What are some video games where the villain is clearly in the right?

What are some video games where the villain is clearly in the right?

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I don't usually play weeb VN or Dating Sims but these cutscenes look "interesting" to say the least, what game is it?

It's Attack on Titan

When does 00 pick up? I got to episode 13 and I still don't understand the hype. It's quite certainly a slowburn.

why tf is everyone suddenly sucking floch off, like hes not the biggest retard in the series

>it's another SNKfags talking about it on the wrong board episode

Titan? So It's like God of war? Or does it take place on Jupiter's moon?

>Director is a huge Flochfag
>Faces are changed in certain scenes to make him look less pathetic
>is changed to look more brave and heroic rather than a spineless coward
>original scene is Floch running away from Cart and managing to get the upper hand
>anime changes it to a fucking ODM suicide charge
Holy based

Absolute baboon. Fucking mongoloid. Kill yourself retard

that name is a botched translation, it was supposed to be something like "Attack Titan" as in the titan that attacks

AOT is like muvluv except not good. Also way less tits. What were they thinking

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AOT3 with Mina as MC when???

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Starts picking up in the second half of season 1
although thats kind of a recurring issue in the show, every season has some boring episodes in the beginning, although its never as slow as season 1

So the titan is a being? Are the titans those down syndrome looking things on the OP?
Shit, i meant Saturn.

Wtf am I looking at?

yeah for both, but it's not 100% the fault of the translators since these named titans only show up later

How the hell did you miss all the attack on titan shit over the last 9 years


Why even bother watching the anime when you know the manga has such a shit ending? No, not just a shit ending, an entire shitty last arc, with an even shittier ending

I haven't watched since ereh started the rumbling is their any point to keep on watching or is that the peak?


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Only keep watching if you're a strong fan of NTR.

You picked the perfect time to stop watching. just make up your own headcanon ending

Keep watching if you want to laugh and hate eren

Floch is incredibly based

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you're looking at kino

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Chewy is a slut

Zeke was based, he was the only one who recognized how much trouble the small tribe of ((Eldians)) were and how the world would be better off without them

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Just one.

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Is it really that popular? This is the first time i have heard about it, it's just like tohou, before 2022 i thought tohou was just porn.

Zeke is a cuck who got groomed by that pedo Ksaver


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>bandwagons constantly
>forces other people to believe in his ideology
>racist, fascist xenophobe
>jobs to old women
Sounds like a sexless chud to me.

It's literally the most popular anime in the world right now

1. Fuck anime
2. Fuck pedos
3. This looks like shit, why is it only 13 frames per second
4. Fuck you

It was the big normalfag anime back when it was first airing, and then it stayed relevant in anime circles because of Erenposting or the shitshow that was the manga ending

This is seriously what's considered a hype fight now? Good god modern anime is shit.

There's the possibility the anime will have a different ending. They knew that the manga's ending wasn't well received and there's still another chapter on the anime. Hell, we're getting BLEACH back this year to finally finish things as they should have been, so anything is possible

>>forces other people to believe in his ideology
>>racist, fascist xenophobe
Sounds pretty based
Also he told that fag Armin that he should've died instead of Erwin

I really don't watch anime, i don't even have that many friends.

And yet he was right considering
The post ending scene of the manga has Paradis being completely carpet bombed and destroyed by the outside world, which is what they wanted to do before the rumbling as well. All armin and co did was fight to allow the outsiders to murder their children and them when they were old and infirm
Nice Job, Armin

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Sounds like the most correct man in the universe to me.

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The problem with AoT is that it has solid, slow-burn mysteries and then suddenly huge expository plot-dumps that are both ham-fisted and poorly conveyed

>who knows what's happening?
>who knows what's happening?
>A little bit is revealed...
>Okayso there are two places and like founding titans and this is part of the backstory and there's this mythical thing and this lineage and these shared memories of like these bloodlines that go back and blah blah blah blah blah blah

It's so fucking schizo, the series is good at personal peril and drama but sucks at telling a larger scale story

Isayama should've just copied Muv Luv's ending

You are a pedo pretending not to be a pedo, you have a ginger short haircut and thick similarly ginger beard and mustache, you are overweight, and you have a youtube channel where you talk about video games, a tool you use to attract children, because you are a pedo.


Floch as leader
>Rushes into battle against an impossibly overpowered foe all to protect is nation from invaders and traitors
Real life leader
>Steals his peoples wealth through taxation to fund his many mansions and makes many retarded laws to fuck over the nations citizens all while trying to replace them with third world immigrants

Why am I suppose to hate Floch again?
Cause he cares about his people?

Sounds like I struck a nerve.

>Keep watching
You mean wait until next year

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>Steals his peoples wealth through taxation to fund his many mansions and makes many retarded laws to fuck over the nations citizens all while trying to replace them with third world immigrants

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It's not happening. Cope all you want, it's NTR end.

Neptunia 2, I'd say.
>plot is that piracy is killing the game industry, which means destroying the world since everything is vidya in Neptunia
>Most of the generals on the villain side are insane and can't be talked to except one
>Question him on why he supports piracy
>Says that games should be accessed by everyone, not just those with cash
>Protags argue that money is needed to fund future game development, you can't expect people to do it for free
>Villain counter argues that the best games have always been made by those who are passionate and care about games, not just those trying to make a quick buck. Gaming will improve once the cash grabs are removed
>protags can't respond, just try to beat the general instead

Be king 100 years ago


Marley is stupid and Eren did nothing wrong besides not finishing the job.

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How did this show get away with turning Germans into persecuted Jewish-like chosen ones and the Jews into Nazis?

lelouch was the better protagonist

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The true blackpill is that this exact scenario will play out with nuclear deterrence, as world powers become too comfortable and ignorant in hubris.

milley and shirley were best girls

Why would the developers make a based game like that?

>clearly in the right
>wants to genocide billions of people
/pol/ mindrot

>Just let yourself be genocided bro

It was a self-defense genocide.

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Forced animation.

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Eren shouldn't have tried to save him

Nothing to do with /pol/ if both sides want to genocide each other.


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AOT is what happens when the author stops being edgy and can't bring himself to make the vengeful MC win.

imagine thinking nukes exist

Could the setting of Code Geass work in a clone game of Armored Core or MechWarrior?

Greed will prevail just enough to stop that happening. If it does happen it'll be down to incompetence not hubris

Should have just had kids and moved on. Revenge never solves thing especially if you don't have a clear upper hand on your enemy.

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>one reoccurring character is Arfoire
>named after the R4 chip used to pirate Nintendo DS games
>her ability is to copy powers
>used to be a good guy before she started abusing her powers and fell into evil
I'm sure there is a lesson here for all of us

>Marley enslave africans GOOD
Based progressives supporting black slavery.

Literally the next chapter is probably the PEAK of the manga, before the sharpest downfall in manga history.

Reminder that Isayama saw the reaction to the ending, and released 8 additional pages and somehow made it even worse, and said the anime will be his perfect ending.
He wants the ending to be the way it is.

>What are some video games where the villain is clearly in the right?
>whole thread people bitching about anime and not answering the question.

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