How the fuck do you come up with a name

I don't want to give my character some lame ass name. I have spent hours thinking of something cool.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>"""""""white"""""""" people


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>indian game has ragdoll physics

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It's easier than you think user. You just look up historical names that match the theme of the character then modify it to your liking. Lets have some fun. Let's make a name for the italian. Naturally we would choose an Italian name. So perhaps choose a famous Italian name. She is associated with food. How about the Roman god of food? Ceres? Boom. French Girl? Famous french chef Dione Lucas. Let;s change it to Dia. Want last name? Lyonna Dukka. Catch my drift?

Designated shitting streets

Mexicans hate their own country so much they die trying to escape into the United States. Fuck off.

French pussies got scammed by macron, bring the guillotines back out. Nothing in or near Italy has ever been white

English are the very worst of all, by far. You drive on the wrong side of the road wtf

Literally just mush syllables together into a namelike shape. It'll look like nonsense to you but everyone else will just accept it as a name

it do be like that

why are women so fucking unfunny (I can tell a woman drew this)

lmao this is a fun meme

That's not what prison food looks like.

I-Is he okay?

i guess you're the prison food expert, nigger

they don't serve raw chicken in prison?

Its quite literally from "urban" american "whites". Rural white people can cook but urbanites go out to eat so often that when they do cook its usually boxed mac and cheese. Niggers aren't good cooks either though, typically speaking the best cooks seem to latin, med or asian.

I bet you take the soap faggot

Isn't this because Europeans usually have higher quality meats and produce? India and Mexico rely on spices to cover up the fact that their mean and veg are shit tier. Isn't that why they overcook everything to hell in those cultures too whereas Europeans will have shit like Steak tartare which only works because they have such confidence in the quality of their food.
Genuinely curious if this is correct or if I've been misled.

>Yea Forums insults white culture
>black twitter defends white culture
in what bizzaro world we ended up in?

The original post was about black people thinking all white food is like that. Fucking dumb nigger.

Sicilians are white.

>african "cuisine"

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A world of hope.

jesus i thought it was gonna phase through him like the dog edit


That plate looks delicious.

I usually go with the first thing that pops in to my head when I look at my character

I thought Mexicans just wanted to export their culture to the USA.

>Isn't this because Europeans usually have higher quality meats and produce?
Considering the nordics invented the tradition of piss soaked shark, no.
>India and Mexico rely on spices to cover up the fact that their mean and veg are shit tier.
The USA imports like 15% of our food from mexico, if Mexican produce is shit, Americans are eating it. Mexico also has raw meat dishes like parisa, and I know thailand has their own raw meat dishes.

he needs some milk

nta, but let me add to this to atleast try to be clever and not too on the nose
naming like this can at best be distracting or make your characters less memorable much like all the 9000 people named like this beforehand, or at worst feel like eye rolling reddit reference humor

t. never been to prison

Basically; it's also why blind spiciness is valued in tose cultures to the point the heat is overwhelming instead of glorified seasoning; especially so in India, given they didn't even have chillis until the last few centuries.

Three ways:
>Go the Pheonix Wright route, name them some vague pun based on the idea of the character you have in mind.
>Think about what kind of mindset you want to be while playing in that character, and come up with some gobbledigook onomatopoeia of that. You want to play a big slow strong dude? Sounds or combinations of them that start strong and end in a downturn, like Dorn, or Torrum. You can just use this.
>Or, take the above and find some name in a respective culture that has sounds from that gobbledigook and use that instead.
badabing, badaboom

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Well that's not very convincing. Are there any dishes that use raw meat in India or Mexican cuisine?

No, because that's simple not true. Every culture has their own spices. Even the US has like ultra processed "ready to use" spices.

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Not a problematic to me.

I want to see all 5 of those girls making out

Most of the food that the US imports from Mexico isn't meat. And that 15% is based on value so you end up with it being inflated by avocado prices and peppers. In fact, a large amount of Mexican meat isn't even fit for sale in the US (pork comes to mind).

nigga did the flop lol

Fuck you

>Most of the food that the US imports from Mexico isn't meat.
Because Mexico doesn't produce enough meat and it's low quality meat.

white trash* cant cook
country/midwestern food is always fucking disgusting

I usually just use my last name plus a title. It fits many settings.

Your mass produced veggies and fruits taste like shit.
I used to live in a shithole but at the very least tomato and pineapple tasted like ambrosia from the gods

wypipo bros.... OH NO NO NO

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>I thought Mexicans just wanted to export their culture to the USA.
EL CHICANO is a meme in latam circles for a reason. Most people of Mexican origin lose the majority of their culture within a generation or two in the US. They're about as Mexican as plastic paddies are Irish.

japan has flavour and raw food due to their high safety standards too, northern europeans really need to get better food (even fish and chips looks super flavourfull compared to some of the amusing meme food up north)

euros didn't spice their food with "spicy" spices because they didn't grow there
italos used a shitload of garlic, others rosemarin, thyme, chives etc.

I'm in the UK and this is absolutely how whites cook their food here. It's either this or a brown fried mass

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Why is Goku being rude to him and why is Goku brown

>the fact that their mean and veg are shit tier
>meat and veg
Anyways meat isn't imported because our grain corn syrup/ feed industry is so heavily subsidized that even third worlders can't compete.
If you want good beef typically speaking brazil and I think Argentina are known for their free range cattle.

italians wouldn't use the word "pepperoni"
eat calabrese food

the only good british food is the stuff that isn't smothered in brown liquid

where's the fucking MARMITE

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I can see a fringe minority preferring French or Spanish food over Italian, but you would need to be lying if you’d say you prefer Indian food over Italian food.
Who ever made this needs to be brought to justice.

>guy ask for something spicy
>mexican goku is super rude
>guy is still nice to him out of politeness and supports his small business
why are mexican DBZ character like this

More like vast majority of europe simply didn't have the sheer variety of spices like warmer countries. Sure the mediterranean might've had a couple of herbs lying around, but for northern europe it was basically salt and butter for a good millenia. The right and elite may have had access to spices, but even they used them very sparingly, the common folk basically didn't even see them before the last century which is why most traditional recipes do not call for them.

Italians make better food than Mexicants and Poo in Loos.

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Why do you think the spice trade was a thing? They just didn't have many spices.

i think youre misreading the post user

post the sequel

that's clearly gajeel

I work in an expensive steakhouse and sometimes I wonder if any other country does it the way we do where we just cook a medium rare ribeye and serve it as is with maybe a side of sautéed veg or mash

i'm white west european and italian food is best food
i like mexican too but my gut and anus just can't take it more than once a week

>Isn't this because Europeans usually have higher quality meats and produce?
no this is third worlder cope.
the united states has some of the most stringent food standards in the world being surpassed only by canada.

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Too bad they're not white.

All my characters are called Player Name. Occasionally I'll spice it up with a John.

you're right, i have never been in prison, nigger

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That's fashion, not cuisine.

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I am 90% sure this is an American urbanite who can't cook.
Spices weren't common, but medieval europeans loved their herbs and jams and sauces. It was not
>just butter and salt

you can make whatever food you like in western countries though. you can get anything

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>not Main Character
can't even standard

Not sure what is so wrong with this. Like yeah the potatoes are pretty bleached but if you substituted a different carb like rice this would just look like a generic curry dish. Are darkies that scared of potatoes?

You're missing out. Its fun

Post the edits

South American food is just spicy, it kills the flavour. You could eat potatoes or meat, add some spices , and it would taste the same. What's the point then?

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Idc what they are. They still make the best food in the world.

>italians wouldn't use the word "pepperoni"

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>Japanese prison food is so good the cafeteria is open to the public and people go eat there

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inb4 the icy cope

Here's a random fact for the thread: A lot of japanese character names are puns.

Ryu Suzaku pilots a machine called the 'Dragon Bird'.

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>the united states has some of the most stringent food standards in the world being surpassed only by canada.
>>meat glue stil legal
sure kid

Amerimutt here, what does marmite taste like?

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>vague mumbling cope about 'lies'

meat pies are objectively better than anything the fr*nch have ever procured


take that white hipster appropiators

Calabrese and Pepperoni are made with different spices.

Come up with a name only using the first two/three letters of your first and last name
John Smith plays under Somji or Smohj for example

vegimite and marmite are both AIDS. Just order them on Amazon. It's not like 1980; you can get that shit in 24 hours

White people can cook fine, just not british people. Literally british food is deep fried organs and blood sausage in mushy peas. They eat 19th century naval rations for every meal. Italian, German, French, and Spanish food are all good.

well, there's the word "peperoni" (one p) but it means bell peppers.
It's like spaghetti and meatballs and fettuccine alfredo, american things that americans associate with italy

Is easy, look for any word and then translate it to Romanian.

You either love it or you hate it

>everyone who hates British food is not white
Rent free. Sorry but everyone considers Italian/French food real White people food. Not whatever slop you anglo faggots make up.

>bread/dough and tomato sauce. Every time. Sometimes basil
No thank you.
Extremely overrated

This is what I ate today, what country am I

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>the global food security index is wrong because uhhhh reddit told me something is bad

To preserve food and allow some food that would be seen as inedible to still be eaten by masking the rot with spice. Similar to why I'm assuming the fixation on extreme spice in India is for the same thing.
It's like the americans serving their beer at super cold temperatures so people don't realize how shit the beer actually tastes. If you serve the food with an insane amount of spice and heat people won't be able to tell the actual food tastes terrible.

im calabrese and youre talking out of your ass.


OK, this is one of the better ones I've seen

food in calabria is very spicy usually. My dad casually chomps on carolina reapers a friend brought us from mexico


>margarine on cheap bread cut with glycine max flour
>beef gravy with beef mince, onions and carrots
>plain potatoes boiled to hell and back
>hp sauce and condiments
It's shitty working class food. I grew up eating this and I hate it.

It tastes kind of like salty prunes mixed with beef. Really fucking bizarre

I literally do not care what foreign retards think of our food.
>it's not REAL Korean food
>it's not REAL Mexican food
>it's not REAL Italian food
>but also white people can't cook and fusion doesn't count XD
the eternal cope

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I remember that story. She made that because it was basic, easy and nostalgic to her but her normal cooking is pretty varied.

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Americans literally had their meat contaminated with feces

>I am 90% sure this is an American urbanite who can't cook.
I'm literally agreeing with your points so I don't get the accusation
I'm dutch and our riches came from importing spices for the elite going for insane prices at the time
i mentioned a few spices and seasonings europeans used as opposed to "spices" people associate with "spiced and spicy foods"

I like spicy food

recalls happen because shit happens, yeah. Want to go over a list of the European recalls?
How about the time you retards ate horse for a decade without knowing it?

How did the whites can't handle spicy shit meme start?

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Nah nigga burritos and tacos still better than spaghetti and lasagna


Rent free. Now it's obvious you're running out of arguments. Not taking a country that fucking de legalized asbestos for construction despite decades of hard evidence that it fucks people up seriously. You faggots might as well bring back cocaine in Coca Cola.

Those fucking smears of green shit, disgusting

White people grow up eating food you can actually taste

He's right though. It all looks too good for prison food, especially that mac n cheese. The sandwich is the most prison looking thing there and even still it looks too good. The pickle and cheetos wouldn't be there, neither would the bologna. The cheese would be American, stuck to the bread and poorly aligned. The wonderbread would also have mould in the corner.
>t. Did 3 months

>I'm in the UK

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british niggas really think this shit is acceptable

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those are literally my 4 favorite foods

I name characters based off their class/race or whatever backstory I want to give them.
In ESO I made a white orc tank named Roric'kin. He's the bastard son of the horse thief from the Skyrim intro who fucked an orc before attempting to flee to Skyrim. "The Child of Rorickstead"

>you can mask the taste of rot with spices
No. Also like roughly 35% of india is vegan, rotten meat isn't something they'd run into.


Delicious. Finally, some good fucking food.

>Cancer colored sausages

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Horse is great
Back when i was a kid my neighbor would take me at night to go hunt horses and use em for meat

yeah hes fine it was just a train

america perfected italian food so technically no

veggies can rot too you know

>Anyways meat isn't imported because our grain corn syrup/ feed industry is so heavily subsidized that even third worlders can't compete.
The US also just has a ton of really productive farmland. Arguably the most in the world.

It's a really salty yeast spread. The main component is leftover yeast from brewing beer. On it's own it's pretty harsh and only the most devout fan would say its fine to have as is. It's best on a piece of buttered toast or with a bit of sharp cheddar.

tasteless retard scared of avocados LMAO

And if the game allows enough characters for a last name, Manballs McGee.

brown people still crying about White people?
Most of you would be starving without White people.
Take time to humble yourself.

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Vocal minority of upset customers at asian/indian restaurants. Plus it's just a meme, everyone is aware that white people love spice, look at the hot sauce/chili food culture.