Why did the last thread get saged?
Elden ring lore thread
there are a lot of parallels between the Erdtree and it's primal life amber and the "amber of the cosmos"...
i wonder if one begat the other
>Why did the last thread get saged?
Carian jannies suppressing the Nox-Carian connection
>Leyndell has oozing amber all over it
>Miquella's swords have golden amber in it
>Amber medallions: A primordial life energy resides inside.
>Ancient life
Golden amber and life is linked to the erdtree and FTH
glintstone is just star amber, which also has life in it, same thing but with magic and INT. Also has "residual life"
If it is gold/yellow, it is Elden. See the description for Elden Stars and the golden star shard Seluvis sends you after. It's all stars. Yellow/gold stars may be royalty.
Pretty sure gold amber is terrestrial life filtered through the Erdtree, which is itself from the stars. Remnants of ancient life - literally. People are shoved into its roots. Glintstone is the residual (again, literally) life of the stars - and stars are alive in this setting.
There's also a red star in lore. The blood star. Blood (faith) sorcery. Something to with thorns and eyes.
>here's also a red star in lore. The blood star. Blood (faith) sorcery. Something to with thorns and eyes.
Could this be an augur of the Formless Mother? The one (1) description which explicitly mentions it says that it can only be seen by sinners whose eyes are marred in thorns, which sorta reminds me of how Hyetta could only see the Frenzied Flame by blinding herself and imbibing the eyes of the afflicted.
>Raya Lucaria, Carian Royals, Nox/Eternal Cities, Any sorceror whatsoever = Studying and worshipping stars, moons or night.
We have established this fren.
They probably share cultural underpinnings. I think it's implied that both the Carians and the Lucarians originate from the same underground culture. Fascination with stars and all that.
The Amber Rennala has probably came from the Erdtree's sap, or perhaps the Primordial Tree's sap. It won't ever be explained like everything else in this shit game, though.
>why do the astrologers all use similar imagery?
Hmm. What a mystery.
Raya Lucarians are in all likelihood offshoots of the Nox. At least, they share an arcane tradition.
So what you're telling me is ONCE AGAIN everything comes back to the Nox. It's like they're related to fucking everything.
There's a lot of little maybe-or-maybe-not connections in the lore regarding the Giant's Flame, Frenzied Flame, Thorn Sorceries and Mohgwyn Incantations. Perhaps they are all related somehow.
I find it interesting that the fire monks incorporate blood/thorn sorceries.
We're going to inseminate the egg for one of the dlcs
Oh shit I always thought this sigil was like a little statue like this dude
Why was Renalla trying to rebirth so many children anyway
Yes, the feminist/matriarchal Nox are behind everything.
Fuck I hate this sjw fantasy setting. It takes an all-female faction of uber assassins to kill the BIG MAN GODWYN.
I am your first post, and yeah, Nox/Eternal cities are the spiritual, if not literal, descendents of all those who study stars, or the other celestial shit like night and moons.
Behold! I present you, the great one before it split into frenzied flame and greater will.
Rebirth is compared to sleep, and I think it is literally coping medication for her. She's too heartbroken to be 'awake' at this time.
Even Marika is probably from the Eternal City kek
What do you expect from hackazacki idk why you guys continue to think he’s “based,” bloodborne is literally a game about female gods controlling the world through their period blood
Don't you mean ancestors?
yeah, my b.
They’re either directly related or study/worship similar things independently. However magic in this game really likes to be interconnected, so I’m betting it’s the former rather than the latter.
>golden amber
>remnants of ancient life
>houses its vitality
We Jurassic Park now?
>bloodborne is literally a game about female gods controlling the world through their period blood
No it's not fuck you
KEK so that’s where they ripped off Astel from
yes but said golden amber came from space.
but why is she doing it to so many children.....
Astel has golden amber in its body.
More proof that it is a nation assassin sent by the greater will.
>If the stars command our fates, then amber-hued stars must command the fates of the gods. Such is the belief that inspired the use of these shards to prepare a most special draught.
uhhh bros? amber-hued stars?
It is really weird that the fire monk ladies use Thorn sorcs. The best I can think beyond a Fell Flame-Formless Mother connection is that those fire witches are sinners whose duty to the Fire Monks is a form of penance.
>If the stars command our fates, then amber-hued stars must command the fates of the gods.
>more proof
The GW/Gold amber is also from space btw.
Elden Stars [6720]
>This legendary incantation is the most ancient of those that derive from the Erdtree.
>Creates a stream of golden shooting stars that assail the area.
>It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.
Just a specific type of star.
The moon has connotations of rebirth in a bunch of ancient cultures. Might be related to that.
The numen and nox are implied to be the same sister race. Black knives are all numen, but hail from the eternal city. Nightmaidens also ride the giant 'numen ants'.
meaningless drivel, how do stars command fate? they don't! it's a superstition among the uneducated
Yes.... Astel is from space you derp....
>more proof
>Astel is 90% purple/blue amber
This doesn't support your headcanon.
we didn't even need further proof, the Fingerslayer Blade description all but confirms it
Don't forget Alberich, who was probably banished from Lucaria for pursuing that sort of sorcery too. His set has a blindfold covering the eyes too.
Really makes you wonder. Exiled academics probably brought it over to the fire monks. Maybe.
she probably felt that he children werent good enough since radagon left her
Fingerslayer Blade [8159]
>The hidden treasure of the Eternal City of Nokron; a blade said to have been born of a corpse.
>This blood-drenched fetish is proof of the high treason committed by the Eternal City and symbolizes its downfall.
>Cannot be wielded by those without a fate, but is said to be able to harm the Greater Will and its vassals.
I don't think you're reading posts properly user
Azur or Lusat though?
>I don't think you're reading posts properly user
I don't think you're reading properly in general
The third, unnamed primeval sorcerer who initialy discovered glintstone, who we will never see. Unless dlc maybe.
Weren't her children much better than Marika's offsprings? After all she is the mother of the only healthy Empyrean.
Astel is from space.
Astel was sent to punish a naughty civilization.
Astel has pieces of what appears to be golden amber in its body.
Connect the dots.
Twins were vastly more accomplished than Ranni, so no
This may be because Rennala was (secretly) backed by a moon being. I keep thinking she (well, the moon) used Radagon, not the other way around like believed.
In the sense that they weren’t cursed, I guess.
>Rennala gets mindbroken
>Caria manor wrecked
>academy ditched them
…yeah, Radagon got used all right
>Astel is from space.
>Astel was sent to punish a naughty civilization.
>Astel has pieces of what appears to be golden amber in its body.
I am not schizophrenic so I don't see the connection, you're going to have to actually form an argument for me.
Nox were the true humans before the GW dropped his alien shit on the planet, thats why the age of stars is described as going back to how everything should be.
>Astel was sent to punish a naughty civilization.
no it was summoned on accident
>This blood-drenched fetish is proof of the high treason committed by the Eternal City and symbolizes its downfall.
>high treason committed by the Eternal City
>symbolizes its downfall
And enter Astel
>Produced a non-incest Empyrean capable of flipping off the Greater Will, with a unique ending to boot.
>one of the twins was stolen by a local connoisseur of bussy, didn't do shit
>the other twin was a rotten jobber who failed her one job
>meanwhile Ranni accomplished her 79855D chess plan and btfoed the Greater Will
the GW's punishment was sending them to live underground, this is explicitly stated. no mention of astel
No it was 100% deliberate.
she’s only capable of doing that if you help her
...It sent Astel to level their city, retard. It "stole their sky", fuck, you're dumb.
Ranni is capable of one-shotting Malenia. :^)
it seems more like an accident from messing with the primordial current shit too much, which is why that stuff was made forbidden in the academy
It was probably part of Marika's plan, hence why she sent Radagon to Renalla in the first place.
Mods are rannisimps that can't handle the truth.
yet never does so in the game
how curious
No, that was made forbidden because the primeval current literally strips you of your consciousness and turns you silicon. Also graven-masses. It's not a good look.
It is quite explicit that Astel was sent as a punishment.
Only Miquella, Malenia is a complete fuck up that even failed at her only purpose.
So, you're claiming
>symbolizes its downfall
means exactly:
>GW sending down an Astel to kill them
When the GW is completely opposed to stars and the like, and Astels are more aligned with stars, night, gravity and INT?
Oh, also while these guys underground, are fucking with star and night magic among other crazy shit?
>all of the demigods have fuckloads of people still willing to fight for their sake, even long after the shattering, especially the twins
>Ranni meanwhile just has her brainwashed dog, an old troll, and some guy who just wants to rape her
What did they mean by this?
But the GW and its vassals manipulate the stars for their own purposes all the time, see Radahn
You didn't play the game
Ranni bested Adula. What does that say about her?
>When the GW is completely opposed to stars and the like
??? No? ???
The Greater Will sent the Elden Beast as a star. What makes you think Astel, another star, wasn't sent in the same vein, for a different purpose? The Greater Will is literally some alien sponsor. The Elden Beast is an alien.
>Only Miquella, Malenia is a complete fuck up that even failed at her only purpose.
>Still posting headcanon
I can't wait for the DLC to ever so slightly expand on Miquella, going to expose so many lorelets.
>When the GW is completely opposed to stars and the like
>Banished Nox underground for doing star shit
>Wages war on Rayla Lucaria
>What does that say about her?
that she’s never bested melania :^)
>It is quite explicit that Astel was sent as a punishment
it's not, i already told you the punishment is explicitly stated and it does not mention astel or the destruction of any city
Desu Ranni's questline is quirky as fuck if you know what to look for. Sex dungeons and old pervy men.
What headcanon? She destroyed an entire country because she couldn't deal with Radahn, she let her brother get kidnapped by the local pedo and then pozzed his tree with scarlet rot. She's fucking useless.
>Gowry bring the Rot shrimp said that the Sellians
>As thanks, I vow to impart to you my knowledge
>of the lost sorceries of the Sellians, descendants of the Eternal.
>Rot temple being underground and directly next to Astel, a malformed star connected to Nox/Sellians
Tell me the Eternal City people were in the cahoot with the Rot shrimps, right?
It waged war on the Carians and their hold on Liurnia, actually. Raya Lucaria is/was its own thing, before the Carians took over.
You really need to fuck off.
" A creature born from the void, who assailed the Eternal City and stole their sky. This malformed star of ill-omen possess immense power over gravity and the stars. "
I want to know who that old tentacle-beard dood is. The guy holding something in his arms. Huge fucking statue before Astel.
It's unclear what Malenia was doing down there, but it can only really be one of two things, and she suceeded in her job despite it basically mindbreaking her.
And Miquella isn't in the body Mohg has.
Not gonna spoonfeed you the rest, you're just going to have to look up his relationship to Godwyn and castle sol and read his item descriptions.
And then go skim over his St. Trina shit which makes it even more obvious.
So the Void/Darkness is a place that ancient ancient sorcerers made contact with while studying the primeval current. From it glinstone, Falling Star Beasts, and Astel came from and destroyed everything.
Apparently she might’ve had soldiers at one point, but they’re all dead now. Carian manor got wasted.