The white cliffs of dover in england

The white cliffs of dover in england.

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I was supposed to post this on /int/.

where are the migrants in inflatable boats

it's alright I like this post.

They got a leak.

I post on Yea Forums by mistake and and NOBODY WILL EVER KNOW!!!!

They do look very nice.

Theme of 2022:

That's the cliffs after I painted them with my coom fapping to Jill.

Dragons dogma location

Very nice, feels like a /p/ post

Thats capel dipshit

Are there any games that feature it?

Why do Brits make such a big deal over these cliffs?


That's it?
Thought they were bigger.

Is that lime? why is it so white?

best song on GHIII

Nah the white cliffs arr small, the black cliffs are bigger.


>seek refuge in a country
>greeted by a white wall
how is this allowed?

Cliff too small.


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they're really British or something, that was my takeaway from the Day Today bit where they had a shot of a shepherd and bulldog standing there.

The blacked cliffs of Dover in England

Ah so that's where that song title comes from.

isn't this actually not Dover but some other nearby place that also has white cliffs?

it's such a boring featureless country that the closest thing they have to a natural wonder is a big white wall.

good job user, was going to do the same if i didnt see it already. great song

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Guitar Hero III marked the end of soulful gaming.

Finally, a good post

Man the bass in that does all the way down. Thanks for posting.

Just imagine

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>IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz Edition

>the bass in that does all the way down
what did they mean by this?

It means user has some decent speakers or headphones.

Would throwing oneself off The White Cliffs of Doverâ„¢ make for a kino death?

Thought the same thing

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They named them after Eric Johnson's song?

What would the world be like today if that never eroded

They're the only white thing left in England.

It flooded, you could bring it back if you somehow created another ice age

You're close-hauled on the port tack, beating up the channel with a north-easterly wind blowing strong, with Dover bearing north two miles. The wind veers four points, taking you flat aback. What do you do, sir?

This would still be a pointless thread there. Think about it.

It's right by a major port, so it's the first thing most people saw when they'd come back home after a trip

If i'm in the channel and not on a vessel made of steel what I do is drown.

that's IT? Scot here, I've never bothered looking up these, they're pretty fuckin shite. If you're visiting the UK, nevermind those grotesque English folk and their pish cliffs. come up north, we have an abundance of natural beauty up here.

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I ask myself shit like this everyday

Good morning, sir.

Nice quads

Show us some examples, Scotbro

Bu then you would have to be around scotts

overreliance on natural beauty does explain the lack of architecture, infrastructure and culture up north desu

here you go, Iona, off the coast of the Isle of Mull. Beautiful place.
You'd be surprised, because England is so fucking pathetic, any time I visit any of the isalnds off the west coast it's just filled with English folk escaping their guff country.

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Scottland is a shit heap compared to Northumberland.

It's an iconic national landmark I guess
Interesting fact, the name Albion (which is an old name for Britain and has the same root as the Scottish Alba) is related to the old Indo-European word for "white" and probably related to the cliffs.

Geir Jenssen is based

Isn't this the suicide cliff?
Looks comfy

A beach on Isla.
Lack of culture? Because you're not educated in it does not mean it's not there. Come on up, and you'll see for yourself, the majority of museums are free. I can't argue about the infrastructure though, it's pretty bad when you go further north, especially north west.
Ah yeah, right at the border. Can't imagine why that might be.

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It's still England you mong, heck if you wanna talk natural landscapes go to Wales.

Okay, limey.




Yorkshireman here. Our county mogs your entire countryside save maybe the Caledonian forest and you Highland niggers don't look after it.