Disrupting The Game

Continuing on from last thread

>“While Mr. Iwata had been the company’s global president for well more than ten years at this point, he had not moved into the formal, large president’s office used by his three predecessors,” Reggie writes. “Instead, he had preferred a simpler office, with his desk at the head of a rectangular-conference room setup that could hold up to twelve additional people.” Besides two large TV screens, Iwata had cabinets full of books, video games, game accessories and controllers. Reggie had always thought that the office looked like it belonged to a game dev instead of the top exec at a global corporation.

>The two greeted each other. Only days earlier, Nintendo had announced it was entering the mobile market. But first, Iwata had something more important to talk about. “Reggie,” he said, “my cancer is back.”

>“To see his concern, and for him to bring me back to Kyoto specifically to tell me in person, heightened my anxiety, and I focused on every detail he shared,” Fils-Aimé writes. Iwata switched gears, and after he mentioned his personal news, he focused on the company’s new console, which he said was “critical” to Nintendo’s future. That console was the Nintendo Switch.

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iwata sounds like a cool dude

reading, go on.

Post more select parts

>gets fired
>tries literally everything to stay relevant including turning the gamestock stock into a meme and writing books like a late night show host
>still only Yea Forums underages give a shit
Name a bigger downfall.

On Reggie's E3 2004 "My name is Reggie..." opening line

>When Mr. Iwata and Mr. Minagawa arrived in town from Kyoto, we sat down in a NOA conference room to discuss the upcoming E3. I set up the conversation by reemphasizing the objective to engage with our existing Nintendo audience as well as broadening our message to other gamers. I also emphasized that our in-person audience would be gaming media who were already biased against Nintendo. We needed to change the conversation by being bold.

>I had Don read my opening lines aloud to the group so that I would be free to study Mr. Iwata’s reaction. His face was blank, but his stillness, the slight squinting of his eyes, and the furrowing of his forehead told me that he was attempting to absorb the meaning and implication of the words.

>The room remained silent. Mr. Minagawa said something to Mr. Iwata in Japanese; I leaned over to Mike Fukuda to get a translation.

>“They don’t understand it,” Mike whispered. So I jumped in at this point.

>“Mr. Iwata, from our very first conversation you were clear that Nintendo needed to change the conversation with our business partners and with our fans. We need to be clear that we are focused on driving the industry. We are going to be aggressive. We will drive innovation. We will look to be successful across the world, recognizing that 75 percent of all gaming revenue is done outside of Japan. This line is the opening phase of our new direction.”

>Mr. Minagawa was translating all of this into Japanese for Mr. Iwata, even though we all knew Mr. Iwata understood English. He used this as a way to give himself added time to think and to understand nuances fully. Still, he remained silent after Mr. Minagawa was done.

>Finally, Mr. Minagawa broke the ice. “Reggie, I have a question. Why are you so angry?”

>Oh boy. I had a lot of explaining to do. “Mr. Minagawa, I am not saying this in anger. I am saying this with a conviction that Nintendo
is on a new path. A different path than our competition. We need people to believe our path is correct.”

>“Reggie is right,” Mr. Iwata finally spoke. “We are embarking on a very different path than our competitors. We have made so many industry advances for which we have not fully received credit. We need to be more aggressive in our messaging. I support this opening line.”

where can I get the book bros?

Amazon has the audiobook read by Reggie himself

Do I need prime

no i managed to get a 30 day trial without Prime

anonfiles dot com

>Another gaming related book that is actually a biography and not based on an actual game

if only reggie worked for sega instead of nintendo. he would have saved the dreamcast.

I doubt it. Sega dug it's own grave by the time of the Dreamcast.

why play a game if it is not fun?
why read a book if it is not interesting?

Peter Moore tried to save SEGA but the Japs were too retarded. Peter is still seething about it today even when he left gaming to manage Liverpool.

Damn, Iwata loved Nintendo.

My biggest takeaways from all this are that:
>Reggie is the only one who actually understood anything about business
>Iwata was a top-tier boss
>Miyamoto is retarded

yes this was my takeaway as well except id add that Miyamoto is retarded and an asshole

well I mean to be fair reggie is the only one who had a business degree. iwata was just a god tier programmer and got promoted to the top, and miyamoto is a random art school graduate who just happened to get a job at nintendo

t. Itoi

>>still only Yea Forums underages give a shit
user anyone who knows iwata at this point is over 18.

Iwata was so based

Seems like an interesting book.

where's the last thread?

He retired after the Switch had become a huge success and even handpicked Doug Bowser as his replacement. That wasn't getting fired. That was quitting at your peak.

>anons on Yea Forums think reggie is their friend
very odd

Posting for an upload of the audiobook

This is going to be the first real book I've read in a hot minute

I am unironically interested in his story at Nintendo as he saw some shit

Just finished the chapter where Reggie thought he was going to be fired after E3 2005 lol damn

Give me the parts about Miyamoto being a secret psychopath, and subbing cigarettes out on employees. You know he's like that.

>I also emphasized that our in-person audience would be gaming media who were already biased against Nintendo.

>We have made so many industry advances for which we have not fully received credit.

jesus christ, nintendo themselves has the same fucking victim complex as their fanboys. the media has licked every square inch of nintendo's nuts uncritically since the first super mario bros. and it's still not enough for them.

was there an ebook version of that ask iwata book? I bought it ages ago but haven't had a chance to sit and read it, but having an ebook on my phone would make it a lot more convenient

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No, people are interested as he saw Nintendo at their highs and lows and managed to leave with a amazing legacy.

Who doesn't want the inside on that? No Japanese developer or CEO will give the insight Reggie can.

>and miyamoto is a random art school graduate who just happened to get a job at nintendo
his dad got him the job through nepotism.

>the media has licked every square inch of nintendo's nuts uncritically since the first super mario bros.

You have to be a moron to actual believe this.

So Iwata was the good guy all along and the new president has turned the company into a second EA.

I'm sure none of us saw that coming.

Yes user, we know you're only 19.


my EARS are ready haha omg i can't wait to hear the sober dulcet tones of reggie

it's the truth, lil zoom. it's also why the media has always had such a raging hate boner against sega. they were the first ones to really try and stand up to the media's precious ninty, so they had to be crushed.

>dude you NEED to support this corporate shill!

>it's also why the media has always had such a raging hate boner against sega
user please, my sides are exploding.

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Gaming media have ALWAYS shit on Nintendo and still do. Where do you think the "nintendoomed" meme come from? You only have to read articles as recent as last week to see it.

What in the book made Miyamoto look like a moron?

>Reggie is unironically based

This makes me happy, even if I'm not a nintendo fanboy. I always hoped he was not a piece of shit and made good decisions.

Is there anyone left out there in studios like him and Iwata?

Please tell me this is an ironic post. It's extremely cringe if not.

Reggie suggested that Wii Sports should be a tie in for the Wii. Iwata and Miyamoto were being retarded and got butthurt over this, saying how they don't give away their games for free. Iwata eventually relented but Miyamoto was much harder to convince saying they don't understand how much work is put in these games to just give away for free. Eventually they were convinced for the western market.

Downfall? The dude was beyond successful and retired. He ended it while he was at the top (peak reggie memes, and he's now officially an integral PERSONALITY to Nintendo). Dude did it right. This is just bonus because he can afford the time. You're a loser.

>Only days earlier, Nintendo had announced it was entering the mobile market.
>But first, Iwata had something more important to talk about. “Reggie,” he said, “my cancer is back.”
No fucking shit.


And then he saved gaming

did these retards not see Sega immediately gain a huge chunk of the western market share when they gave away Sonic 1 with bundles? Well I say that but it's not like it didn't make Sega of Japan butthurt either when SoA did that. Jesus fucking christ some bigwigs never learn.

japanese companies have made it abundantly apparently they do not and still do not understand the western market and frankly don't really understand their own market either

I am reading "Ask Iwata", a collection of Iwata's writings, and it is clear that he was a phenomenal man.

Reggie had to literally remind Iwata that they have done bundles before with Super Mario World and the SNES:

>‘Mr. Iwata, I understand the value of our software. I know unique software has always differentiated Nintendo. But we know that Wii is a very different concept in the history of video games. Wii focuses on unique gameplay. The goal of Wii is to expand gaming from its current niche to a mass market medium. Wii Sports has the power to do this. Wii Sports can be a unifying element for all players of the system, and be a key motivation for people to buy the system and have fun immediately. Plus Mr. Iwata, I know Nintendo has history using packed-in software to drive a system.’ I knew this from personal experience as I had bought my Super Nintendo Entertainment System with a bundle that included Super Mario World.

When Reggie came on-board during the GC era, no, not really.

Was that a free bundle though?

wii sports bundle basically saved nintendo, kek. really got their consoles back in the hands of normies that's still paying off almost 15 or so years later

NOW can we finally admit that Insta was a good President? Or at least better than Furukawa by leaps and bounds?

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>Where do you think the "nintendoomed" meme come from?
faggy journos and fanboys (but i repeat myself) needing another low-effort meme to dismiss all criticism of nintendo so they could continue bootlicking with no worries.

I wouldn't consider Miyamoto an asshole for this. It's a fair decision and decisions like this are crucial considering the Gamecube and N64 technically did not do so well, and the Wii being already so experimental and cheap, I can see why it would not be received well to hear they're not gonna make profit from the game. He may have been wrong, but not an asshole, Nintendo was very much financially in trouble at the time.

yea he's an NFT bro too now.


Was that bundle available in japan?


Iwata has always been based. Anyone who isn't a shitposter will tell you the same.
As for Furukawa, we don't know much about him but we do know that Nintendo are doing incredibly well and we are getting shit loads of games so he is obviously doing something right.

Reggie and Iwata were just a dynamic duo that can never be replaced
It's no wonder Reggie retired
He knew it'd never be the same

Youre insane.

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I actually agree completely, Miyamoto came from a position of pride for the game and thought it deserved sales. It's just hindsight 20/20 that decision was a correct one and his proposal of Wii Play was not sufficient.

I actually don't remember, maybe why they finally had a compromise and have the Wii Sports bundle only in the west

Reading the book makes me feel bad about the Wii U stumble right after the Wii.

>I actually agree completely, Miyamoto came from a position of pride for the game and thought it deserved sales. It's just hindsight 20/20 that decision was a correct one and his proposal of Wii Play was not sufficient.
Exactly. I'm sure most of Yea Forums will ignore the 2 seconds of reasoning it would take to realize this in favor of flinging shit at a wall but hey, that's honestly why we're even here.

>name my band

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That's not all. That decision by Kalinske basically guaranteed that Sonic 2 would be a best-seller, and it was. #1 best seller for the system, in fact.

Reggie and Bing Boys

>NOW can we finally admit that Insta was a good President?
No. He still put Nintendo into a dark age of rehashes and Jewish practices like amiibo.

Too bad Doug Bowser is such a non-entity compared to how Reggie kept himself up as the face of NoA. Only reason I remember him is because of the Bowser last name.

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>Iwata was so humble
>He didn't even use the big office his predecessors used
>He was so modest that he just used the gigantic conference room sized office he had been using. The one that seats 12 fucking people


Can you blame him? Reggie made himself known at E3 in massive conferences.
Bowser hadn't had any of that and directs rarely need to show anyone from NoA.

there's a difference between a CEO office and a conference room that's built for code monkeys

He didn't sequester himself in an ivory tower office, he had a more open approach to his position, more akin to a lead developer rather than a business head.

yea I thought that too. How big of an office do you really need even if you are president. Need the extra space for a putting green?

Hell somebody just had to remind him of Tetris being packed in with the Gameboy as proof that a pack-in can drive a console's sales.

What did he have to say about the Wii U?

This really seems to be the case the more I hear of it. I know that it's usually been considered a trio that includes Miyamoto, but every time I hear about him it seems like he's been more of an obstacle than anything.