I'm trying to take a shower and my cat won't get out
I'm trying to take a shower and my cat won't get out
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Pee on it
pet him
She's bored. If you dangle string for her to chase for about 10 minutes she'll tire out and just want to eat and sleep. Then you can shower.
Enjoy off topic ban OP
cut it on
why is your first instinct to post this on the video games board? yes, your cat is cute and all, but this isnt video games, is it?
She wants to fuck.
Based cat. Showering is for the weak.
You're a horrible person.
games where i can take a shower?
I wish I wasn't allergic
Throw him.
Sonic Adventure
I had to let my Yea Forumsros know about this great ordeal.
Not smash bros that's for sure
Shower Adventure: The Rehydratening
Turn the water on and the cat will get out real fast.
Here is my cat, doing weird shit with her eyelids
Its a game to her, shut up
shit on it
Turn the water on retard
OP your cat is really cute, I like him
Death Stranding
just pick him up you dumb idiot
are cats chads?
my cats are better
Is OP and everyone on this board this dense? OP you literally have pussy in your shower, that means she needs water duh
Heavy Rain
Your cats tail is puffed indicating a fear response are you abusing this kitty?
d'awwwww this is cute
shitter redditcats
schway omnichad cat
my two cats
it's the cat's shower now
left one looks like a drug dealer
do you take it out
A puffing tail also means it wants to play. Which is probably the case with OPs cat.
I like their faces
>Hey, new guy, join my gang or else
>You would be wise to join my gang
He cute.
no homo
just turn the water on lol
cute kots
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
OP here, here's my other cat.
Half-Life 2
orange or black cats Yea Forums?
real life
use your videogame skills to solve this problem
what if cats were people
Ahem, FUCK C*TS!
fuck rats. they're in my friends house and they're fucking pests
thats a small borzoi
>owning a shitpet that's the definitive host of a brain parasite that's linked to numerous severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
>game has exhaustion mechanic
Good thing my cats are indoor only.
My cat
i hate it when that happens
Games where I can shower with a cat
supplemental video
Beyond: Two Souls
Oh, nevermind.
Defeat it in CQC then Fulton extraction
Prey and MGSV
Well that really takes the piss out of that