Best Movement

What game has the best movement? I would have to say any game that's either directly using the id tech engine, like quake, jedi knight, RCTW. Or games that are constructs of that engine like goldsrc/source games.

Air strafing on it's own is probably the most skill based movement of any game

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Unironically Fortnite

Rivals of Aether is just melee movement but smoother and without the wack inconsistency

quake 3 threewave mod or OSP

Sonic Robo Blast 2, DOOM Eternal, Mario Odyssey.

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Mario Odyssey

q3 cpma

*sneers in 90s*

Jedi Outcast/Academy imo, force jump and lightsaber swinging trickery makes id tech 3 movement even more versatile


Tribes 2. I would play that shit for hours just skiing around snagging flags not even engaging in combat

>spending hours tuning keybinds so that i would run up to people and then spin in a 180 and reverse attack them for an instant kill

good fucking times.

This game is great, but it definitely had some issues in my eyes, notably the dash mechanic, how you have to time your dashes rhythmically on the ground (every few frames iirc, or you don't keep your momentum/keep "mspeed"? there are maps to train you on this) instead of just holding the button or something, it feels like an exploit and barely a legit mechanic because the game doesn't show the timing properly so you just have to practice it. It also adds a lot of unneccesary strain to your thumb/finger because you have to keep tapping dash every time you retry a stage, and the mashing really builds up on the cramping over time because it can take over 2 hours to double-S some of these stages the first time you try them. Great game overall, though, and great experiment with platforming.

Titanfall 2, fuck the rest

Dark Souls 2 has the beat movement of any game ever invented.

Quake 3 for me, both vq3 and cpma have a lot to offer. It's not just strafing either, smoothly rocket jumping around the map is so fun when you're decent at it.


Warframe, in spite of the lootyshooty eternal grind, has fantastic movement. It's why I haven't been able to leave it for all these years.

As for anime fighting games, Touhou Hisotensoku has the most mechanics relating to dashing and flying, and pretty much has the most freeform movement in any "normal" fighting game.

The Mega Man X games (at least the ones I played, which is X1 to X6) still have the most satisfying action platformer movement I've played in the genre. It just feels perfect. Never in the games have I ever felt that failing to make a precise jump was ever my fault. I died a shit ton to bullshit enemy patterns and placements, but never have I died because of imprecise movement.

>Source engine
>Can wallrun, slide-hop and strafe in mid air
>dat grapling hook
speed is life

Any Quake engine game with strafejumping in it is going to be a favorite of mine.
Quake Champions is probably my favorite movement based multiplayer shooter simply because of how many different styles of movement there are between some of the champions. You got the base strafejumping, CPMA movement, crouch sliding, rocket jumping, nail climbing, tri-bolt jumping, air dodging, and even grappling hooks. People shit on the activated abilities, but I find the passive abilities of different champions far more interesting.

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Games are being dumbed down for the low IQ zoomer masses. Compare the movement in say CS1.6 to Valorant. It's a fucking joke. Everything is going to absolute shit and it makes me want to jump off a bridge.

Unironically Daikatana. There is a lot fucking wrong with that game, but the movement is the best there has ever been.

Where's the quake tranny with his heckin rocket jumps?

Attached: super fast movement 1.webm (1000x600, 2.97M)

Why are you so bad at cyberpunk holy shit.

yeah you just have to watch the 10s gauntlet speedrun to know this is FLUID fucking movement

melee movement is wack as af and also gay

This. I don't think there's a single shooter that came after 2016 and surpasses it in terms of movement.

it's gotten to the point that contrarian faggots will underline a Sonic ad to pretend they love oppression. I think the Hindus are right and there are more bodies than souls on Earth.

post the Fallout 4 one please

samefagging just to show the most recent 10.1s record

What? I hate oppression, like Sonic.

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my b I thought some homo underlined it to show how "woke" Sonic is or something

KH2 has very good movement.


>Max speed: 114.5 kph

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Hot Lava

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i will never get tired of these

HL1 longjumps are a satisfying way to start out your strafe jumps with some momentum.
Just Cause 3 is pretty sweet. Can't think of any other games where you can boost off the ground/in water into a human fighter jet. You can mod the jetpack to have even more boost and turning radius.

No worries. I think the point is that Sonic is against oppression (which includes bigotry) and he is for freedom.

Elden Ring

Riders Republic has jetpacks as a "sport", I guess

id have to agree for idtech and stuff based on it (like source).

Movement mechanics felt pretty bad and you could barely go fast. It just felt like bootleg source engine bhopping. The weird domestic abuse level was hilariously retarded though.

Probably some platformer and not a shooter

Spiderman 2: The Movie: The Game

>it's gotten to the point that double contrarian faggots see a fucking random sonic picture and instantly think of /pol/
My god


dash strain only matters if you play with your pinky or are going for top times for any% on boost maps. the levels that are hard enough to take hours to SS are the ones with relatively little boosting, plus if you're new you won't even know how to boost really. also dashing being a timed thing adds so much skill expression that holding a button wouldn't allow for and no other game really replicates it.

This is the most reddit video I have seen all week.

Agreed. I've yet to have as much fun as in Titanfall 2 just moving fast.
Ultrakill and GttOD are both good too

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oh I guess Ghostrunner is decent too although it always felt to me like the dash distance was a bit short and running speed a bit too slow

Quake 1 Bhop is swimming like a fish

Quake 3 Bhop is like being pulled by a speedboat, on a wakeboard without fins

Generally I prefer quake 1

Hell yeah brother, best multiplayer FPS ever made.

How often does GTTOD see updates? Looks promising.

>no platformers have kino quake movement so they must cope

I'd like to know that too.
I bought a similar-ish title a while back (Cyberfrags '69) and aside from frequent patches where the dev says "fuck" 12 times I haven't really seen any progress towards a truly better feel of the game, so I'm not sure I want to repeat the same thing

Warframe up until a week ago.

Just going by the Steam updates page, major ones are about twice a year. June and November 2021.
Dev has a YT channel where he posts stuff related to it.

>tfw no single player shooter with cpma movement

I can partially agree with that. The default frame movement's great. Them substituting out Void Dash for the inferior Void Sling (and by extension all previous methods to go fast through nerfs and reworks) sucks ass.

Its not just a 1v1 bullet hell?