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Sonic got a new voice again? Why is Sega like this?

I just hope it's the same team as Sonic Boom. That show did no wrong and everyone should watch it.

I miss Jaleel White.

I thought Kung Pu Panda already had a series like 10 years ago

Given its about the multiverse couldnt he show up? That'd be neat

That's just how it is when you've got characters that have been around for generations. Same reason characters like Batman and Bugs Bunny have so many different voice actors across different projects.

The stiffness on him running and poor lighting makes it look like a youtube 3d animation

detective conan has been airing for over 20 years, only once have they had to replace a voice actor and it's because he fucking died

>another multiverse piece of media

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Looks like he only has one eye

>Sonic Frontiers store page leaked
>Sonic Prime teaser randomly dropped

We may actually get a Sonic Central this month


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Looks worse than Sonic SFM films or even Gmod.

I would rather this become a full series than Prime:

You're an actual confirmed retard if you think it looks worse than what you linked. Why tf is every SFM animated the same way? You can tell within 5sec that it's SFM just from how it looks

Detective Conan isn't as big of an IP as the examples I mentioned and the character isn't spread out across nearly as many projects through different mediums. Roger's been in the business for over 15 years. If this Netflix series is on a shoestring budget and they can't afford his rates for every single episode, then yes, they're going to recast for this specific project.

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that shadow animation looks a lot better nigger

Canadian laws I guess.
Say hello to Deven Mack Jr. Prime Sonic's VA.

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>new sonic voice actor because of Canadian laws since it’s being made in Canada

>he’s trying to sound like roger

They’re going to kill this new guy

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>Roger imitation but with Ben's way of delivering lines

I didn't even know this show was made in Canada, but yeah, union shit like that is another reason for a recast

Would you rather NETFLIX WRITERS be handed the wheel to Canon?

>Sonic VAs are gonna try to sound like Roger now instead of Ryan.

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thought that was a Floyd edit for a second there

>detective conan isn't as big of a ip
in the west maybe, it's been top of every box office in japan for the last decade
consider one piece and dragon ball also don't chance VA's and pokemon has only replaced 1-2

Kung Fu Panda has a series 10 years ago and that series got a sequel 4 years ago.

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Missed that one. Actually looks okay until they started jogging

It looks so - for lack of a better term - lifeless. The environment looks like a plastic diorama and Sonic looks stiff as a board, especially in that run cycle.

It looks like a game cutscene

>OP image looks fake as shit
>it’s real
Somehow this show blindsided my already low expectations.

>Paramount doing big numbers with the Sonic movies
>Trilogy with a Knuckles series planned
>SEGA lets some random canooks make literal throwaway garbage
Man SEGA really fucking cannot stand when Sonic is successful
Why do they self sabotage so much?
Really, I'm fucking asking because I've been watching these Sonic games come and go and the sonic fandom just tear their hair out watching how sega treats what is supposed to be their golden goose IP. Their fucking mascot IP.
Is it some japanese honoru thing? I really don't get it. Why does SEGA fucking hate Sonic so much

that's just how nipland usually work on their VAs
hell, the jap's VA for sonic is still this dude
only time they change that is for the two sonic films (OVA & Paramount)

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That looks really ugly. Like one of those fanmade cutscenes where they use existing models and try too hard with lighting.

>japan respects their voice actors so much that they will never replace the va unless they die, in some cases they will retire the character and not feature them in media anymore because of the death. will hire on a va for small cameo roles even if it's a side character that hasn't shown up in a media property for like 30 years, that's how much they care
>the west just says fuck it and replaces voice actors left and right, pays them shit, and generally doesn't care about their well being. almost certainly won't rehire for bit roles and will instead hire someone cheaper
why are westerners aka niggers like this?

Looks worse than the CGI cutscenes they had in Sonic games from the mid to late 2000s
Also did they give him another voice actor

Take that back nigger
Everything in engine or rendered looks better than this filth

>will hire on a va for small cameo roles even if it's a side character that hasn't shown up in a media property for like 30 years, that's how much they care
will hire on the THE SAME va, even if it's been like 30 years since they've voiced the character or whatever even for a small role

>expecting a teaser to be the same as an opening cinematic
You are retarded
It looks like a game cutscene and thats a bad thing


is sega going to change the whole cast again for the games?

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because different cultures are different
also unions are the reason we got a new voice so fuck your "get paid like shit" argument that doesnt actually help

>no detail on fur
>still paint on fur-like texture

I hate this shit. Either make him look like the movie or just make him blue and ignore the fur aspect.

Ok? japs are a tiny market.

>Adventure cast was pulled with whatever actors SEGA was able to get a hold of in that moment
>Sonic X cast was done by 4kids' talent since the anime's dubbing rights were handled by them. Cast is brought over to the games so that there'd only be one, universal cast across all projects
>Modern cast is pulled from LA Union talent like the rest of the industry does because Sonic X is long finished, the 4kids' actors contracts have expired, and recording would be done MUCH closer to where SoA is located

If they could have avoided these situations they more than likely would have, but this is just how the entertainment industry/Hollywood works.

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The new my little pony looks hideous.

They're kinda forced to this time due to Canadian laws. Whether it's permanent or not is the question.

>get stuck with granny goku tier shit for life
no thanks lmfao

>he doesn't like granny goku

>in the west maybe, it's been top of every box office in japan for the last decade
That's not impressive. Of course Japan treats their voice actors better because no one nowadays gives a shit about Japanese film making outside of anime.

>Brian Drummond is on the cast
>he's not Sonic

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I'd rather they be handed a box full of plutonium.

SA Sonic was RYAN Drummond. Not BRIAN.

Yeah I hate to say but the wall behind him and the angle of his head really threw me.

speaking of which, what are these long ass manga/anime which have been going on for over 20 years like one piece which have no ending in sight going to do once their major voice actors start dying because it takes japs half a century to tell a story?

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>I cant speed

Well now I feel silly

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>Mike Pollock not in the castlist

the last relic of the dreamcast era is fucking gone

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>that va

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>for this specific project
wasnt there a piece of news saying that the recast is permanent and the new voice will be used on the games too?

holy based

It's funny because Sonic was voiced by a negro in the 90's too.

They'll replace them. Bulma's original voice actor died a few years ago and she's already been replaced.

Eggman is consistently good across all forms of Sonic media, so I trust that his VA will do a decent job

Brian Drummond's character is listed like this!

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>that pathetic He-Man delivery
What the fug

That was Deem Bristow dumbass, and he was way better than Pollock anyways.

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He's listed as "Locke the Echidna"
Isn't that Knuckles dad in the comics?

Maybe that was the plan last year back when Roger was complaining on Twitter about not being Sonic anymore.

Maybe their plan was to do another 4kids situation and just have one, universal cast once Prime would drop.

Sonic X and Shadow the Hedgehog are Dreamcast Era products.

Shadow the Hedgehog and the Riders games are still part of the "Dreamcast" era. "Modern" era doesn't start until 06/Wii and onward.

japan putting VA's on a pedestal is too far in the other direction, when it begins fucking up stories like when Sayla Mass got gutted out of Zeta Gundam

It's an easy way to introduce the zone terminology Sonic likes so much.

Why do they keep doing this

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Happy for him! Yass babyy!

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>Locke the Echidna

I feel a disturbance incoming…

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A new Sonic TV show made by Netflix?

Eggman always gets great casting, I wouldn't mind someone else getting a crack at him.

Wait so this neoxon guy gets PAID just for going there and rant about adding more blacks???

God I hate CanCon laws. It's part of why their series are so shit. Quantity over Quality.

He kinda looks like Urkel. Jaleelbros, we're finally coming home

How long until someone tells them about Jaleel White.

>Shadow The Hedgehog
>Gamecube, PS2, Xbox
user, you’re retarded.

Precisely I'm watching Zeta now after finishing 079 last month, was confused about the lack of Sayla and the clone of her forced there and turns out it was another MUH VOICE shit. Imagine rather removing a whole character instead of just looking for another VA

Uh oh, Penders is gonna freak