Let's be honest for once. No one cares about his faggot nephew or that Criss Angel wannabe. Simple as. Dante will always be the main figurehead of Capcom's Devil May Cry. His brother is a close second though.
I want Dante to shove me up against a wall and have his way with me.
Oh yeah? Well I want to shove Vergil up against a wall and have my way with him
How about both simultaneously
>Not acknowledging SUPERIOR dante
Its saddening really
I don't know if I could handle that
sometimes I almost miss him
THAT... is none of my concern
They really need to stop wasting time on Nero and just make another full game with only Dante playable.
I'm tired of them trying to force nero into dante's story
imagine if you were playing god of war and half the game you had to play as his annoying ass son
or imagine if you were playing MGR and you had to play as the guyanese kid
shit is lame
DMC4 Nero is so cute though
I want a full game of Dante and Vergil bopping around Hell together fucking everything up.
talk for yourself faggot
Think of it as a "divine comedy"
I wish Lucia would come back
>he thinks Ragnarok won't make you play as Atreus
>DMC6 Dante and Vergil
>DMC7 Nero solo
>DMC8 the three together, final game
Throw in 1 and 2 remakes in between to please Dante solo fags
>No one cares about his faggot nephew or that Criss Angel wannabe
I honestly saw far more people being hyped about Vergil's return than Dante's.
2 remake more than anything. I wanna see if they can salvage it and make it something fantastic.
Nero is more interesting and better written. DmC Dante is funnier and more entertaining.
Simple as
Even a RE3RE-tier game would be an improvement
God I need the Sparda bros to sandwich me right now
All of Vergil's trauma would have been solved with a good dicking back around the time he went to Fortuna
Capcom have never trusted or wanted Dante because they didn't design him.
Theyve tried:
Lucia as dual main character in 2
Young alternative Dante in 3 (their own take)
Nero as dual main character in 4
Ninja theory Dante in DMC
And every DMC character in 5
They will never have Dante us the actual main character again
and if they could get rid of him they would
Because he's Kamiyas creation,
They use him to put over their failed characters
V is cool but his game play is lame and Nero is cool enough to me that I'm hoping he can make it to an actual fighting game like being DMCs rep in soul calibur.
Young Dante was the most popular one before dmcV came out.
I hated how he's so much shorter than his 4 version.
Bros does Tomboy buff any other Busters that use Red Queen or Blue Rose aside from the Caina one?
>Because he's Kamiyas creation
Not like Kamiya cares about him anymore. He even told Itsuno and Bingo to do whatever the fuck they want, even rewrite his entire personality. Bingo is just being respectful towards Kamiya.
Bingo is the worst writer the industry could ever witness, why this fucktard isn't fired yet
Is Itsuno retarded like OP's mom
how hard would a dmc with nero as the sole protagonist would flop
It's weird how fast they decided to phase out Dante. Since DMC2 is a nightmare everyone try to forget it mean Dante only had two games where he's the only main protagonist before he had to pass the torch. After 5 or 6 games sure it would have been time for new blood, but Dante is one of the main reason people buy DMC and people weren't tired of him yet. Plus Nero is kinda boring.
>Vergil steals uppercut, drive, round trip, and charging punch attacks from DMC4 Dante and makes them better
>Vergil gets a SDT that has free Quad S no matter what
>Beowulf's divekick travels much faster than Balrog's
>Nero steals DT-exclusive moves and gun charging mechanics from DMC1 Dante and makes them better
>Dante is left with useless gimmicky shit to make his gameplay "more unique"
>Dante's DT has no reason to be used outside of passive regeneration now
>Dante's SDT has tanky controls that ruin the flow of the game
>can't exit SDT unless you get Quad S, leaving you at the mercy of whether or not the game arbitrarily keeps you at the maximum style rank
>even Dante's SDT steals shit from DMC1 Dante's normal DT mechanics and makes them less convenient and readily available for the reason above
>SDT black hole takes longer than the Quad S window
>A Swordmaster move for one of his weapons is locked behind A FUCKING PAYWALL
>one of his best weapons replaces good skills with tedious in-game grinding so you can pay homage to DMC2 and hold the shoot button to win like a retard
>half of Dante's arsenal isn't even good against Vergil, so they have to make him a hyperaggressive superarmored annoyance just to stand a chance as a DLC boss
You can't look at this and tell me they're not doing this on purpose. They're trying their damnedest to smear Dante.
I would settle for just a hug
>Bingo is the worst writer the industry could ever witness
He really isn't and that's being hyperbolic. There are far worse than him, and he did give us the story of DMC3 if nothing else. I would argue he's the reason why characters like Dante and Vergil became so iconic.
Speak English, eslnigger.
You most likely won't see Dante as a playable character anymore.
Capcom has been wanting to retire Dante since DMC4 the same way they got rid of Vergil. He served as a mentor in DMC4 and the ending has lead to the idea that Dante is going away.
After DMC4 CAPCOM didnt even want to continue the series because it flopped with the half assed 2nd part.
They brought back Vergil as DLC as more fan service but non canon.
Now in DMC5, they brought Dante and Vergil back once again to revive the IP but made it clear that they were going away.
Also Nero was never supposed to be Vergils son, he was probably a younger brother or probably didnt even have any affiliation with Sparda. He was only made son of Vergil after fans kept coming up with theories about it but Hideaki Itsuno never admited it until DMC5.
Get used to the idea of losing Dante and MC for the rest of the series.
>he was probably a younger brother
That would be retarded
>Also Nero was never supposed to be Vergils son
Factually wrong
Not much desu. Nero has been pushed for the last two games and people recognize him pretty well now, plus he would be attached to the DMC name. I think it would do fine if it were to be released (not that I hope that, the series needs at least one other Dante only installment, then they can fuck off and do whatever they want).
Funnily enough, its Dante's popularity that stagnates him. He can't be anything more than the wacky man now because its what fans want. Plus his big character arc already happened in 3. In terms of character, he has nothing new to bring to the table while also not pissing people off. Vergil and Nero is where we will see actual arcs and changes. Despite all the bitching 5 bent over backwards to put Dante over strong. He got numerous cutscenes of weapon antics, strong character interactions, nostalgia trip of M12, blazing back to Urizen in half the time it took the rest of the gang, getting SDT and a new sword, fan service galore with King Cerberus and M18, a big finale against Vergil, the happiness he has at the end. In a game with two other playable characters, a villain and supporting cast, Dante did very well. Taking the spotlight at more key moments and despite being one of 3 playable characters, so much effort and love went into him making him the best he has ever been.
Hopefully DMC6 will just be playable Dante with Vergil as an unlockable and helping out in cutscenes. No Nero fuck Nero. He's had two games, get him out of there.
No. You can get more damage out of the Busters for Riots/Chaoses, Baphomeths/Lusachias and Empusa Queens if you mash though.
This. I think DMC5 is a good sendoff to Dante. The reason why there hasn't been any progress with him or Lady and Trish is because their character arcs are over and the only reason why they're brought back is out of obligation. I think DMC5 opens up new opportunities for the series that people don't even realize.
It's true. Nero is and always was trash and i don't even need to go over how much of a fag the other guy is. Literally all they do is detract from the games they are in. Nero playstyle is fun enough but it's nothing Dante could not be doing.
Multiple playable characters are based and aid with variety and replayability, I wish DMC5 had gotten more as DLC.
>dmc5 was your first dmc
RE 1 Remake style for DMC 1. Whatever the fuck for 2
Would be cool
Testing on shield Angelos. Is the damage on them with and without tom boy while doing buster moves.
Fuck, missed opportunities with the Busters all around
Another objectively wrong statement, but I guess that is an inescapable habit of yours.
There is no problem with story Dante. Plenty of stories has the main character as a sort of static individual while the character around them are the ones that go through some kind of character arc, James Bond does this a lot. The problem is that Dante is now known as the complex playstyle character and they can't change him without pissing people off. Nero literally exists to be a more newcomer friendly character.
>Dante's DT has no reason to be used outside of passive regeneration now
>What are TS buffs?
>What are RG buffs?
>What are Sword Formations?
>What are DT attacks?
>What are armor, speed and damage buffs?
>Dante's SDT has tanky controls that ruin the flow of the game
>leaving you at the mercy of whether or not the game arbitrarily keeps you at the maximum style rank
Literally get good.
>even Dante's SDT steals shit from DMC1 Dante's normal DT mechanics and makes them less convenient and readily available for the reason above
Almost like those abilities were busted in DMC1.
>SDT black hole takes longer than the Quad S window
It's an insta-kill, stupid.
>one of his best weapons replaces good skills with tedious in-game grinding
Faust has the best functionality of any of his guns, and if you want you can literally turns its higher tiers off so it never spends too many orbs.
Honestly fuck Vergil's uppercut anyway, I want Rising Sun back
Nero being Vergils son was confirmed years before DMC5 even existed.
>says retarded shit
Like clockwork.
This art was cringe for Dino since angels never appear in his game. Doesn't fit Dante cause he's not the kinda guy who'd visit a strip club.
>Capcom have never trusted or wanted Dante because they didn't design him.
Peak Kamiyafag comment.
>wacky man
>spends 5 being le serious
>only shows off during weapon demonstration like he always did
>Xd pizzaman xd
>Doesn't fit Dante cause he's not the kinda guy who'd visit a strip club.
The stripper angels were in Donte’s game. This the ale of big dick energy. Vergil > Dante=Donte > squirrel that got jerked off > Vorgol
Oh wow that's why 5Dante gets
>all the fun levels
>all the fun bosses
>new weapons
>dt buff
>mops floor with Urizen
>gets nostalgia trip
>final showdown with Vergil
Clearly Capcom are trying their best to get rid of him
>muh dante
>3 out of 5 games you can play all the way through just with him
>4 out of 6 if counting the reboot
We've had enough I think, don't come crying when he doesn't get anything completely new next game aside le token wacky weapon and Ifrit 6
The hell are you saying? He's literally only serious with Urizen.