Why f95zone dont use torrent?

why f95zone dont use torrent?

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Coomers should be shot on sight

rpdl net

torrents suck and should be used as a last resort

Too complicated for coomers like me[/spoilers]

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because its retarded to use torrents for games that update every month and are not that big

torrent is safer and i don't have to go into strange sites with download speed in kbs

>it's a western 3d game episode

>torrent is safer

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you can see and select the files before downloading

shh, best girl is sleeping

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Do you think if f95zone file hosts weren't safe anybody would be downloading from the site?

yes but my main points are: low download speed and download limit (mega).
torrent is much faster and I know if it's safe seeing how many people are seeding.

Personally I have slow internet so dl speed caps almost never matter to me and I don't use a VPN so I don't like having my IP address viewable in the tracker list. I already pirate everything, I'm not going to pay money for a VPN when I don't pay money for anything else.

file sizes are rarely over 1gb and coomers dont seed speaking from personal experience

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end yourself

>female protagonist
kino tags post

Most big stuff do have torrent alternatives. I don't see the point in a torrent for anything under 2GB if you can get 2.5MB DL from a file host.

torrents are great
>1 download link instead of several
>no speed throttling by shitty upload sites

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Any examples?

why its so hard to find a good looking game? almost all games in there have awful artstyle or 3D models.

Coomers unironically have dead low standards

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Look for the illusion ones, and treasure of nadia if you want good looking 3d

god dammit I lost so hard, what game is this??

>treasure of nadia
Some of the girls look good, but not all of them. The chink massagist is ugly as hell.


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what about text adventures? I'm starting to enjoy those

>torrent is safer
Corporations log IPs found on trackers. A major part of PIPA was basically retroactively mass-suing "pirates" and anyone else whose data was collected.

No point if your game is under 500MB, most larger game do have them.

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>not using a proxy or VPN

>no tasteful, neatly trimmed patch of pubes
shit taste

Sauce me nigger

iirc its from a music video or something, not a game

>no pubes
it's shit


>download limit (mega).
How is that a problem?

Completely retarded take, especially for things like porn games which could get dehosted for any number of stupid reasons, at least a torrent lets people keep sharing the file.

filter ren'py and you've just removed at least half the site

>Paying a service to pirate

Torrents expose people's IP addresses and a lot of people are too lazy to use VPNs. I sure am.
Also, if people are willing to pay for servers for everybody to download shit from, why even bother with the torrent delivery method? That community is all centralized anyway.
Also also, the people they steal from (indie porn vidya devs) don't have the legal budget of hollywood so they can just freely operate websites on the surface web.

did you really spent this much time to make this?

maybe you should stop living in a third world country where the government gives a flying fuck about stuff being pirated

This is now a weg thread. Post your based recommendations here.
Hard mode: no faggotry.
I'll start: Love of Magic.

I have unironically coomed to some of these.

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Oh hell no. Unfortunately, there was another poor soul who did though and I thank them for their sacrifice

damn, thanks though user


>download part 1 out of 10
yeah fuck off

>implying it's not the other way around
the only people I see crying about ISP notices are americans and germans

i thought porn gives people unrealistic standards?

Monster Girl Dreams



>torrent is safer

Torrent is literally the least safe form of file transfer there is you fucking retard. All torrent user IPs are publicly visible and logged. It should only be used when you're certain you're torrenting something nobody gives a shit about.

There are plenty of single download links on f95zone.

>ISP notice
Germans get raped directly by the copyright holder's lawyers.

>tons of games
>they are lightweight
>often updated
It's like the opposite of torrent-friendly content.

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>anti--torrent fags
lmao. It's funny because as far as F95 goes direct DDL has been pure cope after NOPY died. Nothing but slow hosts or MEGA capping your free account ass after you dared to download more than a couple of bytes.

No wonder posts asking for torrents are about as common as posts begging for saves nowadays.

Only games worth playing them are Rogue-like and Something Unlimited. The rest is utter trash.


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>not using megabasterd

I'm a coomer and I refuse to fap to those hideous uncanny valley goblinos

He's wrong too but at least in the US those notices only mean something if you live in the middle of nowhere where an ISP has a monopoly. If you live even somewhere remotely connected to civilization you'll have options with ISPs and if one is whining about you pirating shit they can't really do anything about it if they want to keep your business. Compare that to somewhere like Bumfuck Wyoming where it's just Comcast and if you're not doing what they say they'll just cut off your internet until you agree to be a good boy since you have no alternative.

That doesn't make you a Chad.

rip nopy indeed it was wonderful
i wonder why they never use mediafire or drive

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you're missing out bud

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Katalist is a hidden gem but the game is too fucking hard

because anyone with the skills to make one would never bother with porn

didn't know about this site, so thank you anons
shitty uncanny 3d models get my peepee diamond hard for some reason, unironically, hentai and other cartoons do nothing

godspeed goblin enjoyed

>torrent is safer
lol no. Ordinarily copyright holders only go after people who distribute their content illegally, but the thing about torrenting is that you're uploading data at the same time that you're downloading it, so you count as a distributor on a technicality.
>what about torrenting with a VPN?
VPNs are mainly designed to give you some form of privacy and access to region blocked content, but aren't obligated to protect you from litigation if you're caught engaging in piracy on their servers. Governments are allowed to subpoena connection records from VPN providers in order to find pirates, and if they don't hand over the information, they would instead be found liable for your actions

>coomers don't seed

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>actual glowies itt are trying to spook people into never torrenting anything

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