ITT: Post an historical figure and other anons will guess what video games they would like

ITT: Post an historical figure and other anons will guess what video games they would like

I'll start

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Give her the dick

Nier Automata

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Among Us


The Principle of Talos


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Black Souls

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Is there any other user on this board that knows what I'm talking about
I got in an argument with my philosophy professor that descartes constantly spamming "this is obvious by the light of reason" was an obvious troll that he didn't mean seriously. The professor thought he meant it seriously and descartes was just a really devout christian.
Anyone know what I'm talking about and can back me up? It's obviously bullshit, right?


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I personally admire Descartes a lot because despite not having conventional education in the area of philosophy, he shut the snout of all the pseudo-philosophers of his time.

I'm a philosophlet but professors are all so up their own asses you're never gonna convince him if you're right

based lad

Right, but if you actually focus on his arguments they completely fall apart except for his extremely convenient "well by the light of reason this fact is obvious" arguments. That's why I got so pissed off with him.

I've listened to 4 different series of lectures on Plato, they can't seem to agree on whether Socrates and Aristophanes were friends or hated each others' guts

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Something where you fuck a homonculus that looks like your daughter.

(Yes there was this rumour when he was alive)

He didn't mean that in the sense of "It's because God said so hahaha" he means that if you just think about it logically, it's the only way it can be. Basically, he's saying it's rationally self-evident, sort like if someone asked you why 2+2=4 or something.

Mount and Blade

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Imagine telling this man that 400 years later he's associated with pornography and whores because some degenerate from a made-up state created 100 years after his death used a picture of him on a magic devil machine to comment on a video of drug addicts fucking in front of a camera for cash

yea I know exactly what you're talking about, and it's impossible to ever know at this point.

Getting over it

Stronghold and any 4X Strategy

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Voltaire is fucking based
I hate how people only remember him for his quote about the dick when his quote about the Holy Roman Empire is much better

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that's the guy that said look at who you aren't allowed to criticize to know who rules you right, I don't know either of those other quotes you are talking about

The Mighty 8th.

Dark Dreams don't die

Farm simulator

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That's not Voltaire, that's Descartes.

People Playground

Civ 6, playing against Sweden.


Some old singleplayer action or shooter.

iirc kant and even hume sometimes use similar turns of phrase and it's just them saving time instead of spending 90 pages explaining something you can easily infer on your own as part of their argument or background assumptions

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Any game with grid-based coordinates.

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TF2 as Medic, duh



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He would flip his shit over SOMA.
"I think therefore I am."


Surgeon Simulator.

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