Thanks Squeenix, I hate it
Thanks Squeenix, I hate it
More like JUST Enix.
They’re called square because they’re out of touch.
Let videogames die.
>Square and Sega will die in your lifetime
That said freeing the franchises from the clutches of shite directing, i wonder if Thief or Tomb Raider could actually get proper games now. The chances certainly increased.
>sell whole western division for a pittance, believing you can turn the cash into crypto gains
>still mentioning the fucking "cloud"
In its press release, Square Enix pinned the sale to a need to “[adapt] to the changes underway in the global business environment by establishing a more efficient allocation of resources.” It also specifically called out the “launch of new businesses,” with blockchain listed alongside technology such as A.I. and cloud computing.
thank fucking god they sold all of those IPs, maybe now someone is going to make an actually good game with them
NFTs are juch gacha you can sell. Who the fuck cares abou that shit. apologies for mispelling i ma faapping right noe
Seething old people getting mad about an industry they don’t have the skills to work in itt.
No it wasn't our retarded business gimmicks that Avengers and Babylon's Fall failed, it was the studios. We will continue to expand into NFT and live service gaming.
Sega will turn into a movie company.
Yeah, NFTs is what the gamers want.
I can't fucking wait for my games to be infested with south-east asians.
I love it! it's what I always wanted! based SE!
>>still mentioning the fucking "cloud"
They are Japanese boomers, give them a break. 90% of them probably can't use the Internet to check e-mail.
Wonder what will happen to the fourth nu-raider game that was in development
This is just corporate speak, my guess is they're trimming fat to become acquirable by Sony
Get lost, Grubb.
>People at the top of a pyramid scheme say the pyramid scheme is good
>Nu Sony
>wanting nip studios and IPs over western ones
I find it hilarious how desperate companies are to jump on the NFT train, bitcoin really mindbroke them into fearing missing out. I remember watching one of the newer episodes of shark tank and they went rabid for the first NFT project someone brought in and went on rants about how NFTs are the future
they want final fantasy 14 for games as a service and dragon quest to pull japanese gamers back unto playstation hardware.
This company is so garbage it's a miracle that it's still alive.
Crystal Dynamics being free of Marvel shit is the best part of this.
The worst part is when you ask NFT drone how they will make money and increase the value of your "asset" they either call you a FUD spreading shill, mention a pyramid scheme without saying pyramid scheme (it will blow up and when more people get in it will go to the moon) or some abstract thing about the "metaverse".
NFTs are just speculative assets and everyone invested in them is just trying to make a quick buck by flipping them off before they pop and crash down and they're left holding worthless bags.
Like yeah I get it, you're in to make money and hopefully sell before they're worthless, but at least fucking admit it instead of trying to come up with mental gymnastics as to why your monkey jpg has value outside of speculation
Sony didn't buy Squaresoft when Playstation was actually Japanese and when Square was a gnat's dick away from death. What makes you think nuSony will ever buy Square Enix when SE are becoming LESS westernized?
NFTs are beanie babies for zoomers
Probably didnt sell Life is Strange because they couldn't find a buyer.
Embracer didn't want that shit, even they know it's a dead franchise
The idea of just selling jpegs and seeing a few guys strike gold making millions on nfts gave companies greed boners.
lol based
actually Gex has been maintained by Square Enix as they plan to use him for NFT schemes
I thought Funko Pops would be the new Beanie Baby, but fucking hell you're absolutely right. NFTs are even kinda hand-in-hand with a transitional stage of the Internet just like Beanie Baby faggotry was.
>SEGA and Squeenix will finally kill themselves with their own stupidity
>Blizzard has already done it by now
>Ubisoft is kill
Based. Only Bioware left and the karma train will be satisfied, if for a while.
>life is strange
you sold tomb raider, deus ex and thief for pennies and... keep that one?
Can't sell what nobody wants to buy.
>Life is Cringe
Sometimes I forget that SE owns that shit.
stuff they just license out to 3rd party developers seemed to have stayed
(rip sleeping dogs hopes)
They'd legitimately have to PAY someone to take that particular load of crap off their hands.
Can someone explain how this is actually bad?
Fans of Squeenix's Japanese games fucking loathe their western divisions with a passion and have always seethed when western games took up large spotlights at their reveal conferences (E3 presentations etc.)
Actual fans of Squeenix's western branches seem to agree that the franchises they've undertaken haven't seen stellar releases under Squeenix. Hitman has done a lot better under IO than it ever did under Squeenix for exmaple.
I think if any buyer had to acquire the remaining western Squeenix let's be honest, AA--not AAA franchises collecting dust/being misused by Jap salarymen, Embracer/THQ Nordic was literally the best possibly option. Fans of Jap Squeenix games no longer have to have entire twenty minute segments of cons eaten up by Guardians of the Galaxy and fans of their western franchises now have a chance to get good games (or any games at all) release under a publisher that ostensibly would know a little more about them as opposed to incompetent suits in Japan so desperate to get westerners to like them that they're starting to make their own westernized-style games cough Forspoken
I think it's much closer to US collectable bubble. The glut of Bored [Animal]s and [Adjective] Apes is strikingly similar to the mass print runs of Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie cards and foil variant #1 Image comics.
i can see sony/microsoft wanting that studio for ganes like that
Why do digital game items even need to be NFTs? Games have dabbled with RMT before and they didn't need a blockchain.
selling isnt bad, that price is horrendous though
300 million for tombraider, deus ex, thief and sleeping dogs and all the studios is extremely cheap
It's good for everyone including Square, the only fuckup is just how fucking cheaply they sold it.
Hopefully the NFT shit is just investor talk and they instead focus more on their own IPs. Use the extra funds to hire an actually competent team for the old game remasters.
>SE still has Outriders
>just learned theres actual game dlc coming out despite them saying they had no plans for it even if the game sold well
i mean i liked the game even though i never finished it but why now
>I liked the game even though I didn't finish it.
You could make a half assed game with any one of those IPs and make more than that. They're either undervaluing their own products, or more likely it's a sign that they're in need of liquid capital right now and are willing to take any offer.
I see we are having another day of total freak outs over an ambiguous statement about NFTs?
Beanie babies were made by one company that made sure there was scarcity. NFTs are closer to the baseball card collection mania when iirc 80 billion cards were being printed every year.
>dead Western IPs
And nothing of value was lost
game came out at the end of my college semester so i got maybe halfway through before i didnt have time to play. hopefully they fix the underwhelming legendries
Announced way back when the game was successful at launch. It wasn't made then, thats why now.
Those IPs are unironically better off at THQ Nordic
Or there was some specification of the deal which resulted in SE proper no longer bearing the financial responsibility of shit like Avengers' failure.
>Fans of Squeenix's Japanese games fucking loathe their western divisions
Which is hilarious as they were the only ones releasing anything decent from that shit company
NFT’s are just digital collectibles. They don’t have to make people money, look at Pokemon cards or stamps if you want to.
I wonder if Square Enix distancing themselves from radical westernization might also make their relationship with Playstation shaky (which already must be at least a bit awkward after Sony themselves began quickly abandoning PS5 exclusivity for first-party games while still leaving FF16 and likely FF7R-2 as well lol stuck with PS5 exclusivity).
Because those IPs are now under a western overlord.
Wait what happened? What was sold?
So will they hire devs from Eidos as well? I want to see a closure of Adam's story.
NFTs might have been an actually good thing when it comes to arts but greedy grifters using picrew randomizers to sell shitty monkey addresses to the most insufferable people. at least i can buy shit with crypto
>Announced way back when the game was successful at launch
nevermind i misremembered "no DLC roadmap" for no dlc
All of square's western divisions and their IPs
>NFT’s are just digital collectibles.
Yeah but nobody invested in that shit wants to admit this. Every NFT needs some kind of grand scheme to give them value outside being something you hold and hope it magically goes up in price.
I think it could be cool if you can move them to different games/IP’s entirely potentially. Plus actually something slightly unique as opposed to the same designed stuff others have in-game. Probably some other stuff I can’t think of but yeah it doesn’t make too much sense unless your game is built for those kinds of things, like Play to Earn style games.
>the worst shit Square has ever made
Awesome, I see this as a win
SE doesn’t have the IP rights to Dragon Quest. That would be Armor Project.
Honestly based
Does square still have this?
Wait so who has Deus Ex?
My company is pretty candid about their nature, not everyone in our Discord server likes it but there is money to be made in any market if you’re smart enough. Some people just expect to make 3x their money overnight which is very unrealistic.
So who are Embracer Group? Are they Snoy-tier of leftist niggerism or will the games be okay?
I would really prefer if they didn't bastardize my Lara Cuteft. I still think it was beautiful how they tried to desexualize her and accidentally made her more delicious instead.