>GTX 4080/4090
What games will require it to play
GTX 4080/4090
none because i can run literally every game on the market at max settings, 75fps with a 2060
Absolutely none.
My 5700XT runs everything at 1440p. Sheeit, even the 970 still runs games fine.
those games are years away, especially with no end to chip shortages in sight.
Thinking that games need a 4080/4090/3080Ti/3090 to be played is like thinking you need a lambo just to drive to Walmart. You don't need it other than to show off how rich you are.
Minecraft with shaders
FFXV with all settings at k+ at 120fps. right now im getting like 90 on my 3080 ti
This. Games will need to run on PS4, Xbone, XSS, and Switch simply because not a lot of people own PS5s or XSXs. Plus, games sell badly on PS5.
Even once last gen is dumped, games will have to run on Series S. I believe hardware requirements for next gen will be quite modest.
Do I buy a 3070ti next month for $700 or wait for the 4070?
Consoles form the baseline and the PS5/xbox are barely even 1070 tier.
Wait unless you absolutely cannot play the games you want without it.
Do whatever you want. The 4000 series seem really inefficient. I doubt they'll be better than the 3000 series. Ask yourself this, do you want to play at 4k? A 3070Ti can run pretty much anything at 1440p and get 120fps. It's how I play DMC5 and DQXI. However, its VRAM limits it from playing AAA games at 4k.
Better wait for AMD's RDNA3 which will shit all over goyvidia's lineup.
Each year faggots say we don't need it.
But once it announced, everyone are buying.
Even now 1080 or 2080, looking like they're fuckinf obsolete.
Fucking devs like elden ring or all those AssCreed games cant run it for shit.
What's a +5 years proof card for playing everything at max settings 1080p 144 fps? Would alternatively switch to 1440p one day.
980ti buyers are feeling good right now I bet
4080 can probably run ps2 or ps3 emulators by then at stable 30 fps in pc
3060Ti. Anything higher would get bottlenecked
Hardware isn't the issue with PS2 emulation. PCSX2 recently got the Duckstation guy involved. It's a matter of having competent people working on these emulators.
emulation needs cpu
How far away are these cards anyway? Saw people in threads saying they could be well over a year away
No idea. I probably won't be upgrading until next console gen as there's no games worth upgrading for.
Entirely depend on how much the devs was paid to bloat the game.
Surprisingly enough even the "ancient" by current standarts 970 is still good enough for pretty much all modern games including Elden Ring in a pretty decent quality.
Unless its shit like 1440p ultra omega max graphics it doesn't even matter, and as we all found out graphics become less and less important past certain point and content matters more.
>Fucking devs like elden ring or all those AssCreed games cant run it for shit.
As we get more power the game devs need to optimize less and less. Game studios don't make money from giving you the best experience possible. Good enough will make you buy it if the game is good
Probably 6 months at most
Vr at high resolutions and framerates
4k 120hz 2d
3440x1440p 144hz+
My poor 2080ti is struggling as is my 5600x so I got a 7900xt and 5900x build in the works
>My poor 2080ti is struggling as is my 5600x
lol no it doesn't
>5900x build in the works
What fucking games are you playing that require so many cores?
I'm gonna guess it won't help.
End of the year for the 4080 and around next year for the lower end skus
Postal 4
this but with 120-144 and a 2080s. why the fuck would i want to upgrade.
I have a 3080 Ti that can't even be fully utilized NOW by games. This is essentially overkill on the overkill of today.
skyrim with enb
>Electric bills have just doubled in my area
Like fuck I'm going to even be able to afford to run this shit any more
Are you not using 4k?
Whats the fucking point
Alvr and asetto corsa are very cpu intensivein vr at 2.5k+ and 30-90fps with dips makes me wunna puke
Mainly it's just an excuse for a new pc lul
All I need is a gpu
some open world bullshit that nobody with a brain gives a fuck about. i got a 1070 when it was released and ive only used it for playing games from 1990-2010
yeah ive got a gtx 970 in my other pc and the only game that didnt run well was cyberpunk
>we are in the middle of climate change and insane power prices
Every GPU above 500w should be illegal and only allowed for literal research purposes.
And even GPUs above 300w should need a really good explanation why it demands so much power.
We're in the middle of companies raising prices despite making record profits, climate change isn't real user
It's not really surprising considering they still release games on the PS4 which is below 7850-tier in performance terms.
A 5900X wouldn't help for Assetto, you need the 5800X3D instead
Your pic is bare minimum for true pc gaming(4k/5120x1440 144hz).
climate change is real and jews are also real
its the jews that are denying climate change
you aren't a jew right, user?
seems like itll be forever until ps5 becomes relevant so i guess the whole thing will stagnate for a good while
I heard there's a budget one coming that will still be a huge upgrade over my 1070, this true?
Whatever helps you cope, poorfag
Ultra modded skyrim
chasing better graphics over shit that actually makes games good is what ruined everything
I have a 3090 and a 5950.
It's outpacing the PS4 in sales. You could also walk into a store at this point in 2015 and buy a PS4.
0 games though
I have a 3090 FE and the only time I ever see slowdown in games is when I'm CPU limited (like playing Factorio with a megabase). My CPU for reference is a 5900x.
I can play Doom Eternal at hundreds of fps on max settings, literally multiples of what my monitors refresh rate can output. Upgrading to a 40xx series card would be dumb. I would be surprised if I need to upgrade at all for the next 5 years short of the card failing.
Sorry about your energy usage user
Crossgen lasted a while then too.
>have 2080ti and 5440x1440 monitor
>mod skyrim with enb
>fps goes down to 40fps
>thinks its the mods
>try vanilla with enb
>fps is now 45fps
it's the fucking enb
You're yet to play a single good game
3060ti can barely get 80-110fps on most modern titles maxed out @ 1080p. So you wont be getting the most out of your 144hz monitor. It's certainly not capable of doing 1440p/144hz unless you drop detail by quite a bit. Bottlenecks start at 3080/3090 range with current high end processors. I'd go 3070/3070ti or wait til the 4xxx-series. or get 3060ti and upgrade in 2-3 years.
yes everything is shit bro
Gap between graphics settings is way smaller so even a card doing max settings can simply jump down to second highest for longevity.
It won't.
weird. because I got rid of my 2080ti and moved to 3090 because it ran like shit on newer titles.
Like DS3 @4k was around 48fps, Division @4k was 40fps etc etc
of course that wouldn't happen if I was running @ 720p or some res from 20 years ago like you are.
Say no to 500W gpus
Do not fuel the kike greed
Is that why NVIDIA is panicking and requiring 1000 watt PSU's to squeeze out more performance in an attempt to not get completely obliterated by AMD?
Ew no ue4 is not very well optimised on that game it only had 4 threads for the render engine the original asetto with mods csp/cm runs and looks better acc was a missfire
Amd gluing two gpus together for a ludicrously expensive high end doesn't mean the entire lineup will be great. It's just that the very tip top gpu is up for grabs. The stuff in the 3070ti price range will only be 30% better for the money which nvidia can easily match.