Good morning sirs

Good morning sirs

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The sandniggers couldn't do it, huh?

>paid pajeets for years to do nothing

who's idea was it to open studios there in the first place?

we are passing the burden sirs
montreal will now do the needful

Have you seen the hourly wages the retards there get? It's like under 4 dollars per hour.

cheap labor

Damn I legitimately completely forgot this even existed.

Jesus, how bad did they have to be for Ubisoft to take it away?

And how pointless the remake is, when the game still looks nice on PC with a widescreen fix?

good morning sirs

Didn't even knew this was getting a remake
When was this announced?

She did not open vagene so I close studio bloody bastard

If you go to the twitter account and check the last images posted by the account, the last 5 are delays to the game.

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Like two years ago and it got delayed because it looked like shit and then it got delayed again but indefinitely and now we are here as they change dev team completly. This remake is a fucking mess lmao

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>Ubisoft Pune
whats that

Wait, they are still working on this?
How incompetent they are?

A Play On Words

Someone buy ubisoft and put them out of their misery already

Last Saturday I had a really spicy Indian curry. It was really good, but an our later I almost shat myself. Luckily I was on my way home, but still, those few minutes till I reached the toilet were pretty excruciating.


>giving a single fucking fuck about nu-ubishit games

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>the indian studios shit the bed so badly that we have to restart from scratch
I work in software, and this doesn't surprise me one bit.

lol pajeets are useless, dude just look at the original game for the answer, how hard is it to just remake that
Remember when games had SOUL?

Immortals was a cool BotW-like.

But yeah, in this case the original version is completely fine.

That is honestly impressive.


>even fucking Ubisoft has the decency to not release a steaming curry shit on their classic games
Fuck Rockstar.

b-b-b-but diversity... at least tell me ubisoft montreal doesnt have any fucking straight white males!?

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Please redeem the Prince of Persia.

Women talking about women stuff. What is wrong with that?

Between this and that Black Flag ripoff game I hope these AAA publishers realize outsourcing is a bad idea.

Pune is a city in Pooinlooistan

Same and its insane how all these companies are still trying to outsource crucial parts of projects or even entire projects to those retarded street shitters. My company did it one time and when it didnt went well they stopped look out they instead hired some negroes from SA and they did a lot better job than pajeets loool.

Imagine having to take over their code

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Bad morning, sirs. I worked at Ubisoft Mumbai and got fired today

>the worst PoP game
how is anyone excited for this.

>Luckily I was on my way home, but still, those few minutes till I reached the toilet were pretty excruciating.
Did this with mexican food on a date, but I held that shit in for an hour while also keeping her unawares that I was dying. Did a 280 shit sprinkler from the door to the shower curtains before finally siting down on the toilet.

They will just start from scratch and maybe use some assets. No sane person would want to take over pajeets and fucking women pajeet on top of that.

Lol, it's in the trash for sure.

Indian here


Lmao even

>curry code
Nah, they'll start from the ground up.

So Ubisoft finally realized the whole thing looked unacceptably shitty and decided to take over? Understandable.

Thats pretty embarrassing.

bloody basterd bich

>It's coming back home
As a Ubisoft Montreal employee, I'm glad. Leave it to us boys, we got it.


When I came to the building where I'm at, I was praying the elevator would be right there, but no, it was on like floor fucking 8 and I had to wait for it to come down.

Even that extra 40 seconds was hell. Can't imagine an hour.

>when the demake is better than a remake
Where my spelunking enthusiasts at?

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I work at the Montreal office, I really have to find the devs that got this and ask questions. There is high chance screenshot of the current code will make rounds around the office for memes and laugh

Its a fucking studio in india. What are they complaining about? not enough white people?

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No ways! India has been known as go-

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>So many women at the same place
how many of them were assaulted when exciting the office?

>paid for 2 years to shit in the street
We won, sirs

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>soulless uncreative yes-men that will follow the order of the board of directors and shareholders to a T.
Yeah no shit

>What are they complaining about? not enough white people?
Not enough women. You know, peeminists thing

They just rape every white people that make the mistake of going to india.

Sandniggers are Arab, the word you're looking for is "streetshitter."

Proof once again shitskins are not competent enough to make games.

What did the pajeet version look like?

Lmfao jesus christ.

At least my roommate got a good laugh as to why the curtains were being washed and everything else was thrown out.

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>work in web dev
>management decides to outsource the front-end to india
>get the code back
>have to rewrite the entire thing
Meanwhile they're shitting from laughter to the bank so I wonder who actually lost here.

Americunts are retarded and think USA is the only country in the world. don't mind them

never seen that ps2 game before

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The original somehow looks better.

why are they indian now

None of those companies were originally founded by pajeets, right?

the absolute state of modern game development. just delays and soulless social media pictures.

Agreed but also they worked for days on end to make this shitty code. When I was a consultant, the indians and philipinnos we were working with were working like 12h days minimum lol

>Americunts are retarded and think USA is the only country in the world. don't mind them
Projecting. The entire world can't stop having the USA living rent free in your head.

>the very birth place
Yeah, ignoring the fact the man that created Sands of Time was fired a decade ago and then spent years afterwards in a legal battle against Ubisoft because of how hard they fucked him over. Whoever believes this "the OG devs are now gonna work on it!" mentality is retarded.

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reminds me of

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First thing I thought when I saw this thread. What a joke

sorry I can't read schoolshooter
care to use English instead?

If they want it to good quality, and I'm not talking about the remade/remastered parts, but just code and functionality, I'm afraid it may be faster to start from the scratch.

Not even that bad, to be honest.
Sure, it looks like a PS3 remake of a PS2 game, but the designs aren't much worse than the originals. I'd expect worse.


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just cancel it already
nobody asked for this
they're on PC for like 2 bucks
they're on the xbox store
they're fucking everywhere and look fine

>muh diversity quota

Is this the only insult you can think of when it has anything to do with the US? Lmfao

What's this nigga up to these days? He had that failed concept 1666 Amsterdam, IIRC.

>Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
Was it good.

They could have at least got Josh Sawyer to write something for that game since he still works at Obsidian. For some reason they let the interns write it.

It's a known fact that pajeets are shitty coders and only move up in the technology field due to nepotism.