What are the best and worst Star Wars games from over the years?

What are the best and worst Star Wars games from over the years?

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over which years?

1977 to the present

most of everything between TIE fighter's release and Empire at War's release
the 30 phone games that released under EA in the past 10 years. Also yoda stories.

Fuck you I like Yoda Stories, clunky or not.

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Sorry to hear it.

oh also that side scroller episode 2 game was fucking awful

Rogue Squadron, Rogue Squadon 2, Every Battlefront except EA's first one, Squadrons (in VR), KOTOR, Episode 1 Racer, X-Wing/Tie Fighter, Shadows of the Empire, The Force Unleased 1/2, Jedi Knight 1/2, Dark Forces, most of the Lego Star Wars games.

Now, here's some fresh canon

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more importantly, how does the new lego game stack up? also i just found out about the Clone Wars one, how was that?

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take me back to when lucasarts was making star wars games and every one was good.

who even are any of these characters

It's good

Galactic Battlegrounds is god tier

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"So this is how Star Wars dies. With thunderous farts."
For real, where did you find this crap?
Also, patrician taste in games.
No kotor 2?

Gimme a rundown.

1. Jedi Outcast/Academy
2. Battlefront 2 (2005)
3. Galactic Battlegrounds
1. Kinect
2. any movie tie-in that wasn't RoTS on PS2
3. Star Wars: Obi-Wan

My herky jerky brapps wibble wobbles across the table.

It stunk. When the best part is the jokey dancing side minigame you have a problem.

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Age of Empires 2 but Star Wars

Skywalker Saga is good but also buggy as shit. The OT levels are better than the PT levels, and both are leagues better than the ST.

Well you sold me

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When THE FUCK are these coming out already

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based for academy cringe and faggot for outcast

Moviebattles 2 best unofficial star wars mp game

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Outcast is fantastic, fuck off.

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JK2 and JK:A are both great. Some of the best. Battlefront 2 (2006) is is also way up there.
Xwing v TIE is a top contender too.
Captcha: X0000

Call me crazy, but I liked Rebel Assault 1 and 2.

It doesn't have character creation.
Take that however you like.

Outcast has the better campaign and music but Academy has better gameplay

>faggot for outcast
Filtered by CHAD Rodian snipers.

Hows that one that looks like a build engine game

Let me guess, you had a tough time with the FPS levels at the start and thought it would be all force powers and lightsabers from the opening level?

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Yes, but the novelty wears out after a year or two when my dumbass realized there's only like two good maps and the jedi/sith players are gods or absolute shitters with no in between.

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My wookie

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>Boasts the atmosphere and feel of the Original Trilogy
>Luke and Lando as your sidekicks
>Lightsaber battles are way more scarce than in Academy, but every single one of them feels special
>Awesome level design
>Self-sufficient story
>more polished than Outcast
>overall feels like an add-on to its predecessor

Not saying it’s the worst, but having just played Star Wars: Galaxies for the first time last week, my god, what an over-fucking-rated game.
Heard nothing but praise for this game over the years and then gave a go….

>Boring combat where your animations almost never even play because buggy 2003 engine.

>Unintuitive, confusing and broken user interface

>Only thing to do if you didn’t pick the Engineer is the main Legacy quest line

>Overly complicated “””dungeons””” that are literally all the same

>Boring as fuck quests that take forever to complete because how long it takes to get anywhere

Honestly it’s a 4/10 and I fucking love both Star Wars AND MMORPGs but even OSRS has better UI and gameplay than this janky shit.

Academy to me is basically the "playground" you unlock after you finish Outcast.

Knights of the Old Republic I & II
Jedi Outcast/Academy
Battlefront II (2005)
Empire At War

>for the first time
Found your problem. You really had to be there in order to enjoy SWG, at least before NGE

I honestly like how you get your hands on your ultimate Jedi power fantasy only to get cockblocked by Rodian snipers in the very next chapter.

yeah playing it for the first time today would be a jarring experience
at the time it was incredible and unlike anything that had come before, but if you don't already care for it then getting into it now would be tough

This list is almost perfect, but I would toss TIE Fighter on there too for people who like flight sims.

play legends if they ever populate it. I love it because theres only at most 2 force users so they cant force pull/push spam when fighting em as gunner

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Because you just got your powers back, it takes time to regain your strength in the Force, and it teaches you immediately that just cos you got your lightsaber don't expect it to suddenly be a cakewalk with you gliding through levels.

It even saves an actual lightsaber duel for Bespin, you don't have any in the early saber levels on Nar Shadaa. It's kept til you're a little more experienced and a little more powerful. Jedi Outcast has one of the most well paced singleplayer campaigns I can recall, it feels like a great journey. Those first gun levels are essential too, I never get people who say to use cheats to skip them. Getting good at the gunplay and eventually having some more powerful weapons, only to walk into a brick wall in Desann with his Force powers and lightsaber is the right kick in the butt the player needs at that time.

It's special when you get a bigger Force jump, it's special when you get lightning, it's special when you're able to pull guns out of enemies' hands or push multiple goons off ledges.

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Legends? You mean Full authentic, right? Because, the same issue still lies there. What with saber users having higher than average FP, BP and unique force powers

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STAR WARS™ - X-Wing Alliance™

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Both of the new battlefronts are very subpar, it’s insane how much worse they are than the originals. The only decent thing about them is the graphics.

Clone Wars PS2 was based, fuck you.

Multiplayer was better on Xbox and Gamecube

KotOR 2 is my favorite, I love its bleakness.

I'll never forgive Lucas Arts for cancelling KOTOR3

forgot about that one, it was okay. you can tell it's the blueprint of what would become battlefront and it's pretty good for that.

its a reskinned Age of empires 2, but actually good

I'll forever be pissed about 1313, such a great setting...

At least we have Star Wars Bounty Hunter. A surprisingly decent game

Oh no a star wars skinned uncharted was cancelled

Is it true that the Steam version of Rogue Squadon sucks?

The PC version in general

>Awesome level design
I like Outcast but it most definitely does not have awesome level design. That's probably the one area that Academy improved in

Is MBII still populated?
Haven't launched it in more than a year but i've been thinking about it lately.

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Best: that one me and my friends played the most when we were kids
Worst: whatever is the most recent one to come out

Opinions on Bounty Hunter?
