What game would you consider a 10/10

What game would you consider a 10/10

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Haha cade :D

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Heroes III Complete + HotA

that cat fit into spiral!!! amazieng

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Cat is the nigger of animals.

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Gothic 2

baba is you.

Elden Ring unironically


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Dead Rising 1.



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How is he so oblong?

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you are the nigger of Yea Forums
smoke my pole and never post again

you're the nigger of niggers

Same and its the only one


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Very true but they're cute so retards don't give a shit about them decimating all small animal life in any region they live in.


No game is a 10/10. It's fucking bias bullshit. Ratings are kind of for retards. Play a game if you like it cool, if you don't whatever.

What's his Japanese cat name?

And you're the nigger of society. Perfect fit

wow you sound like such a cool dude! rock on!

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Thanks man you too

umm Chaos Theory

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kot blini

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This is the only truthful response

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None of them. They all have some issues or room for improvement.
>b-but a perfect score doesn't mean it has to be perfect

Arkham City


no game is 10/10 retard

Doom (1993) but that's my personal opinion. It's never been topped by any other game since the first time I played it. I still play it to this day and have fun in it.

Puyo Puyo Tetris.

There can be only one answer - Witcher 3 obviously

IMO, if you were to introduce someone who had never played a computer game before, you would show them Grand Theft Auto 5. In that light, GTA V is a masterpiece and in some ways the pinnacle of the artform

Except Oracle ages and Seasons is literally just this game but better. Exactly Like MM to OoT

Portal, We Love Katamari, DMC3.

Something important to consider is that just because a game is perfect, does not mean every game is held to THAT quality.

darksouls and mgs3.

Resident Evil 4
Metal Gear Rising
Diablo 2
Rain World
Dude Sex
Simpson's Hit & Run
Grim Fandango
Ghost Trick
Metroid Zero Mission/Prime
LISA the Painful
Killer 7

Rain World

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Fuck I forgot Katamri, both of them. Ty user

FFX used to be 10/10 until FFXI came out. Then it became 10/11.

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Outer Wilds and Titanfall 2
Also arguably Portal and Furi, but those are more 5/5s

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Stranger of Paradise if it didn't ran like shit.


Dig Dug
Everything else it is trash except and .

Devil May Cry 3/5
Deep Rock Galactic

>dig dug

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I've never touched Starsector but your post is otherwise of such great taste I'll have to look into it now.

Final Fantasy VII

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Half Life Alyx is the peak of videogames
that too my slavnigga

I have plenty of 9s and 9.5s, but the only 10 I can think of is Mount and Blade: Warband

Elden Ring
Witcher 3
Phantom 2040 (snes)
Perfect dark
Startropics (2)

This is what Yea Forums from 10 years ago thought were good games. Opinions?

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Lost Planet 2.

Halo 2.

Saints Row 2.

Holds up
Maybe put dark souls down to 30

Resident Evil 4
Super Mario 64
Alien Soldier
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

You're thinking of racoons.

I guess that proves that racism is wrong

Yea Forums showing their shit taste as usual, not a single Monster Hunter.

dogs > cats

The votes were divided among a lot of different MH entries, you only have Capcom and yourselves to blame MHfags.

what game is a 9.9/10?

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>left 4 dead (not 2)
>dwarf fortress
Replace these with l4d2, witcher 3, and elden ring then do a little rearranging and it's spot on


Counterfeit Monkey
Deus Ex
Elden Ring
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Outer Wilds
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
The Last of Us 1 and 2

Bloodborne would probably count from a strictly creative standpoint, but games are both works of art and engineering projects, and its performance isn't acceptable for the type of game it is.

A few games that I can't give 10/10 to but feel strongly about due to nostalgia or personal attachment:
Crash Bandicoot (1996)
Mario 64 DS
Mass Effect 2
Max Payne 2
Thief 1+2 (they're great at their best but too inconsistent in quality)

I wouldn't necessarily consider something without flaws to be a 10/10
Like, tetris is the obvious 10/10 answer because it's so perfectly designed, but it just doesn't reach the heights of other, more flawed games, so I wouldn't call it a 10/10
Tony hawk 3 would be my answer

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Multi: Titanfall 2
Single: Elden Ring

>b-but new games are shit
Ive been gaming on my own hardware since 1989 so please dont blog about shit i played b4 you were born.

Rayman Legends

The only decent Rayman game.

Yeah, it's kind of a messy combination of scope of ambition vs quality of execution and will differ for each person.
Personally, I would give Tetris a 10/10, but I wouldn't be inclined to give Wordle a 10/10 (or any score) even though it's clearly a video game and is basically perfect. And I can't really justify the distinction.