Picking a main

How do you pick a main in a fighting game?

I know I need to just pick one character to get good with but there's never a single character who calls out to me in any game. I have tried making the decision to just pick one before, but I always change my mind and then want to play a different character.

It also doesn't help that I hate playing the high-tier characters because I don't want to be a bandwagoner or cheap player. I want to be the best at a B or low A tier character so I can feel like the pick was authentic.

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whoever looks the coolest

pick the cool one with cool looking attacks you idiot
to believe that a wojak thread died for this baka

whoever has the bigger boobs, obviously

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Literally just start with who looks the coolest and once you’re used to the game, play who you find the most fun.

I pick the one with the coolest pose/posture. Any and all blades/swords are a bonus. If all fails i just play purple girl since that always works out for me

Literally just play the character you like the most and learn everything about them, including frame data.

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>they look cool
>they have a cool move/moves you like
if you cant pick one character you dont hate out of like 40, just play ryu you dumbass tasteless ass vanilla ass basic bitch

unrelentingly based

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does x character have move you think is fucking awesome and you want to do it all the time? pick them

whoever is the flashiest but also most bm

I pick the character whose desiign I like the most. If I like playing as them, I stick with them. If not, I move on to the my second favorite design and so on until I find someone I like to play.

i let my dick and fetishes decide. I main juri and poison

>Easy of Use
I love ungaing.
I think my only exception was Yosuke in P4A/P4AU, Jin in Tekken games before 7, and "Android 16" post nerf patch.

Gio, Alisa, Laura are my current mains.

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Pick somebody you like enough to keep playing the game for a long time

Whoever looks like me, or whoever can grapple
That's it.
I'm very simple

i usually pick characters that play at long/mid range. i fucking love zoning.

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>It also doesn't help that I hate playing the high-tier characters because I don't want to be a bandwagoner or cheap player.
Get that scrub nonsense out of your head right fucking now.
Also get the notion that you can't play your friends characters because that's "their" character.

go based on aesthetics initially
then just whoever seems fun based on moves I see while playing
I mostly play fighters by myself though since I just dont give a shit about playing against strangers and my friends never want to play fighters these days

its easier to do it when you have some experience, but usually there is a certain button or certain special that is just too comfortable to use, or there's some bnbs that come really easy to use

Whoever is fastest

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my brother

I choose speedy characters because I like being mobile.

I don't pick mains

from someoone who doesn't play fighting games in the slightest and actually hates the genre as it is now, all i'd do is just play every single one till i find a few that feels good to play for me and my playstyle with other games, and narrow it down normally based on looks and what not. guile would be the guy for me in street fighter. found this out when i got it on 3DS one time. Lars for Tekken, Yamcha in DBFZ, and Chipp in Guilty Gear.

Maybe someone who actually plays fighting games might see some kind of pattern with my mains in those games and would like to tell me what kind of player i am. that would be fun to hear. but yeah that's how i decide OP


oh and nightmare in soul calibur.

>Also get the notion that you can't play your friends characters because that's "their" character.
*brane explode*

I always start with whoever looks the coolest and gradually shift to whoever has the playstyle I enjoy the most. I inevitably go from the Ryu, Ky, Shiki, etc. of the games to the grapplers because I exclusively huff paint.

i love sucking cock so i pick grappler of course :^)

>Also get the notion that you can't play your friends characters because that's "their" character.
Is this a thing people do?
I usually avoid picking the same main as a friend because constant mirror matches is annoying but they make a fantastic secondary since you always have a good amount of second hand experience and can get advice, and learning to play them lets you deal with their stuff easier since you understand it more

I tend to try everybody starting with whoever's design appeals to me the most and moving down until I find a character who seems fun. Depending on the game and the size of the novelists I might not try everybody though.

>It also doesn't help that I hate playing the high-tier characters because I don't want to be a bandwagoner or cheap player.
Oh fuck off. Like you're going to be some god because you picked a really good character, you'll get knocked back down to the ground when anybody decent comes by. Play who you like and learn them, you're making excuses. " I want to be the best at a B or low A tier character so I can feel like the pick was authentic"? Who talks like that? Are you proving a point or playing for fun?

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Pick a low tier character, then you get the benefit of being able to mock people for losing to a shit character when you win and shifting the blame for losses to how bad your character is

why not play all then?

in the long run, youll start sticking to fewer characters, thats when you decide which are for you

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the idea that you need to pick only one main is a myth. that's the dominant strategy in Japan, but is by no means gospel, and since we don't have a robust arcade culture here it's not always smart to copy Japanese players even though they are dominant in some games. pick one character you think is cool from each "style" of character, and then you'll gravitate toward the one you like most while learning about all kinds of matchups.

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Absolutely it is.
>I usually avoid picking the same main as a friend because constant mirror matches is annoying
And right there you go.
>but they make a fantastic secondary since you always have a good amount of second hand experience and can get advice, and learning to play them lets you deal with their stuff easier since you understand it more
That may be true but really you shouldn't limit yourself at all and use the same main as your training partner if that's the character you win more with.

Another bad habit is picking low tier characters to try to even out the skill difference between you and a friend. All this does is make you better at playing bad characters and then you'll get out of practice with your real mains and not be advancing your skills with them.

You sound like someone who just happens to play the really good characters
Tier listings speak just as much to resonating with a character as any other attribute. Theres an extremely distinct sense of play being the best character vs playing the worst character, beyond just how much you win or not. If you were any good at fighting games, you'd understand that, lmao

Sexy bitches with attitude.

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Just play the main character every time until you find some unbeatable faggot character; play that faggot until you learn all his faggot tricks and switch back to the real man's choice and destroy faggot. This is the true path.

>that's the dominant strategy in Japan
Japanese tournaments are single elimination and single charecter is forced by the rules.

I picked Chun Li because of her legs and how beautiful she is.

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i look at the tier lists and find the one on the very bottom of every single one, then play him until i want to kill myself and drop the game.


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you pick whoever makes your dick hardest regardless of playstyle or power

Unless you’re a fag you pick a female fighter because why would you want to stare at a man’s ass the whole time. I pick Poison for her great ass and huge dick.

My advice would be that once you find a character you think you'll like for whatever reason, stick to them and never let yourself think you know everything about them. Learn more advanced, flashier, situational tech, learn match ups, just keep that sense of learning always present.
If you find a character that you autistically enjoy repeating their voice lines, they're a keeper

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Pick character that looks cool. Play for a bit. Move on to next cool looking one. Stick with whichever felt right.

People like this misunderstand why most people play low tiers (think of LTG as the exception that proves the rule I don't know anyone like this IRL)
This guy gets it most players seem to think either no one should pick low tiers or you should just act like you're playing a high tier when you are; playing low tiers vs low or low vs high (see jwong in mvc2) is a rewarding fun experience that has nothing to do with blaming x for your loss that's competitive player mentality moreso than casual and it's not healthy even then. Getting what you can vs taking what you deserve.

The tier list you commonly see online do not matter in the least at a beginner or intermediate level so don't worry about that.
Urien and Cammy in SFV might have been God tier before the patch, they were almost absent in lower ranking because their strengths could not be leveraged appropriately, Ken and Ryu on the other hand were everywhere below Plat despite not being high tier.

But to get back on the topic it depends of the game you play and how you want to play.
For instance in a serie like Street Fighter if you want to treat it like a sport and get better in the long run, pick a solid shoto as the game is balanced around them and it's easiee switch character later on.

If you're playing for fun a game without a core archetype or extremely similar characters, pick who you like the most based on lore and look.


>Another bad habit is picking low tier characters to try to even out the skill difference between you and a friend. All this does is make you better at playing bad characters and then you'll get out of practice with your real mains and not be advancing your skills with them
Not everyone is aiming for Evo, doing this provide a better experience where two player can play honestly in a fair setting it's more fun than sandbagging or one sided beatdown.

Pick a character that has some aspects that you really like. I like charge characters, or characters that have a command run, or just the super fast mobile characters. I hate big bodies and grapplers though. This immediately narrows down the list a bunch and I just go through who has what I like.

>they were almost absent in lower ranking because their strengths could not be leveraged appropriately
I dunno, I saw a shitload of Cammys in rookie thru bronze who spammed fullscreen spiral arrows or that weird command jump she has, probably about as much as I saw Ken and Ryu. Anyone who had something relatively straightforward that covered a good chunk of the screen with relative safety was really popular there - Abigail for his run, Balrog's dash punches, Bison and his scissor kicks, etc. Otherwise I agree tho that the low rank meta is usually very very different than what you get in competitive/higher ranks.

Any reason except
Hurr Durr he's top tier wow so strong.

I don't care about going pro. If the character feels good to play. I pick that one. Like Dan in SF4 is super fun to play. But in Alpha3 he's wonky af.

For me, it's
>cool/cute technical ninja
>someone with kickass defensive options

Pick who looks cool. If I don't like them I go to the next.

>Male: whoever looks the coolest
>Female: whoever I want to fuck the most

I pick whoever is the most fun

We don't use that word here.

Mess around with different characters and stick with the one that is the most fun.

Alternatively, pick a top tier.

Never understood this retarded mentality.

Give the characters an honest shot and you'll see what kind of play style you lean towards. You don't have to main just one, you can have a secondary or even a tertiary, it's just for fun and helps give some perspective.
>I don't want to be a bandwagoner or cheap player
Sometimes the character you end up having the most fun with is the top tier, don't limit your choices.