The future of gaming

the future of gaming

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is this real

good lord that belly

i want a flat woman to sit on my face while she jerks off my cock with her feet.

>Yea Forumstards virgins who only talked to their mom or sister think this is what real women look like
fucking incels

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Still better than Warhammer 3
Blizz managed to sell a second game for the sole purpose of resetting players' skin collections so you have to require all of them. Theres nothing about OW2 that they couldn't have just updating OW1 to have. At least your game runs fine, doesnt have denuvo, and doesnt break whats it took from the old game
Total war fucked up the 3rd game and gave shitty updates to the second game to make it run worse and have ads on the main screen.
You are so fucking blessed that blizz isnt as shit as CA

Disappointing posterior. Nice tum and tits

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If the market wanted girls with big asses then indie developers would have produced them and became millionaires

But they aren’t resetting my skin collection.

What about widowmaker

haydee did this and only this and sold a lot of copies

hopefully blizzard will fix this

Literally the same as it always was.

This is normal human biology according to Californians.

so should i get an used ver of overwatch 1 for like 20 bucks or is the game going totally die no matter how shitty overwatch 2 is

My mom and sister do look like that


overwatch 2 is the pve part
overwatch 1 is gonna get the overwatch 2 pvp part i think.
blizzard fucked up the marketting
either way i wouldnt recommend it as team based hero shooters are trash regardless of gameplay, its the other players making it garbage.

No new release to hold them up

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widowmaker canonically has a huge bunda in the lore, how could they do this?

Because you keep giving them money.

horny boys are neither making the game nor its intended market

overwatch 2 is free my guy

I like how the Yea Forums mod gets online every day at 11am (he has no job) and deletes a bunch of video game related threads while leaving the 8 blatant advertising threads up.

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Only if you fell for it the first time

i haven't played overwatch in 4 years but keep reaching

>just an update
>it is free
>calling it overwatch 2
what the fuck

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They literally nerfed it in some random patch. She used to have a gigantic ass initially.

yeah nothing weird about overwatch 2 threads flooding the catalog as it's about to come out when Yea Forums hasnt discussed this game seriously in at least 5 years

He should be lucky he had food on him, she would've devoured him whole.

>how could they do this?
stop falling for outrage bait. Yea Forums is literally just twitter at this point because this thread is nothing

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if you crouch or zoom in with her rifle the model gains her original ass size, it's the laziest patch ever lmao

>huge game hasn't had content in years
>finally after all the waiting, comes out with a wet fart
>people laugh at it
seems normal to me

>huge game

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we already had this fucking thread man. god this sight is going downhill

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yes retard, overwatch was huge during the beta and first year, before blizzard absolutely mangled it

post proof or fuck off. They never nerfed anyone's ass.

i'd be angry if some fat ass ate all my food

Yeah if they did Yea Forums would have exploded when it happened

even males don't have asses that flat, it's anatomically incorrect
a badly made model that's it

>it's anatomically incorrect

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Poor girl

>posts a cripple
>somehow it makes the point invalid

wow is technically called wow 9.3

wow i didnt know you could blink forward irl teach me how to do this

Her ass still sticks out past her hamstrings, unlike Tracer

I'm amazed you think this counts as advertising.
>literally only relevance the game has had for 2 years is the porn
>make the characters less attractive
Greta plan.

can you be any more of a passive bitch right now
i said i didn't play in 4 years now shut the fuck up
ignore him

A nice ass is not the same as giving your character lordosis no one falls for that.

Girls with zero ass shouldn't be allowed to wear leggings.

>fake outrage thread hits bump limit and archives
>6 hours later the same exact fake outrage thread is posted
i dont know why i havent blocked this shitty board in my host files everyone with a brain went to /vm/ or /vg/

While this is true, I would take 10000 flats than a single lard in leggings.

>nerfing all the female asses
>refusing to release any coomer skins
>any coomer skins in production got retarded censorship like Cat D.Va having an infinite black void under her skirt or having a piece of fabric glued over their ass
>release a bunch of shirtless male skins in shorts though
>make the latest blatant "coomer" olive branch an ugly cyborg that wears biker shorts over absurd robot thighs

It's sad man, I miss when attractive women were in video games and they didn't have to pander to trannies in some attempt to keep the 41% rate from climbing higher

who cares what real women look like?

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you lying faggot

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>ppl complaining of asses
>cant see your ass while playing your first person perspective

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Teammates/Enemies you dipshit

so you're telling me the reason my teammates always sucked shit is that they were always staring at ass?

>flat ass

That's like saying a game is the version number it's been updated to.
You're a moron.

you can when you taunt or die
you wouldn't get it

oh hey shadman drew this, looks bit out of character for him