Deep rock

deep rock

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more like deep COCK

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>Fixed a bug that caused the Medical Gown to still be equipped when joining servers
absolutely homosexual

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>calls me a leaf lover
>allows sc*nts on his team
explain yourself

somebody's gotta be the mineral bitch

at least they fixed the nemesis spawns, having three show up at once was painful

I'm glad the update toned down nemesis spawns a bit, but I still feel like the robots overall need a nerf. I'm tired of this shit

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Why isn't it just an unlockable armor anyway

How do I git gud at driller?

yeah it's weird. when they first announced it I assumed it was just normal armor you'd unlock after you died for the first time, but when I saw that wasn't the case, I assumed it was how it was working, where you just got to keep it as long as you didn't change loadouts/class, but with the way it works now it's really lackluster

use your whole arsenal... well this applies to all classes.
Terraform the environment to your advantage, and to escape if needed.
I enjoy using sticky flames + EPC TFC. I just destroy terrain with drills+c4 with dig mod + tfc to make whatever place we're in into a flat arena, destroy shit on the walls and roof to get maximum bug visibility and force them to take as few paths to us as they can so I can shit flame on the floor and they just have to walk on them. animation cancelling axes as burst DPS damage for pretorians/oppressors, and a good placed TFC burst in the middle of a mactera child grooming pack to delete them all instantly. Usually never use C4 offensively, because its so good at deleting terrain. Even drills are an offensive tool, it fucking deletes the small robots and the small flying bugs.

also, bunkers are for faggots

Thank you, ghost ship games

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physics is hard

in the trailer they wear it on mission
what the fuck is this bs?

should have grabbed the zipline, fucko

the planet fights back

I have boomer reaction times

you can still wear it in a mission, but you need to die and then just go into a new mission without changing class or loadout. but now it also goes away if you join someone else's mission, so I guess you need to either host yourself or stick with the host you just wiped with

>mine your own business
>hoxxes suddenly takes a sharp turn
>dwarf flies out of the ledge

>team wipes
>rather than pick up the pieces, the host silently disbands the team
>if I host and the same happens, the other players file out without saying a word
This shit sucks.

thank god, had to deal with that hell last night, with a bulk on top

I only host but yeah, I notice people don't tend to stick around very much, even after successful missions. I kinda wish there was more incentive to keep partied up, like some sort of increasing stage bonus for x number of missions completed as a team

The nemesis can just spawn on any mission now?


I'd only seen it with in missions with the rival presence modifier. But now I'm encountering it on practically every mission.

Camaraderie bonus would be nice for staying together. Now if only promotions didn't require that you disband the team.

what would you like to see in a future update anons? i personally would love more in-mission events and interactables because we only have overclocks, cosmetic helmet/battery and 2 mini bosses

literal R*ddit game

you seem to know reddit quite well for someone that hates it so much

>also, bunkers are for faggots
Top dwarf.

Also bear in mind that you can turn defensive nightmares into cakewalks by making them into slopes. Craggy inclines in particular can be absolute bastards when they constantly block line of sight.
Also never underestimate what a drilled in C4 can do to an annoying stalagmite/tite if you’ve got the mining charge (which you should)

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Theres always a small chance of one spawning with the level generation, only rival presence spawns them midmission

Deep Rock is one of the most anti-reddit games in existence.

you can't say that just days after they add a voice line that says like "you make this team so wholesome". when can we get a mod to remove that line and the extinction one because it doesn't make any sense and it annoys me every time I hear it


The games playerbase largely consist of lobotomized, actual r*dditors or very like minded people. The type of people who get triggered by a voice line and ask for it to be removed or "modded out". The "humor" caters to the before mentioned group of people as well. It is by definition a R*ddit game.

>ping dorf
>You’re cute!
Don’t pretend this isn’t Reddit as fuck, fag.

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>Dmg numbers

Go back

lmao filtered, get gud


>t. drillturd

why didn't you grab the zipline?



>VR mod almost ready for beta
Are you rich enough, leaf lover?

>Terraform the environment to your advantage, and to escape if needed.
>also, bunkers are for faggots

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>bunkers are for faggots

Literal faggot post

>If needed
If you need a bunker, you're a faggot.
Pretty simple


Bosco should get overclocks of his own.

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filters are a default feature now, surely even a retard like you can use them?

It must bring you physical pain to look at DRG threads doesn’t it.
>Anons discussing the game, giving helpful tips, sharing unique experiences.
Meanwhile in Fromsoft threads it’s like a teenager daycare. Lmao.

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yeah, like destroying huge columns that block your view, or vines and shit growing off the walls that give bugs several paths to fuck you up.

yes, bunkers are for scrubs

>Meanwhile in Fromsoft threads it’s like a teenager daycare. Lmao.

That's because FOTM and AAA game players in general tasteless ADHD faggots with below average IQ at best.

I'M GONNA DRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLL. I love the driller bros, but I also just started playing, the engineer is fun too

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Who was in the wrong here?

>sludge pump is viable again

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kek I'm really fucking cautious when drilling. the fall damage in this game is kinda bullshit too, witcher 3 type of bullshit