I tried, Yea Forums. I tried playing this """game""". It's not good, it's just not. It's not fun...

I tried, Yea Forums. I tried playing this """game""". It's not good, it's just not. It's not fun. Dark Souls 1 is hard but the world is interesting, the combat is fun. You want to tread on. With 2, everything feels like a parody. Even the opening cutscene is like "EHEHEHE YOU'RE GOING TO DIE A LOT EHEHEHE". This game is a disaster and I do not acknowledge it. It is getting shelfed.

Attached: darksouls2-512-610.jpg (800x453, 113.66K)

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didnt ask dont care plus youre a nigger

checked and based

Attached: D8AE6F90-93B5-43A3-AB97-71F0031EE888.jpg (1024x1017, 106.7K)

what in the hell is that thing? is this what the average american looks like?

Funny how most chuds actually look like this.

Level ADP/ATN until you get 11 iframes from your hidden Agility stat. That's the same as Dark Souls 1. The lore and level design is trash compared to the other games, but besides that, it's a solid game. If Dark Souls 2 had been released earlier in the series, I think people would be more forgiving of its faults like they are with Demon Souls. It also suffers from not being as polished as DS3, but also not having a remake like DeS and DS1.

It really shows how when leftist claim to care about people is all a virtue signal. Because regarding men with bad genetics, they would rather alienate them just because I’d puts responsibility on whores

why are americans always talking about leftists but never rightists?

lmao user you are a fucking retard do you look like that pic or something? go back to /pol/ and fucking kill yourself faggot lol

2 is the only one I ever bothered finishing

rightists never leave the house

Nah, that's the whitest american, not the average.

This was Dark Souls at its most hardcore and tactical. You need high iq, patience, and thick skin to endure its hardships and challenges. And for that it's the best game. If the other souls games are say Ridge Racer, DS2 is more Assetto Corsa Competizione with its levels of complexity and depth. Not as pick up and play casual friendly as 1(or especially 3 lol), but offers skill based gameplay which more rewards calculated and deliberate decision making and creative strategy. The fundamentals are spot on. Really captures that adventure feeling of trekking into hostile territory against all odds with just your wits and intuition to fall back on, and a little ingenuity and perseverance. Not too surprising it's the most filtering game ever made.

Attached: 1622479400500.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Chuds all live in flyover states and other irrelevant shitholes.

>incel black pill philosophy comes from /pol/
LAMO actual retarded alert please show me where and when these originated on pol, the only reason people on pol don’t care about is because their not neurotic and dont base there ideas on the validation from women. It’s funny that you are projecting your facial aesthetic on me because you clearly probably look worse than the pic because of how much you think womens validation matters

yeah its honestly pretty bad. Boring open world. Boss design is god awful. I'll most likely never play through it again, where as I played through DS1 like 50 times.

You live in a state full of nigger and LARP as not racist until your city gets to a certain percentage of minorities and then move to some fly over state to do the same thing

>call someone a slur
>get mad when they call you a slur back

>Dark Souls 1 is hard
Lmao maybe atorias or Manus are challenging the rest is piss easy I never understood where the "darks souls is so hard" meme came from.

Attached: 1651491676947.gif (512x512, 510.38K)

Just do what fromsoft does and pretend it doesnt exist.

Dark souls 3 retconned 2 out of existence.

I think I am going to complain about whichever parties like importing brown people because there sealing the fate of any nation to eternally become a shithole like brazil

It's pretty meh. The combat is crab and it's the slowest and easiest in the series as well. Basically the world design is the only interesting aspect, and is the reason I'm playing through it.

>maybe this ds1 boss is hard
>or that ds1 boss is hard
>idk why people say the game is hard

then why did you? Oh that's right, you're a retard anime faggot who doesnt know how to use his words.


Fart Rolls 3 retconned itself out of existence.

I knew I could bait 2fags with that statement of truth.

I am fromsoft.

2 does not exist. We went straight from 1 to 3.

holy shit the butthurt lol

Not really, it was just a commentary on the futility of the cycle. For DS3, the good end is refusing to link the flame back in DS1.

2 was made by niggers so of course it sucks and fromsoft does not claim it. They completely ignored it when they made 3.

Filtered. Hard.

it's la creaturamericana user.

Does anyone really believe DS1 isn't the slowest and easiest? I know people like the world design but even 1 fanboys can concede right? I also don't think being slow is a bad thing. I don't know why people want souls to be fast and flashy. Even DS3 is slow compared to actual fast action games, or even Nioh. Nioh is way faster than DS3 is and it works better for that game than souls.

Funny that I’m apparently so blinded by anger yet still destroying you

2 is the slowest game in the series. All difficulty comes from retarded enemy placement which your webm perfectly demonstrates.
The only "skill" the game requires is the ability to kite back from idiotic encounters and prior knowledge that you need to level ADP so that you don't get constantly hit by "shockwaves".

No one cares about men period. That's just reality. Short? Hilarious. Balding? Hilarious (unless you're a women in which case slay queen). Ugly? Hilarious. It's no wonder so many are opting out and becoming troons.

I said MAYBE they are challenging because they move a lot faster than every other boss in ds1 but I beat artorias in my 3rd try and manus on my 7th so they were not that hard after all and doesn't change the fact that the rest of the game is piss easy.

>dark souls 2: obssessed with the cycle and its continuance, wallows in it
>dark souls 3: Fuck your cycle, it ends here

DS3 is the chad game. DS2 is the incel loser game. Nioh is a character action game and belongs in the DMC threads.

BoC,centipede demon and ceaseless are terrible bosses

>manus on my 7th

Imagine getting hit in these easy ass games. What a loser.

Ok bro you do you. Im still having fun with my favourite game of the franchise.

Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 62.11K)

Thats the american dream become reality, son.

try sekiro, it's the only good sovlslike besides bloodborne

They are terribly designed yes but not hard

lmao based. DS3 is direct sequel to DS1. DS2 isn't canon.


2 was faster than 1. Movement speed was faster and you can roll further and in more directions.
>All difficulty comes from retarded enemy placement which your webm perfectly demonstrates
How? Why is it retarded? And why doesn't enemy placement conveniently not count?

DS1 is faster than 2. You move faster, attacks are faster and recover faster, rolls don't limit attack direction, rolls are cheaper, rolls have better frames by default, and all of this is without considering DWGR and Havel's trolling.

>dark souls 2 has SO-youtube.com/watch?v=qByFob7-8VY

I'm gonna replay DS2 this year. What is the most fun build? Played it once with Bone Fist. Not gonna use sorcery because it's boring as shit

DS2 has a couple great bosses in a see if generic dogshit bosses. And has no confidence in its presentation. Everything is dreary and somewhat confined because God forbid you look around and actually see the environment. That said the poison dragon fucking rocked

Just say you like this bad game. No need for silly arguments or twists in logic. It's not hard.

More like Jethro SOUL

Ds2 was never canon. Even before 3 came out 2's story paints ITSELF as one of many infinite cycles but it has nothing to do with the original gods who started the age of fire and never had any chance to alter it.

That's right, DS2 is an outright filler chapter.

That's right.

DS2 Cycles = HRT
Dark souls (1/3) "cycles" = not cycles but time beginning then stopping then flowing again and so on, not cyclically but linearly

>6 mobs aggroed at the same time
>Why is it retarded?
gee, can't think of any reason

You talk like a fag and yer shit's all retarded.

This. Dark Souls 2 is the Mass Effect 2 of Dark Souls.

Are you joking? Kiting has been effective the entire time souls has even existed including demons. It was even blatant in 3 when backpedaling was almost as fast as sprinting lmfao

>You move faster
You move and strafe a hell of a lot faster than you do in 1. It's more responsive too, plus there's less input buffering.
>attacks are faster and recover faster
They're the same speed. If you put a weapon in your off hand you don't even have to recover after doing R1's. You can attack more and more frequently than you could in 1. And because you can powerstance really fast weapons can also do good damage too.
>rolls don't limit attack direction
They don't either in 2
>rolls are cheaper
That's true, but you could also bump your endurance way past DS1 levels if you really wanted to roll around a lot.
>rolls have better frames by default
iframes have nothing to do with the speed of the game. You could have max iframes and still fatroll around in DS2 and it's not making the game any faster

Exactly and your's is next, Chudley.

You're not making an argument. How is one enemy individually a mob? That doesn't even make any sense.

leave my son alone

God your boypussy is so fucking tight HNNNNNG

Look how much fucking SOVL it gets from just the dynamic lighting alone
you instantly know which dark souls you're looking at, even from just the thumbnail

No shit it's effective. But you don't have to do it most of the time since you don't have 6 mobs hanging on your ass.

DS2 is essentially a filler episode since its one of the many infinite cycles but this time without any of the people who started the age of fire and without any chance of changing the worlds fate. Aldia outright states this toward the end of the game. Nothing can be changed, the world is fated to burn eternally. Then DS3 came along and actually gave a resolution to the problem created in dark souls 1.

2 is just a stepping stone story to get to 3. Meaningless, has zero effect on the grander story and is almost entirely forgotten in 3's lore.

I'm replaying it right now, SOTFS to be exact
I don't remember the base game being this bullshit. It's easy as fuck, but there's so many tedious and unfair enemy placements. I died for the first time in Earthen Peak.
>walk into room
>get rushed by four fatsos dualwielding crescent scythes
>can't go back, get stuck against the wall and die
Iron Keep is also fucking trash, why the fuck would you add MORE Alonne knights? There's so many of them the game doesn't render all of them at once in the open area before Smelter. I can carefully look around before proceeding and then see a blue retard appear out of nowhere and start sprinting in my direction
Not to mention TWO NPC invasions on the bridge, it's just tedious

Don't compare ME2 to that stinky turd you fucking faggot

If course the DS2 fag doesn't know what a mob is....

That repulsive mutant freak is uglier than any fucking halloween mask. It's kind of mean to let it live. Someone should take it out back and shoot it with a 12 gauge.

Mob can mean one individual enemy.

>muh lighting

Go to bed lying ass B team

What happens in Mass effect 2's story has a massive effect (pun) on mass effect 3's story. Unlike ds2.

You’re so fucking dumb


1ncels cant fight more than one enemy at a time. These are the people telling you the enemy placement is retarded.

Attached: 1638887897162.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Nothing that happens in DS2's plot matters to the series at large.

Its like the "Goku gets his drivers license" of the series, except without any of the fun.

I accept your concession.