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Why is the protom compatibilty list so fucking shit?
If Civ4 would run natively on linux I would switch over
because it's purely self-reported linuxfags who have every reason to overlook bugs and "pass" a game even when it's obviously broken so that their operating system looks good on paper
just look at any games "review list" and you'll see countless descriptions of "perfect except for when you press start to start the game it crashes but you can bypass this by downloading some rando's out of date git repo and applying it via console command magic faggotry that you have to copy paste every time you want to play the game"
fuck that works on my machine shit
linux will never work if that's the community's definition of "works flawlessly"
Fallout new vegas has no sound how to fix running wine version 7
Self reporting and nvidia being stinky, which causes reporting errors as well as failing to report errors (though given the end user wouldn't encounter these it's not really their fault).
Suggestion: ProtonDB really should score nvidia and amd separately until nvidia stops being faggots to linux users that aren't crunching compute.
Is there any way to scale older games that don't provide resolution options?
I basically want to run a game that's locked to 640x480 inside a wine virtual desktop that's 1280x960 and have it nearest-neighbor scale 2x to fill the desktop, but the game just ends up resizing the desktop to 640x480
Been playing naev for some comfy space GNU/trucking.
iirc use proton-ge with it's "fullscreen hack" or gamescope
>linux gaming
nice meme matey
just get a cheap secondary gpu (gt 1030, rx 550 etc) and pass your strong gpu to a w10/11 VFIO virtual machine
I have that on gog, let me check real quick.
all my shit works fine on nvidia you gorilla nigger, the real problem is users who dont know how to fucking use linux but install mint or pop os, expect shit to run and when it doesnt blames proton because they had
>outdated packages
>outdated 3d libraries
>some shit missing in their prefix
>they are niggers
90% of the time it's user error unless the majority has the same issues
It needs to have two ratings like how Steam does reviews. A historical rating and a recent one.
Kawase? on Linux? yes!
thanks, gamescope is what I was looking for
People are really bad at rating. For some people, they rate it good after only playing for 5 minutes, for some, it's rated good as long as it runs up to main menu.
I'm surprised CXBX-Reloaded actually runs fine on linux (but only on full screen on my machine).
Shit's basically a Xbox to Windows translator and i would expect the chain of Xbox to windows to linux to fail at some point but it don't.
this is another issue, i know niggers in here hate Linus but he brought up a good point about Horizon Zero being labeled platinum because the first hour of the game runs great, but he said 4-5 hours in his shit would crash and run much worse.
Works perfectly fine on proton
Linus Torvalds doesn't even play Horizon.
So I went ahead and installed it, audio's working on my end, do you have DXVK/D9VK installed?
why does my 240hz monitor show only as 239.96hz?
ITT a bunch of Mr. Patel 3rd world shitters who think Windoze is still the best. I just laugh at you while I enjoy playing MH World on my Linux machine.
I'm a girl who uses Linux
You shouldn't have fallen for the nVidia meme. The only issue I had was DaVinci Resolve doesn't work with AMD cards, which is fine after I figured out KDENLIVE does everything I need and is actually easier to use.
post ass
tits or gtfo
What distro?
I only use nvidia on my compute workstation, or as it could more accurately be described "A bunch of old quadros that sort of work for farting out blender projects.
What's wrong with Pop os? I own a 3070 and everything has worked more than fine
>distro of a distro of a distro
Why would I spend more money and do extra work when Linux already runs my favorite games?
ok trannoids, post your neofetch.
Literally nothing wrong with it. It’s just fat neckbeard arch users trying to feel superior for using a shitty distro that requires a wiki to install (makes them feel smart)
WINE is mostly all good at giving programs what they want under normal circumstances.
i can't imagine an emulator for such an old system would give undocumented or niche system calls,or expect something so low-level
Lol, time to get off the devil box and go to bed gramps.
Why would you need to use a distro based on a distro based on a distro to install 1 theme and 1 driver. PopOS's devs don't even know how to program and spam reddit for free help with their shitty projects. No wonder why their shit breaks from updates at random.
can't hear you over my home ownership
just dual boot, retards
Breasts or back to windows
>No wonder why their shit breaks from updates at random.
Name 1 distro that has never broken from an update before.
this, you're relying on retards who don't know what they're doing to manage system packages
a lot of their packages are outdated or conflict with others. linus's DO AS I SAY incident says a lot about their management
But that's more work than just using Linux to run my favorite games, which it does, which is why I even considered installing Linux in the first place. There's no reason to bring Windows into it.
i'm not any of the anons you replied to I just wanted to post my neofetch
np user you're good, anything is better than fucking slackware
>rentoid mad
Gentoo, Arch, Slackware and Debian.
>watching Linus Cuck Tips
Holy shit, are you for real? You have to be 18 to post here, Champ.
You do know Linus is a paid shill and a corporate boot licker who hates Linux and goes out of his way to make it look bad. I wish someone would pound his face into mush.
Why would I do that when all my games work?
I hate Linus but she was right about Pop and that over saturation is fucking stupid.
>thinks you have to watch it to know what happened
It wasn’t Pop you fucking moron, it was a steam issue which was fixed practically the same day. God I wish COVID would have been and killed everyone under 20.
name one other OS where steam uninstalled system components, then you can blame steam
then why make or post in gay threads like this
Nigga, stop defending PoopOS. If you need an entire fucking distro made by people that copy and paste code from Reddit, you're a low iq knee grow. Its literally a theme and a driver duct taped to Ubuntu.
how hard is it to set up display drivers etc in Arch?
It literally was steam. You do your research instead of just taking the word of some faggot ‘e-celeb,” you underaged faggot.
>but muh distro
Lol you can defend Poop devs all you want but that's shit would not happen by competent maintainers
>no other distro has ever had this issue
Okay thanks for proving my point. Poop OS! is shit.
>Muh poo os, , muh manjaro, muh arch
Any Fedora chads here?
nta but maybe it's cause its a linux gaming thread,so its about linux gaming.
pretty easy just sudo pacman -S nvidia
if you need 32bit support then add lib32-nvidia-utils
you can type "archinstall" and have everything done for you
/g/ thread, retard
No, it was a problem with the repository popos uses
The maintainer fucked up
I really should just read up and try a vm, it doesn't seem that bad, and I keep running into problems with old packages on the Mint repos.
based fedora user
i've been using the 36 beta and it's been pretty fine
>/g/ told me it's good so it's good!!!!
good mourning sirs
>talk about gaming on a (GNU/)linux-based OS
>this is now off-topic for reasons
>overlook bugs
I don't understand your stupid question. You think we shouldn't post about Linux if we don't want to dual boot with Windows? That makes no sense.
why is gaming thread always spoilered? i feel like one day i'm going to hover over it and read "is gay and sucks cocks" or "reply to this post or rms will die in his sleep tonight" or something
The thing is that CXBX is not an emulator, it is basically wine, but for Xbox->Windows instead of Linux->Windows.
So when you run CXBX under wine, you're doing double call translation in the Xbox->Windows->Linux chain..
Yeah, I've heard only good things so far. I'm waiting for the official release to do a clean install
None of you are talking about video games, you stupid faggot, back to facebook
el oh el
>its a linuxfags try to convince winfags to swap out their OS that already works for games to linux because...just do it ok thread
The year of linux is always next year.
>Going by what System76 engineer Jeremy Soller said on Twitter, the cause was this:
>"For some reason, an i386 version of a package was never published on Launchpad. Steam being an i386 package, when trying to install it, it had to downgrade that package to the Ubuntu version to resolve dependencies, which removed Pop!_OS packages.".
Sounds like Steam didn't do anything wrong except be i386.
talk about video games user :^)
Windows is getting worse and worse and worse and worse while linux stays roughly the same shit.
We're just here to tell you that if windows gets intolerable for you, you can jump to linux.
You forgot
>Switch to linux now!, B-But not that distro!, no, not that one either!, wait not THAT one!!
Fucking embarrassing.
The Year of Linux was this year for me, and I'm not looking back.