Now she's presentable.
Now she's presentable
Now she's ruined
She looks worse. The dark skin makes her blue eyes pop more than if she was white.
left looks like nupokemon character
right looks like fortnite skin
if you're gonna make her albino then add the red eyes
How brain damaged can you be to think there was anything to ruin? Nessa hurts my eyes just to look at
Somehow right looks worse, impressive
That's what mascara is for. that what mascara is for?
White Rurina looks like shit
make her blue instead
or green
or purple
need some purple bitches
everyone is brown or peach, boring as shit
I'd fuck 'em both.
Imagine not liking brown anime girls
negressa is literally the only black anime girl i've found to be attractive
It's like when you're browsing in dark mode, and then you try light mode again, and it feels like your eyes will burn out of your head, so you scramble to turn dark mode back on.
dont ever do something like this again, i am warning you
their skin is the same color as poop, it's fuckin grody
Left: for white cock
Right: for black cock
Did you never sunbathe?
to hell with purple people
unless they're suffocating
then help em
I prefer to think that their skin is the same color as chocolate or caramel
But also less hot.
What a shame.
Just comes to prove it's not the skin color that makes these people ugly
i see you're one of those subhumans that only eats white chocolate
Imagine being so gay that you hate brown girls
>b-but black skin nooo
shut up.
You're homosexual.
A prancing lala man.
A faggot.
whatever you say pajeet
The true patrician taste is liking hot, no matter the skin color.
>not being a colonizer
Yep, it's the shazamtroon thread
I like both.
Black/brown people hate this, but will tell you making white/Asian anime characters black is perfectly fine.
blackwashing good
whitewashing bad
I'm a racist except when im horny.
You know that guy that raceswaps characters doesn't represent everyone right?
Genuinely witty
Blacks don't have blue eyes, see
>it doesn't need to be realistic
Then why bother adding a black person if you not going make them black? All you have is a dark skin Caucasian that just objectively looks bad anyway, humans are naturally drawn toward paler women, including blacks.
She's not black you stupid fucking nigger. Not everyone in anime that have darker skin tones are black.
Fucking kek
bold words, cumskin
where the FUCK is the BWC guy?
Of course not. The girl is hot, the skin colour is just decoration/flavour
If anyone genuinely wouldn't sleep with someone/date someone based on skin colour rather than actual things like facial features/culture etc. then they're retarded and letting society do their thinking for them
Oh no my anime character in a fantasy world doesn't have features that perfectly aline with reality
She's Indian-based, as are most of the dark skinned characters in SS, like Leon and Chairman Rose. There are so many Indians here in London.
t. one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater
Asians don't have blue hair or eyes either, but I don't see you complaining.
you will never have blue eyes
She's not Asian
The only cute ones on the bottom row are elvian and red
Brown people look ugly irl and in 2d, sorry
How is cum worse than literal feces?
Too drunk on /pol/ kool-aid. Genuine self-inflicted brain damage to not find fictional brown hot.
>lives in Japan
>has Japanese name
So? her parents are probably foreigners that just moved to japan before she was born, faggot
>wanting a white girl with thick dread looking hair
You do not want this
Adults can change their names you know? ...
Eating shit ain't normal son, sorry I had to break it to you like this.
Now make her boobs bigger and give her a huge pp.
Honestly they are about the same for me in terms of design. Something very slightly in charm though is lost in the switch to making her white, maybes its the color palette not matching or clashing with her clothing, i don't know.
Unironically, we need more of these "alter the design of the character by changing skin tone" threads because it genuinely does make you look at character alot more and see the choices that went into producing them to begin with. (although in terms of Pokemon really, unless the good design work goes to the Pokemon themselves, who gives a shit otherwise?)
Yeah, that's true actually.
>user think cartoons have 'white' feature.
>user thinks whites have a line for a nose and gigantic eyes.
>Thinks making up a lazy caricature of black people will prove his point.
Stop that.
fucking lmao
nessa fags/niggerlovers seething when faced with reality
you posted the wrong image OP
Brown girls are built for white girls
Dang that's one fuckable monke.
The butthurt that came out when the white Nessa mod was made was really funny but in all seriousness it tickles my character designing autism a little bit. Kinda shows how some characters are designed around their skin color and changing it can fundamentally fuck it up
For instance, a lot of fanart that makes Peach and Rosalina black don’t look very good, because their clothing palette doesn’t match their dark skin tone
>supposed to be in a region similar to Britain
>almost half of NPCs are either Indian or Black
What did Gamefreak mean by this?