Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

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jrpgs arent entertaining

run out of long ones with good story/world

I don't suffer from gender dysphoria.

I don't have any I want to play
I've been playing other games instead

I don't really like JRPG's too much. Final Fantasy IX is the only exception for me.

Because they’re boring and 40 years out of date

I'm playing Xenoblade 2 rn and it's fucking sucks so far (10 hours in). And I loved 1 and X. Maybe i just grew out of anime shit

god i love pits

I'm going to start Atelier Meruru

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I am though. Currently playing Tales of Arise.

JRPGs have barely evolved beyond the foundations set by Wizardry over 30 years ago.

I'm with you user. I'm currently nearing the end of xb2 and it has been an absolute slog.
I've changed to custom difficulty so enemies have no HP to justblast through the end.

I lost all motivation to try Torna now

What I want is a bleak dark fantasy jrpg. I'm tired of moeshit and the power of friendship

Coomers have no standards

Any ones with relatively low stakes, good writing, and not coombait? I don't mind attractive characters but the less anime cliches the better.

stoop it Ryza why are you looking at me like that???


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Because they are all so fucking bad holy shit

But I am?

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But I'm still playing Elden Ring. That should count.

I've played so many that they basically blend in my mind. I struggle to remember the characters and story from them since 90% are so tropy

Because I'm playing Witcher 1

*ruins youre game*

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Cause those tiddies are as flat as my screen. Bitch.

I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening. I play 1-2 chapter every night; it's fun and comfy.

Ryza's games fucking suck user, just like the rest of the atelier games

recommend me a good hentai jrpg

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I don't think I'm enjoying this game very much

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Why do you shill Ryza when a big booba woman with white hair exists?


Too much dialogues

battling system is way worse than Strange Journey and teddie is annoying as shit

pov: you are her black boyfriend about to impregnate her fertile womb

Most people who post Ryza have never actually played Ryza, especially considering outside of those two characters' designs the games have zero sexual content whatsoever.

>why aren't you reading a mediocre novel
because if I wanted to read there are better literature out there...?

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how do I get GFs (plural) to take them to adventures?

too lazy to pirate or buy one off steam

I'm shitposting from my bed and don't want to get up.

She isn't playable on 2 and because nobody that spams Ryza ever played the game.

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get isekai'd

No routes = no buy
When they took them out, just different endings in general with the Atelier series, I was done. The fact people got so mad about Eschatology will still never cease to amaze me, but at least they doubled down on the EX version.

I was done with the series when they removed the time limits.

What’s a good, modern(not older than 5 years) and turn based jrpg that I can play?
Must be available on PC, Ps5 or switch.

Because I finished all the ones that I have and refuse to get the coomer bait Ryza or the money milking machine that is Myserious DX.

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>She isn't playable on 2
Close enough, I guess, though she plays completely different than Lila.

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I'm suffering from jrpg burnout right now.

Dragon Quest XI is everything you want.

Unfortunately I already played that. But yes I liked it.
I played bravely default 2 too, but it wasn’t as good.

I've wiped to this slug 3 times now. Am I bad or is the game supposed to be this hard?

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>buys soulless pedobait instead

I never really did mind them, and I honestly don't care about them being gone. But it did make you feel like you need to plan your time better and that a project/etc you're working on needs to be actually worked on. Still, I'm fine with it being gone because there always being a reason to be on the clock is a little silly after awhile. A carefree adventure or, god forbid, actually running an Atelier would be really nice though. Ryza was just such a lack of presence. No one mattered and no character really felt like they had any depth. Bravo to them for selling that drab of a game solely on her design, but man what a boring game.

>it wasn't as good
I heard you're supposed to play it on hard mode

If you had the money and necessary knowledge, how would you make a jrpg? Would you make it an entry for an existing series or a new IP? Who would you choose do design your characters?

what's a good newfag jrpg? I already got recc'd persona/tales/dq and I'm probably going to start with ryza then the sequel but what else

But I am, I also recently started Sophie's game at home.

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If it makes you feel better, he's not gonna be replaced for battle narration after the 3rd dungeon

Sophie 2 shits all over ryza/ryza 2. It is the first gust game in like 5 years worth a fuck. Which is funny because Sophie (1) sucked.

That would fix the challenge but not the awful story and whatever the hell the graphics are.
Also it was obviously rushed midway through in development.

because they're terrible videogames. it's like enjoying playstation movies

Is gonna be replaced*
Not sure what I was typing there.

I would prefer no battle narration.
Did you play the first game?


Get some help.

But I do agree that the game was worse than the first. I was particularly enraged how they massacred my girl.

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I'm leveling in XIV, does that count?

But BR2 is reskinned Ryza 2?

>Did you play the first game?
Yes but not all the way through. It was better but I hate handheld gaming, that’s why I asked for PC/Consoles specifically.

You're bad that's the first miniboss in the game, babby's first "bossfight". Haha imagine if there was an obvious alternative path to skip past it for baddies such as yourself.

Damnit. I just wanted Bravely Default 2 to be good. ;_;

currently playing ar tonelico 2

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Game Name?

these posts have suspiciously similar typing habits and make the same esl grammar mistakes

I'm just going back to trade for that other sword I saw. to get rid of the starting Junk Sword. I usually hate buying weapons in JRPGs because you usually find something better 10 seconds later, but I never found anything.

Im currently going through Tales of Vesperia

Blue Reflection

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