How do you even figure out how to dodge this move?

How do you even figure out how to dodge this move?

When do you roll? Which directions are you supposed to roll? Are there any split timings?

You need to trial and error like a hundred times to even learn how to avoid let alone master it.

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Uhh actually I beat it on my first try no hits level 1 no guide no help also I was just distracted by my supermodel girlfriend giving me a BJ at the time.
Maybe you're just retarded.

You can throw a certain item at her and she'll stagger.

Let him solo her

the shitter
the bot
the ironic shitposter
the guide user

yes, this is a elden rings thread

Even with 40 vigor, you can survive the first flurry if you get hit by some of it. However, the best way to deal with it is to run away from her so she misses the first flurry, then roll into her on the second and then run/roll away or roll into her attack and then roll away from the last part which knocks down.
Most people just use Bloodhound Step, however it's basically spaced perfectly.

Let your mimic solo her


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why are you dodging pussy? she's a woman, just beat her ass. you can do that in this game right? this game isn't made for pussy faggots who have to run away from a woman having a sperg out right?

My mimic just gives her more health

Yeah but because it's a video game and makes her unrealistically strong. Stronger than men! She also gets hyperarmour on her attacks so unless you proc. a status on her, you won't knock her out of it.

That's great and all. But that's very situational.

I tried doing that before but it's difficult to be in a position where I can run away far enough to get away from the first flurry.

It works sometimes but then the third gets me

wow it sounds like this is a video game for pussies

Only let part of the first flurry part hit you and try to stay at max HP.
I am not defending it, just relaying tactics I learned myself

Didn't need to, I got lucky and she did it only twice in the fight I killed her

Hahaha how is waterfowl even real nigga just level VIG like just let her do it and then heal nigga hahaha

I just facetanked the first hit and rolled through the last two

If you can outspace the 1st flurry you can always outspace the 2nd and 3rd with rolling. For the third, roll INTO her when she starts it up then just start backpedeling

Is this really baby's first super boss? I've never seen so a boss cause so much seethe and whining

the tranny

now it is complete

60 vig and full Bull-Goat and Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman won't save you from getting hit by it. You need something else like Boiled Crab, Black Flame Protection or Ironjar Aromatic. Even still, you'd need to chug through it.

1st wave: run away far enough, or roll twice and tank the leftover damage, which won't be too much
2nd wave: just roll once, it's short enough to fit in the iframes
3rd wave: roll away twice if you're near her, or if you were running away, roll towards her when she's coming and backwards once to avoid the last slash

You can also throw knifes at her from affar to "trigger test" her waterfowl from far enough to avoid the fist wave and buy yourself a combat without it for a while

The attack has multiple gaps in it that allow you to dodge. If you keep getting killed up close, try staying at medium distance.

Brainlets will literally try the same thing over and over until they run to the internet where they can say, "it's broken," and feel validated by other scrubs.

If you're getting caught by the third flurry you just need to git gud. The first one is the only one really not completely unavoidable by rolling

By playing the game. I know you meat gashes hate hearing that on a video game board but playing the game is the best way to get good at it.

I don't know where learned information became unsightly.

I agree with you, but let's be real here: if she didn't have that attack she wouldn't be considered anywhere near as difficult as players say or feel she is.

correct, but she does have that attack so she should be discussed as she is not how you wish she was.
You can do it user.

my 32 year old accountant wife who plays 1-2 video games a year beat malenia at sl 125 without summoning cooperator. she panic rolls constantly and almost never runs

if you can't beat her you aren't trying that hard, have a bad build, or are bad

Once you leaen to avoid it it's barely a problem, and it doesn't automatically make her easy. The main "problems" with her is the damage amount and health regen (specially because it's proportional to the damage she causes to you apparently)


I have no problem with her. I've been helping other randoms beat her for the past 2 weeks. I don't feel like I should, but I had to know what people kept dying on and it's 1 of 3 attacks:
Waterfowl (phase 1 and phase 2)
Flower bomb (many, many hosts die instantly at the start of phase 2. If they get hit by the first part, they get caught by the "bloom". It's a roll-catch--don't panic roll
Shadow Clone jutsu (I see many players, even pros get hit by this. Just run and roll towards Malenia. It has a pattern in which rolls should be timed per clone "1-2, 1-2, 1,-2,-3; this'll avoid Malenia's final attack where she flies towards you)

The life steal is inconsequential. If you are even considering it she's already in your head.

How is the fight in multiplayer? I had an easy time with her patterns but that's because she was constantly locked on me, all of her swings seem to be full 180s so i guess it is harder to find an opening when she targets someone else.

hundred's a bit of a stretch, but it took me some time to figure out to run away from the move.

I roll in a star for the naruto shit she'll miss every time.
I do the same thing you are, if you're on PS4 I'm Perestroika. When we beat Malenia or Radagon/Beast its always the same small handful of 12 or so summons carrying hosts.

You let your Mimicbro tank it

She's easier in multiplayer
>whoever she looks at is backing up
>whoever she isn't looking at is doing jumping attacks on her
>as she changes target that person backs up and the other dog pile her
Only thing killing hosts is waterfowl and the bomb in phase 2. Everything else is gang rape. She'll spend most of the fight on her back, literally.

Move away

you carried 2 of my wizbros thru elden beast bro!

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not him but it's miles easier, since summons know to bring the big guns to ease off the burden on the host.

when she was bugged, though, God help you if the second summon died. i've had the unfortunate pleasure of being left to solo her while the host hid in a corner, offering no help for her 100% heal.

If you are holding a staff when you summon me for Malenia I won't sever out but I'm not swinging my sword until you do.

Definitely not. The grab and lunge attack are probably the highest damage ones and she does take back a ton of health at those. Of course they're kinda easy to avoid, but it's still not "inconsequential"
Same, it's funny to see hosts spamming weapon arts with 30 VIG and not even try to avoid her aggro

The grab and lunge are also attacks that never hit anyone. They are free punishment windows. Both attacks can be "dodged" by moving left or right, you don't even have to dodge.
I sip my flasks during them to show off to hosts.

>run from the 1st flurry
>roll into 2nd
>walk to the side from the rest
Not hard but needs practice.

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It's a lot better to deal with now she doesn't get HP back from missing her swings. Sometimes the latency can be so bad that she doesn't stagger and you don't deal damage to her for about 30 or so seconds, but it's not common.

No, I play on PC. "DEFILE TOGETHER" is the name. I'm a retard build, chunking her with Bloodflame Blade and Prelate's Charge using the Butchering Knife.

I love prelate's charge players with Malenia. Its bar none the most dogshit way to treat her sorry ass.
Good on ya user. I hope you break her stupid chair every time too.

>it's difficult to be in a position where I can run away far enough to get away from the first flurry.
First phase is definitely easier to do it because she actually lets you set the pace of the fight pretty much the entire time. It's a lot easier to bait attacks out of her by hanging at decent distance and just dipping into her aggro range and then dipping back immediately. Gives you plenty of distance to spot what she's doing and react. Second phase though? I have no fucking idea. Every time I fought her, second phase was aggressive as fuck and was on my ass the entire time, yet every one of these videos I see of people doing shit like naked no dodge runs while not taking hits, she's just as tame as fist phase. Not sure what I apparently did to piss her AI off so much to the point where she never stops attacking or giving me any distance. I wound up finally beating her by just physik flask facetanking the rot buildup and damage ticks from her opening bloom bomb and slamming great axes into her face while she sat in her flower. The flask was just barely enough to hold back the rot and the damage I did was enough to trigger her to do the bloom again immediately and give me more free hits o kill her.

You can't avoid the first one, block it. Wait a second, roll through the 2nd one, wait a second, roll through the 3rd one. Wait a second for the final wave before running towards her for a free hit.

Or if you're far away at the start : run in the opposite direction. The 2 first waves will miss, roll through the 3rd one.

The 2nd and 3rd waves are very easy to avoid, I never get hit. The 3rd needs to be rolled into, not away from.

And sometimes the latency is so bonkers all 3 players get to crit her.

...oh well?

>When do you roll? Which directions are you supposed to roll? Are there any split timings?
>You need to trial and error like a hundred times to even learn how to avoid let alone master it.
haven't played ER yet, but how do i know the bonfire for this pitch is probably right next to the fog gate because retards like you fail at pattern recognition

Ehh I dunno I just used caution to never run too low on stamina and blocked it. Sure it sometimes hit through it and stuff but I leveled up Vigor because I don't wanna die in one hit.

The second phase is a bit of luck. She does a lot more jump attacks, which are great to punish by rolling towards her.
Only problem is that she sometimes does 2 in a row, and sometimes that overhead attack is actually a waterfowl in disguise.

For me, the main problem in P2 is her fantom attack. Shit hits 4 times, then she does like 2 lunges in a row, which can oneshot you.

The best is when she does her flower bomb, it's piss easy to avoid, and then you can chill, heal, rebuff, and tank it a bit and wail on her as she's just sitting there.

She has rot pussy

You cannot actually fight this boss from a medium boss as she doesn't do anything unless you're right up on her face.

You could use an item to aggro but I'm not gonna keep on doing that

The waterfowl timer is a myth, she can use it twice in a row if you get really bad rng.
Also easier to just jump at midrange to trigger it.

Did I beat her?

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The mark of a true lord is murder-suicide.

No same thing happened to me

>You need to trial and error like a hundred times to even learn how to avoid let alone master it.
>3 moves
>5 realistic directions to dodge
>hundred times
I think it's more of a gid gud type of problem OP.

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The overhead will never be a waterfowl in disguise.
All her attacks have dedicated windups and she never changes them up, its the easiest part about her. Its all free openings.

bout 2/10


What? Of course you'll get hit with it, but if you take what you posted + a greatshield, you can just get hit and health through it. That's how I managed it.

Ahhhhhh I can't do this!
Even with summons and ashes she just annihilates us.

The second phase is just insano. I'm recovering from the first dodge and hits before my second roll even registers.

Plus she's now got three different moves where she flies up in the air and each requires different things to do and if you're a millisecond too slow you're dead

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>the guide user
Not that user but I actually found that out naturally. I use frost/fire pots on top of magic to proc frost, reset it, and then proc again. Just happened to catch her in the opening animation of waterfowl with a pot and realized it staggers her out of it.

>+ a greatshield
You never mentionned that
Obviously you survive it if you block, even with 1 vig

summon me

Watch a video. No regrets. And forget dodging, I did the shield method. Free heal is annoying but that move was rarely an issue again once it clicked. The clone move, that's the bullshit one

>Plus she's now got three different moves where she flies up in the air and each requires different things to do and if you're a millisecond too slow you're dead
yeah that's when I said fuck it and used spirit ash

>he thinks I won't just throw when I see the host standing around doing nothing

second phase isn't too bad

right after you dodge her rot attack, hit her with buffed spells like a comet azur

Still the king

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First phase is worse specifically because attacking her while she's doing nothing isn't safe. She can always just decide "lol time to waterfowl" which can often be a death sentence if she does it as you're doing a job attack. I'd say 70% of the time just running in and attacking while she's being a passive cunt will work in your favor, but that's not consistent enough and it makes the times she randomly decides to armor your attack and punish feel worse. At least in phase 2 you don't have long stretches of this "will she won't she" bullshit.

because every thing else in the game requires you to dodge

Her second phase is arguably easier than the first, you get a free window for healing each time she shits out rot butterflies from the ground. Just be hyper aggressive and trade with her, one stagger should essentially cut her hp in half if you know what you're doing

>"haha, it's easy, just summon and use rivers of blood and magic"