What's the Yea Forumserdict?

Personally I'm loving it, post your vamps and hopes for future updates.

Attached: Bloodhunt_cover.png (258x387, 203.49K)

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>battle royale

Probably the most fun Battle Royal, feels more like a Death Match mode with some abilities. Movement is good, guns feel good as long as they don't bug out randomly, etc.

At the end of the day it's still a BR.

This is what we get instead of Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2? THIS?

Fuck you, OP. Fuck your "vampis and future updates." I hope a random assailant rapes you. I hope they cum in your lungs and you have to walk a mile uphill to get help.

Perhaps this is all we deserve. Perhaps this IS hell, and we are all the demons.

>This is what we get instead of Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2? THIS?
No, retard. The fact that you even wanted the BL2 that they showed means you're fucking dumb.

Same, but some abilities are obviously more polished than others(The teleportation bitch for example is unkillable). They really nailed the atmosphere and the gun play is smooth but I still think this would have been great if it dropped the VMB title. It suffers the same issue as resident evil 6 where you can tell it's a great game, just not a great RE game.

>You're retarded for wanting what they showed you rather than something completely fucking different which is literally just battle royale #769971 this month.

lol what a nigger

Played it for a while and it feels as if Sony made an Infamous battle royale.
They should have made it a singleplayer third person superhero Prototype like game instead because the movement, super powers and shooting feels pretty neat.
Now it's doomed to obscurity and slow death because there's no competing with Fortnite.

The game is fun, keep being a miserable faggot while I have fun parkouring all over Prague killing niggas.

>Now it's doomed to obscurity and slow death because there's no competing with Fortnite.
True, all I can hope is they add some pve mode or it has a hardcore base to last awhile.

>battle royale
If you're not being paid to make these asinine comments, you are functionally retarded, and I might as well be listening to a lettuce describing videogames

Not my fault you're so fucking dumb that you think we got this instead of a shit wokefest.

>battle royale
Only in name, it plays like a deathmatch game. You really dont know what you're talking about

>Not my fault you're so fucking dumb that you think we got this instead of a shit wokefest.
we DID get this instead. You can't even articulate a post properly. Whoever shat this "game" out really isn't getting their money's worth hiring you, are they?

>we DID get this instead
It's not even the same game studio retard.

Attached: 2020presidentiallaughter.gif (355x200, 609.9K)

>we DID get this instead.
This game and bloodlines 2 are completely unrelated and were in parallel development. They also don't share any of the same assets and aren't even in remotely similar settings. Stop coping.

We got this. We did not get VTMB2.
So, we got this.......instead.

>We did not get VTMB2.
And thank God for that. This game is actually good.

shill nigger

Poor baby.

Attached: 2024democraticcandidate.gif (314x178, 456.43K)

Was fun, but i allready got bored after 2 days and everything feels like a monoton rotation

>those gifs
>those filenames
You do not belong here, shill nigger

Put your phone away and pay attention to the teacher, you need to pass remediate English this semester.

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>We got this. We did not get VTMB2.
>So, we got this.......instead.
You didn't get it instead you absolute moron. The two games have nothing to do with eachother. You got bloodhunt by a different studio, it's not instead of bloodlines. Please kys and raise the global IQ.

he's right though. If you get x and don't get y, then you get x instead of y. They don't have to be related. You can get apples instead of oranges, eg.

its fun but it lacks content
more weapons, more skins, more classes
it feels a little bit barebones

one aspect of this game that I like is the random NPC cops. They add a whole another dimension to baiting players but it also encourages turtling. Fucking hate Saboteurs

>he's right though. If you get x and don't get y, then you get x instead of y. They don't have to be related.
No, stating instead implys that they cancelled one thing to give you another instead. The two projects are unrelated. You didn't get one thing because the other was cancelled. They are two separate projects by different developers made in parallel. You are both plain wrong and borderline retarded.

why couldn’t they just make a proper sequel

>You can get apples instead of oranges, eg.
You just proved yourself wrong in that sentence alone. You chose not to get the apples and get the oranges instead. There is no choice here. They are unrelated. One wasnt switched for the other.

>No, stating instead implys that they cancelled one thing to give you another instead
No, it doesn't. It refers to what you got, not what they gave. You get one thing, you don't get another (that was expected) then you got it instead. "in the stead of".

>You chose not to get the apples and get the oranges instead
No choice is implied in that sentence.

Anyway, don't reply to this anymore. I don't want to help you bump your obvious shill thread for your dead-in-a-week battle royale based on a woke-as-shit VN series. VTM died with troika.

>he's right
Shut up you stupid samefag, you're not fooling anyone.

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>what you got, not what they gave.

Because the sequel got sabotaged by incompetent women to the point of being unsalvageable.

Okay, as someone who loved Bloodlines and likes VtM and WoD in general, but also enjoys a fun gameplay: is this worth a try?

How much do they pay you and how can I get in?

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>Anyway, don't reply to this anymore.
I accept your concession, go finish School champ.


>Okay, as someone who loved Bloodlines and likes VtM and WoD in general, but also enjoys a fun gameplay: is this worth a try?
Yes, its literally made for you. My only experience with WoD was bloodlines, Coteries and Shadows and I gave this a go on a whim. Legitimately solid gameplay.

Siren is the most fun class I think. Good escape, flash is always useful, and fast feeding.

Yeah I agree with this, although nosferatu has the best escape I think Siren is probably second best with the best ultimate. Enforcer isn't as hard to deal with as everyone makes it out to be, you just need to wait so their escape is kinda useless.

Why is the map so small???
Every fight it's like being gangbanged with the most random spawns

Because it's not a shit Fortnite BR where you wander around for half the match doing nothing, it's very clearly an old fashioned deathmatch with BR veneer.

>Every fight it's like being gangbanged
Pick your moments better, scout the area before descending on someone. I rarely get gangbanged, it does still happen but you can minimise it a lot by just being smart about when to attack.

>Because it's not a shit Fortnite BR where you wander around for half the match doing nothing
This is the biggest problem with BRs and this game does a pretty good job at solving it. Although the best solution would be just to ditch the BR veneer completely and turn it into a deathmatch first to 30-50 mode.

Old fashioned deathmatches have better mobility, which makes chases fun.
So in that sense the game should expand mobility skills for each class, otherwise each fight is pretty predictable

The mobility was better in EA, but it basically lead to insane creep and they scaled it back. They might buff is later on.

They need to add more content ASAP but it unironically might survive. I've seen a lot of people talking about how fun it is.

That makes sense, hopefully they do after the playerbase stabilizes

Its Ubisoft's Hyperscape, but dialed back enough to actually work. Rooftop action, VERY fast in comparison to every other BR, good TTK not too high or low, abilities and shit.

>The mobility was better in EA
I didn't play much of the beta but I remember sliding on a roof gave you a massive jump boost but it doesn't seem to be in the full release. That was in the game right, im not going crazy...

>feels more like a Death Match mode with some abilities
how many games have you actually played user

>how many games have you actually played user
Idk how many games but I've played 50 hours worth. It feels like a deathmatch with abilities.

Have they even released a roadmap or anything like that about what they're working on? All I know is they have added locations

It would be fine enough if atleast half of the weapons were actually useable.
The literal blue weapon you get from respawning is better than legendary revolver or uzi, or epic gatling who doesnt hit shit

>or uzi
Uzi is overpowered as fuck

>I didn't play much of the beta but I remember sliding on a roof gave you a massive jump boost but it doesn't seem to be in the full release.
Yeah, you used to be able to slide and leap to other rooftops, and the Blink used to go way farther. The speed boost from Vanish used to be so fucking fast too.


I get some weird mmo like vibes with all the dumb missions and shit around the hub. There's no real customization options for non paid players. Classes or whatever they're called in this game seem to be locked to one player only in three man teams. Also battle pass cancer.

Functionally the game seems ok, but I have a gripe against games that don't animate a character moving backwards. I swear only western games have this awkward character pacing backwards thing where they're locked in place whereas other games have the character fully turn around while looking back with a unique shooting animation. Not sure if it would be considered a type of dynamic animation or something.

That's a really specific thing to take issue with

>but I have a gripe against games that don't animate a character moving backwards.
What do you mean by this? I'm walking backwards right now and its animated?

Uzi is underpowered in my hands and overpowered in everyone else's hands

>awkward character pacing backwards thing where they're locked in place whereas other games have the character fully turn around while looking back
Or you know... you could just turn around? What lol

>Uzi is underpowered in my hands and overpowered in everyone else's hands
Thats a you problem, also the gatling is also very powerful, it gets more accurate the longer you hold it down like the negev in cs.

>flopped so hard people already forgot
Non-traditional zone mechanics, it wouldn't be a perfect circle that closes every time. Tons and tons of rooftops and climbing up walls. Abilities with cooldowns you could equip and swap mid match. Very high TTK, combined with the fast movement really killed it out of the gate.

People blaming about roles (or classes) either OP or dumpster-shit
Toreador still my favorite clan

I know its the dumbest thing ever, but it actually bothers the shit out of me whenever I'm playing any fotm with Yea Forums. For the most part garbage third person korean games do it just fine. But western ones seem to adopt this very lazy movement animation that makes it feel like they are moving on a dial rather than taking steps forwards or backwards.

Like facing toward your target when running backwards instead of facing away while looking back. All without adjusting the camera. Rereading that and realizing I kinda phrased it poorly. If I can find a gif it would probably show what I mean.

The uzi is a piece of shit weapon. It doesnt do anyting.
1 second with an epic tompson is more worth than 5 seconds of uzi

>Like facing toward your target when running backwards instead of facing away while looking back. All without adjusting the camera. Rereading that and realizing I kinda phrased it poorly. If I can find a gif it would probably show what I mean.
I feel like this would just result in all battles being people running away shooting backwards while someone chases. It would fuck up melee combat pretty bad.