
Whats even the point in streaming video games now? The market is so oversaturated that you need to be connected with someone already big to get far. Why bother?

Branch out then wait 10 years to get 10 viewers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I always find hilarious when people dropped from school and spent a gorillion of dollars only to end up with 1-2 viewers (and one of them being a friend)

It was always a retarded """career""" decision even if you made it big. Aside from people who pull stupid numbers, even successful streamers bring in like $60k-$80k a year. If you're not a retard, you can make that much money in just about any career path.

Just do it if you think it's fun. Don't expect to become an eceleb.

you miss 100% of the shots you dont take

Any asmongolders in the thread

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fuck you and fuck your pinterest quotes for motivation

the amount of 0 viewers streamer is funny
if you have 100 viewers you are the top what, 90% of streamers?

People think it's a gateway to becoming a millionaire now. Truth is, if you weren't there say 8+ years ago you probably won't make it. The only way to get big nowdays is leech off of a bigger streamer or when a new game gets popular (like fortnite) you try to be the best at it in the world and garner an audience. However you also need to be interesting and entertaining for hours on end which most people just aren't. And yes, if you think you're funny for 6+ hours, you're not.

I know someone who gets 100 viewers daily cause he use to troll the shit out of people on DbD. Quit his job, thought he made it big. Now he's homeless and streams vlogs to 5 people.

thats the irony of it. I don't wanna tell people ''give it up, you're not gonna make it but holy shit do they not realize it. if you've got a job already a streaming is your off time, sure, why not. but a career? fuck no.

I'd say 10% is even pretty generous.

being angry is human
staying angry is foolish

kek bring in more

>he moved his eyebrows didnt brush his teeth and his root stinks of piss this is so epic can he pleeeease react to my youtube video ive donated for him to see its so funny

I mean if you want to do it as a hobby for fun and not a career go ahead I guess no harm done. I personally find it more depressing streaming to 0 viewers for "fun" than to not stream at all. Then again I don't stream. Making it a career choice is volatile. There is a japanese guy from abroad and japans streams that was a successful high school teacher in tokyo who apparently dropped it to become a streamer and gets an average of a couple hundred viewers. Personally I think that was a a retarded decision but whatever

God he's such a faggot. I remember when these fucking 'asmogold reacts' channels were spamming my youtube feed constantly. I fucking blocked as many of them as I could but they kept on coming


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get mad, then get over it

Based wisdom monkey...

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I watch he used to go by Britbong he's funny as fuck desu love his vtuber avatar it's actually original unlike the trannies RPing as women.

What scares me is that you can go into that one guy's channel when he's offline and the chat doesnt stop moving. All these people just throwing stuff out into the void... all subbed.... are they even real people? Do they not understand no one has a chance to read what they typed?

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60-80k playing video games is a lot comfier than doing most kinds of jobs

this is the saddest post imagine having to shill yourself on Yea Forums of all places

this is unironically true but fuck you anyway

still works fine for people who have personality, if you're a good player with no personality you missed the boat

of course if you're just an incel or some vtuber retard you were never going to make money in the first place

Its creepy. I remember seeing some shit about people being attached to streamers because they feel as though they are personally chatting with them and being good friends or some shit like that.

My "personality" would probably get me banned from Twitch and Youtube in a single stream

being racist is not a personality, user

What ground of personality?

Cause people like that black kid who screams made it big from just that.

most youtubers and streamers are a charisma black void.
Look at yongyea..

to be a zoomer, you need to think like you're a zoomer
what would a zoomer watch? well what everyone else is watching of course! just like a sheep!
so get some viewbots.

I've heard people can't stand him. Did something happen?

i forgot to add, you dont even need to source them out; if you do a couple of shitty streams they will hit you up.

>video has a 90/10% dislike ratio
>youtuber has a meltdown or just straight out deletes the video
why are e-celebs so fragile?

Don't bother.
If you don't have it, you don't have it.
The vast majority of people streaming on Twitch have 0 or 1 viewers.

If you're a girl you can at least attract some weirdos to worship you and send you money.

And then you open his stream and he actually talking about video games for 8 hours straight which is something Yea Forums could never do because Yea Forums doesn't play games or like any games.

Reminder that Asmon had 300 viewers on his first stream.

what I dont get is why anyone would aspire this kind of work
I work 8 hours a day and I work for real like half of that and thats just 5 days a week with 30 days off a year and I make enough to live comfortably
now if I were a streamer I would have to stream for 10+ hours every fucking day with maybe one day off each weak and I would have to play shit games I dont care and would never touch in private
and I couldnt even slack off because you are watched constantly and on top of that you have to entertain/ deal with the retards watching you
sounds like a major pain in the ass

If you make it you can make a shit ton of money.
Plus some people love the attention and actively crave it from people.
You don't have to work for someone else.
You can get sponsorships and get games free and early if you get big.

Streaming as a career only blows if you are new. If you got in 6+ years ago its easy peasy. You have your audience who is always going to watch you. You've also streamed long enough to go through the, i'm no longer playing the one game that made me popular, phase. Letting you stream whatever

I get like 30 viewers and I've bought all the vidya that I've wanted the past year with money from subs, no need to grow any more

Why should I even consider streaming?

people love a good wreck, are you willing to dance for shekels, user?

Why are these threads rinsed and repeated with the same fucking statements every time? This topic has been done to death. The real question is how the fuck do i get rid of the fucking streamer react recommendations

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Why do viewbots randomly join random streams? Is it to get the streamer banned?

oh yeah those sponsorships
every fucking streamer shills g-fuel like its some magic elixir
I tried that shit once and almost puked
imagine drinking this live and shilling it for a few bucks
might aswell start sucking dick for money
and you do work for somebody else
you work for twitch or whatever shit site takes you and you oblige by their rules
say something wrong, get into drama OUTSIDE of the platform or get trolled by nigger donations = banned good luck next time
thats your safe working environment
I can honestly only see 2 types of streamers
attention whores and autists who dont mind streaming the same shit for thousands of hours and answering the same stupid chat question again and again


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It's called a parasocial relationship and it's how every streamer makes money. Genuine mental illness shit.

are you actually retarded or is this bait?

>Get on a 1 viewer stream
>You re the only viewer
>Feel guilt and pity
>Sneakily leave the stream out of shame and confusion

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That's the same for any workplace.

thats stupid nigger logic. Mr beast guy started like 5 or 6 years ago and people would have said the same thing back then. Its never too late to start anything

One girl started crying once, I felt really bad and comforted her and told her things would pick up.
I never joined again.

I fucking wish I would get nigger donations at my workplace

>branch out then wait 10 years to get 10 viewers?
that's what i do. i watch some small streamers and we chat a lot about the game, and then they raid me and people follow me.
find a niche and get in it. if you have 2 active chatters, you can have a fun time.
its comfy playing osrs while streaming to like 4 people chilling with good music

stream with your friends because it's fun, not for profit

I forgot to mention she was also black so that's why she wasn't getting people joining.


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I can't refute any of this really

He was already a millionaire before starting. Bad example.

Imagine liking this disgusting rat-faced retard.

The 3 main reasons view it's join a stream are as follows:
1. The obvious, the streamer paid for them to boost views.
2. The view it's bugged out and went to the wrong stream.
3. Viewbots will randomly watch channels so as to avoid suspicion from any sort of auto-detect