Did nothing wrong

>did nothing wrong

this why you never party with lawful good characters
they could destroy the world with their moralfagging

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Other urls found in this thread:


>entire fall to evil could've been avoided if his friend and his mentor had just stayed 10 minutes to verify his claims instead of abandoning him on the spot
This is why you never party with vapid cunts


>they could destroy the world with their moralfagging

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hellllll yeah
I think Uther didn't have the heart to purge the city no matter what.
"How could you even consider that? There must be another way!"

That's why lawful goodies are more dangerous than chaotic evil

>please sacrifice 1 person to save billions for hundreds of generations


It wasn't one person but I suppose it might as well be on the scale of the human race.

I just find it so silly that a level one death knight manages to completely topple the Lordaeron

dks start at level 58 though

A blizzard employee released a video explaining why you're fucked in the head if you think Arthas did nothing wrong with Stratholme, he argues the right thing to do would be to leave and made comparisons to covid "we don't kill people with covid so why would you do that to plague humans" this unironically happened

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He's literally agreeing with that image, a moral fag if being attacked or subverted by elves would try to find a """"""peaceful and fair agreement"""""" or alteritively like with arthas and stratholme do nothing, offer no solutions and get pissy when someone needs to take action.

Blizzard is dead set in their "tragic hero becomes the villain due to pride" story that they will not entertain the idea of Arthas being let down by people around him who like him were dealing with imperfect information and personal traumas.

he nevere killed sylvannas, she was wounded and turned into a banshee. her soul was never touched by frostmourne so it never split.
wow is a writing hackjob, someone should make warcraft 4 ignoring everything storywise after 2003.

Only in games.

uther was lawful good, he refused to purge the city because his moral code forbade it.

actually they retconned it so that Sylvannas fucking power-slides into frostmourne

He refused to kill innocent people because they might be infected with the Plague. If he'd gone and seen they WERE infected and the situation was about to become significantly worse, he'd have been duty bound by both Law and Good to put an end to it.

>Everyone in the comments calling him out on being retarded and not knowing the story
>Him trying to desperately pretend like the fucking scourge that reanimates your corpse is comparable to COVID-19

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>her soul was never touched by frostmourne
Nigga being touched by Frostmourne claims your soul. Arthas only picked the thing up and it claimed him.

>all those comments

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nah, he was an oldschool paladin. in his mind orcs and demons = evil, period. killing his own people whether they had zombie aids or not was reprehensible to him.

Well then instead of leaving he should have investigated a bit, leaving is the worst thing you can do because the people will still suffer horrible deaths AND the scourge gets a mega base in the heart of their kingdom

Well it happened in Marvel Infinity War as well. Although that is still capeshit

>Shanghai must be purged

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Bro killing innocent people who MIGHT be infected is literally lawful evil.

Purging stratholme literally means killing everyone no matter if they show signs yet or not.

Look at the comment chain with nick puglisi where he points out that the player character objectively does the same things and the response is "T-THOSE DONT COUNT!"

Why is the morality system still a thing?

no, its chaotic neutral. Its killing off an entire population because they are doomed anyway. Lawful evil would be killing off an entire population because the law of the land states that if one person is infected then everyone near them dies

Yes, good idea, we should blame it on d&d’s stupid moralfagging chart.
I always liked how in war movies the good guys would take a grenade to kamakazi the bad guys as they lay dying just in case the bad guy tries to take them alive and torture them, or tries to finish them off or get intel from them. In zombie movies, they sometimes tie theirself down to prevent them from killing their friends if they should turn.

In Dark Souls 3, the turtle priests would tie enormously heavy rocks to their backs to prevent themselves from becoming too powerful an enemy for the ashen one to defeat.

The DLC devs tried to fuck up the lore with the ringed city and the ones that could use their rock as a shield and bowser spinner attack mode which pissed us off slightly, but it was okay as long as they were only in certain areas. Don’t let their autism fool you, bros.

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>Hahaha... It's not 99% of the comments. On the REAL video, where people with actual brains are... who don't just absorb whatever Asmongold tells them and then rush here to regurgitate it at me like little psychopaths... The majority agree with me.

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Can somebody explain those alignment charts? I don't play DnD

If a character is Lawful Good, is he not allowed to make Chaotic or Evil choices? How does it work because it doesn't make sense to me. It makes me feel those characters are literally programmed NPCs and cannot change views or see the bigger picture.

I thought chaotic neutral characters mostly cared about themselves.

lawful when referring to alignments mean 'has a strict personal code of ethics and sticks to it even if it hinders them'

chaotic means they're willing to use any methods to achieve their goal and have no strict personal code of ethics

I think that you're not forbidden from making a divergent choice from your alignment, but a big enough/too many choices of a divergent path can cause your alignment to change. Which can get you in trouble if you have a patron deity that favors a specific alignment or equipment that requires a specific alignment or things like that.

Wouldn't it be chaotic good? He's not killing them just because they're infected with zombie viruse and it's inconvenient for him personally, he's killing them because they're his people and he doesn't want them to be zombie slaves.

It is an extremely shitty system that is supposed to be a basic general idea of how a character should behave in situations. However people insist on treating it as all encompassing, all powerful force that their characters must follow absolutely.
Generally characters must not make choices outside their alignment. The further from their alignment, the more difficult it is to do, if possible at all.

It didn't really help in the end though did it

Chaotic good would be killing those that have turned while trying to save those that haven't. Arthas picked the sledgehammer option because there was not enough time to find out which ones were going to turn and which ones were not

He destroyed the magic of the World Tree temporarily, killing the earth and the magic of the elves.

Arthas merely served to learn about the forsaken undead, and death knights, which means Jesus can come with flying horse resurrection of the death power that can dismantle death knights.

Death knights are just undead versions of human units such as barracks, cathedral, church, and tower library (soldiers, paladins, priests, wizards).

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It wasn't even one person, the whole village was pretty much already dead. The question was to mercy kill the villagers or wait until they'd become undead. Uther was a complete retard.


Going by the game all of them were infected.

"Lawful" traditionally means that you follow the letter of the official law or personal/affiliated code. "Good" and "Evil" were the alignments of the forces at play, but the whole idea is that someone who is chaotic good may not be as "noble" or "honorable" as someone who is Lawful Evil, like comparing a Dark Knight to a Robin Hood


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Siegeward is China/Shem Arthas.

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He had Frostmourne

that's pretty much what we are lead to believe, but again we are only hearing it from the perspective of someone from the outside looking in, and only with the reveal of Mal'ganis at the end are we shown that the whole city was doomed. The point of the original story was that Arthas was willing to purge an entire city to save the nation based on imperfect information, and that his allies abandoned him rather than try to confirm said information.

in the first undead mission he's a shitter who has to dodge knights that easily outdamage him.

He got frostmourne and one-shot a dread lord, he was several levels higher than everyone in lorderon.

There is no levels in Warcraft story, autist. The game had levels, but that was a stupid d&d mechanic of moralfagging.

>imperfect information
the plague turns anyone infected into a zombie
the primary food source of the city is infected with the plague
uther and jaina weren't there to see the full impact of the plague like arthas did at hearthglen

Something tonunderstand is that Lordaeron has been at relative peace for years now since the end of the Second War. There's still Orc raids to occasionally put down but most of them were captured or killed already, and besides them there's only bandits to worry about.
Somebody coming forward to claim an entire city suddenly has to be purged because of a plague with little evidence or proof that such measures are needed is going to absolutely be doubted, especially when his reaction to the doubts is to claim treason.

>blizzard employee talking about morality

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>There is no levels in Warcraft story, autist.
TFT used levels to show Arthas losing his power while the Lich King was dying.

>Have you ever felt the warm embrace
>Of a runic sword between your haaaaaaaaands
I want to hear this dude sing more songs.

Robin Hood wouldn't be evil though.

That's the point. Even though he's breaking laws he's not evil, but someone who is obeying the laws can still be evil.

>Lawful Good
>Neutral Good
>Chaotic Good
>Lawful Neutral
>True Neutral
Chen Stormstout
>Chaotic Neutral
>Lawful Evil
>Neutral Evil
>Chaotic Evil

Oh, I misread your post. My mistake.

He is chaotic good. He objectively is robbing people in order to give to those that are being oppressed. Meanwhile the Dark Knight is in league with the forces of evil, but is following the codes and laws of that evil and so is more noble than Robin Hood

>>Chaotic Good

>Chaotic Good
lmao, even

Grom isn't Good on any level. Killing Mannoroth doesn't make up for all the shit he did, like deliberately drinking demon blood again and almost getting his people re-enslaved because "victory or death" was too hardcore for him

Chaotic Good is a weird one.
Technically Grom does end up Good but he fucks up a lot along the way and does the one thing he shouldn't with the demon blood.

Who would be a better fit? Post-death Medivh?

didnt uther come to save him in haerthglen? He should know the undead are a serious threat

Uther showed up at the very end of the siege with a shitload of knights and steamrolled the undead.

>ex-blizzard employee who is now into NFT gaming

>chaotic good in Warcraft
don't think there is one. remember when applying good or evil you have to take into account intentions AND methods

Pre-TBC Kael'thas maybe?

Depends on what his motivations were. His last words were
>I have freed myself.
implying he just wanted revenge against Mannoroth and there wasn't any sort of greater good rationale behind it.

>sylvanas tells a night elf how she power-slid into melee range of a frost death knight and predictably got shanked and turned into what she is
>nelf laughs and mocks her about it
>sylvanas has epic meltdown and genocides nelves

jaina and uther should've been more understanding, but so should arthas and actually tried to be even a little diplomatic instead of instantly going nuclear and firing everyone who doesn't follow his orders without question

it's almost like everyone was in the wrong, and that all those people made those wrong choices based on their previous experiences that they also had no control over. some real greek tragedy shit

but didnt hearthglen almost fall? Wasnt there tainted grain around there? The fact that it was more serious than some bandit or orc raid should at least leave an impression on him.

The entire start of stratholme is very forced (arthas immediately dismissing uther as soon as uther didnt say lets go), but im sure that with a bit more explanation of the grain, and what uther saw in hearthglen, arthas couldve convinced him someho

>can kill citizens before they become monsters or wait for them to all die anyway and become monsters
Arthas was right

>>sylvanas tells a night elf how she power-slid into melee range of a frost death knight and predictably got shanked and turned into what she is
I still can't believe that happened. BFA was a fucking joke.

Let's not forget that there was also a Dreadlord and his goons going around the city teleporting the turning humans away to wherever he was amassing the Scourge army.

He didn't want to kill any innocent civilians even if there is a perfectly good reason to do so, simple as.

i think that embracing a promise a power from a dude like illidan to save his people from their addiction would land him squarely in chaotic neutral. garithos being a jackass doesn't give him any points

Yeah, no fucking way
Medivh in w3 would be more accurate CG, but i personaly think it would be a stretch

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