parody. I don't get how some people don't understand this, but it's true.
I enjoyed it despite Yea Forums ragging on it at the time
>REmake had good writing
REmake's writing (and voice acting) is absolute dogshit, and is mogged by the Resident Evil movie that came out like a month later.
>5 had some great emotional moments like Jill falling to Wesker and not recognizing her old partner, Chris.
Oh, wait... Please tell me this is you doing a bit. This is like something a 9 year old would write.
>they both display a more insightful view of the topic than the series they're based on does
DmC definitely doesn't.
>why do all the bad things happen in this world
>da demonz did it
That's basically as deep as it gets.
Daily reminder that Mexican Donte needs to be made into a game.
>DmC has you fighting the demonic embodiment of Fox News.
That's not what I want though. "Businessmen == devils" is too overdone and too grounded for me. The cheesy fantasy stories of the original series are just more ____fun____. I don't need every piece of media I consume to be "THE JOKER: SOCIETY: THE STORY #12345" every time.
>he thinks the fucking PT Anderson RE movies have good writing
you're beyond hopeless. The original RE games had good writing in that they are very memorable and cheesy in an endearing, "so bad its good" way. The Jill sandwich line, everything Barry and Wesker say, the intonation, it's all seared into my brain because of how hilarious it is. That's a lot better than a story that TRIES to take itself seriously and just ends up a joke (DmC)
If you think this:
has better writing than: youtube.com
you're being daft.
>The original RE games had good writing in that they are very memorable and cheesy in an endearing, "so bad its good" way.
That's called blind nostalgia. They're just plain bad.
>That's a lot better than a story that TRIES to take itself seriously and just ends up a joke (DmC)
But DmC doesn't take itself seriously. It's a naked parody, like DUNKACCINO.
Japanese DMC is "sincere". DmC is not sincere. DmC is a parody. Like Terminator 3. Or Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
Holy kino
Thoseideas are good shit. It is a shame capcom will never do this.
A Parody of WHAT? you fucking imbecile you keep saying this but you don't say WHAT it's a parody of because you're talking out of your ass.
Read the thread, and the Vergil being such a literal weeb that nobody understands him due to only speaking Japanese is hilarious and perfect for him. The different masks making you into a face/heel is gold.
Almost Shakespearean
Literally the best thing about this game. Funfact, the spanish Va was on board for a whole mod of this game awhile back. Sadly he passed away.
I unironically still want a DMC/DmC crossover game where Dante/Donte shoot the shit and maybe have to take down the vergils or some stupid shit
I swear after the original pitches they put in to Capcom were rejected I think they just said fuck it and made it intentionally as cringe and edgy as possible.
don't bother engaging with this guy, he is the ultimate contrarian and a brick wall
I love spanish so much
I don't think anyone can in their right mind say that DmC is well written unless you are going on the assumption they made it incredibly edgy and offputting while attempting to be tongue in cheek. I don't hate the game, in fact there's a few things I wish DMC5 had taken and improved. For example a character with a similar mid combo weapon swapping system (this could have been a new style for Dante), a little more color and variation in location aesthetics (there's too many areas in V that are just the Qliphoth roots over and over), and also a tweaked Must Style Mode. That being said the game is pretty poorly written, which I guess I find more excusable than most since Capcom kept telling them to change the game to be more different from the originals.