This game is a prefect representation of what happens when you prioritize realism and immersion over fun

This game is a prefect representation of what happens when you prioritize realism and immersion over fun.

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So thats why its so good then. Thanks.

its fun to me

it is fun

Any retard who bought a Rockstar game while expecting it not to play like a Rockstar game, then complaining that it plays like Rockstar game deserve any shitty thing that happens to them. Like you couldn't watch 2 minutes of gameplay and decide the focus on weight and realism is not for you and just not play the game.

good. fuck fun. go smash your toys together like the adult baby you are.

The story was such a led down

>Yea Forums is now defending movie games
I lived to see the day

Trying typing that one out correctly, sweetheart.

just don't buy them lmao. let dipshits play them while you play what you like. exact same EVERYTHING MUST CATER TO ME attitude that sjw's on twitter have.

its not even realistic, thats the funny part

>people getting asshurt over the word "nigger" in 1899

it's over

>realism and immersion over fun.
nah, has all three

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you get absolute kino?

If you think this is a movie game because it doesn't have bing bing wahoo every 2 seconds to pump your ADHD infested brain with a dopamine shot, you need to get your head checked asap

this is actually scripted, it happens to quite a lot of people, still cool though

>start a mission
>purposefully engage in scripted content while you are currently in a free-roam scenario
>get mad that youre supposed to finish the mission, or quit it, before returning to free roam
man what a retarded you are

realism and immersion IS fun

I would rather have a realistic cowboy simulator then what ever the fuck you wanted. Fuck off faggot

my fifa playing friends loved it when it was hyped, just like the loved the last of us
of course they just button mashed through the story and didn't do any "side content"

I didn't know that. However, it COULD happen, since the engine gives for many moments like that in free mode or within the missions. Mostly thanks to the physics and the open world design.

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>realism and immersion IS fun
When done right, it absolutely is.

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Rockstar games didn't use to have this problem.

I bet you also found the Last of Us 2 fun as well, you cum slurping fag.

>these games don’t come out on my Nintendo Switch therefore I hate them
>wtf? This cowboy game is slow and not at all like my Mario games!!
>holy shit this new weeb game has customizable little girls and furry outfits!!!! Day one pre order!!! I love Nintendo!

true, the game isn't fun at all, but the beauty of it still makes it an enjoyable experience

it was fun for exactly 1 (one) playthrough, like any rockstar game, mainly just as a tourist in a very well done and technically impressive open world

the actual gameplay sucks donkey dick

>He doesn't like generic movie game, therefore he likes Nintendo
Neck yourself, snoy

Yeah and Blizzard used to be a great game dev company too. That's why you compare the 'then' with the 'now' and make your own assessments. GTA 6 is going to be a dumpster fire.

GTA 4 was a brownish slow game that tried to ground things I remember. Like the anglo say, the writing was on the wall.

proof it's scripted?

I still enjoyed it even if it had moments where it felt janky and slow compared to Red Dead Redemption 1 or GTA 5.

It's not even especially realistic which makes the design choices so puzzling, you have to watch Arthur individually pick up every piece of loot but he can still use deadeye and shoot with superhuman speed and accuracy.

they even removed the dueling minigame

immersion can and is fun though.
rdr 2 is a fun game. it has issues, sure.

I'm of two minds with RDR2, on the one hand it was the most immersive and engrossing game I've played since WoW and Oblivion when I was younger, since they were my first tastes of huge open-worlds, they felt limitless and magical; I was playing RDR2 religiously when it released, every hour I could squeeze in I was playing
on the other hand, I have issues with it that I didn't necessarily notice on the first playthrough:
>omniscient lawmen, you can murder without witnesses yet they'll somehow notice it even in the middle of a forest
>you can slaughter the majority of a town, go pay off some money and the sheriffs and shopkeepers of said town will just say 'I've got my eye on you' as if you only got into a petty fight or stole a can of beans
>already beaten to death, but missions can be overtly restrictive. the goal of a mission can be to kill someone, but you killing them the way you want can lead to a fail state
>story makes a big deal about money, but you can far exceed the amount Dutch keeps talking about and it does nothing
>there's a disconnect between the story being told and the one the player experiences: in an average playthrough Arthur will kill ~900 people, which makes him not only the best gunslinger that's ever lived, it essentially makes him a mythic war God
>the focus on violence/combat as the core gameplay only dampens the impact of what should be important violent scenes, they're robbed of their dramatic effect when you're killing people every other second. mowing down waves of cowboys isn't fun enough to be doing for 50+ hours
>too long, Guarma felt a bit like padding and the epilogue was mostly miserable, the story starts to feel like it's going in circles
there are some more issues but I'm fundamentally questioning whether these types of games even use the strengths of the medium effectively, even if I did enjoy it

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I love how arthur controls. THE PRECISION



I love killing niggers in RDR2

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So what does the gameplay consist of? Shooting every nigger in sight with ease while your character tanks 10 shots in a row. Or "hunting" by following a line in the dirt and killing whatever you were "tracking". This game is for ADHD zoomers, that's why the gameplay is so oversimplified.

that about sums it up, it made for a good tv show though, and would probably have been better that way.
the mission structure wasnt that great, it was only carried by the narrative:
>starts with cool cutscene
>ride horse for a few minutes
>cool cutscene
>shoot out for some reason
>horse chase
>cool cutscene
repeat for 60h
if it was a tv show then they wouldnt have to force in random shootouts to keep the player engaged and the shooting is shit

shut the fuck up

cry moar

another big issue is how certain challenges suck and aren't thought out at all. The herbalist ones are nether good, but the last one where it asks you to pick one of each type of plant in the fucking game (starting from zero) is especially atrocious. It doesn't even tell you what you already got so unless you start taking notes of everything you pick up as soon as you complete the previous challenge you are pretty much fucked. Even if you do take notes though it's still extremely long and unfun, I refused to complete it.
Also I remember the UI being really bad at times, especially with everything regarding clothes.

Shit like this is cool but it's just a shame the game didn't do more to have the world interact with itself more often. You rarely ever see animals hunting each other, or random civilians, nor npcs or gangs fighting one another or the law. That's the biggest oversight of all imo. The game is set in a cool and immersive world, but there are only a handful of set random encounters to spice up your time in the world, where as a few randomly generated scenarios/mechanics could keep the gameplay alive and interesting as fuck for your entire playthrough.

hopefully with this faggot gone future games will be less story wankery, but I bet he left notes for at least GTA6 and RDR3

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You seem to be the one that's upset here zoomie.

it was carried by narrative until the st denis bank robbery, after that it falls apart completely

guarna felt very contrived (really, you all washed up alive on the same island?) and it felt like they couldn't tie up all the loose story threads at the end, also fightfighting micah at the end was just fucking ridiculous

okay :)


All GTA games pre 5 had wonky gameplay mechanics. That was the game of those games, especially the III era ones. It was jack of all trades, master of none.

>You rarely ever see animals hunting each other,

>akshually... reddit dead redemption 2 is... le good...
go back

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That mission where you were supposed save the old guy tied up in a camp killed it for me , I saw him without going to spot to scope it out and failed, same as breaking into a factory later on I went on roof, failed, whole game is like that its no noooo noooo you must stand here first or you fail an open world game.

My biggest gripe with this game is that it's a cowboy game without a desert ghost town shoot out. So many good enviroments but not the one I can autistically fawn over.

>participating in yet ANOTHER RDR2 schizo thread.
No thanks. Here's a random picture from my Yea Forums pictures folder.

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nice buzzwords, faggot

>reddit the hedgehog

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>first or you fail an open world game.

It's so dumb. I had one mission where I went out a slightly different path and failed.

this might sound mental but hear me out:
the best way to take advantage of open-world games is to follow the lead of games like Dorf Fort, Kenshi, Daggerfall etc
since it's so difficult to have a story make sense and feel urgent in a game where you can wander off and do anything, it makes more sense to simply let the player create their own story and have that be the canon, and it solves the issue of restrictive story missions too
if RDR2 leaned heavily on simulation and reaction, giving NPCs their own motives and letting them all interact with one another, the world would feel even more alive
>create your character
>randomly drop the player in the world somewhere, or select from some backgrounds like Live Another Life
>you now have a wild west story generator where whatever you do in those hours until death is an experience that's entirely unique to you

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>these minor nitpicks totally ruined the game for me!


For me it was
>Stranger missions and challenges that you can start early, but only finish in epilogue.
>Game direction pushing context sensitivity and the like means there's a whole load of missables
>Not enough outlaw enemies outside of missions to have fun gunfights with without losing your honor
>Bounty Hunting is now one-and-done instead of being a recurring activity like RDR1

It felt like they really wanted to push the whole immersive-sim direction even if it meant generally walking back a lot of basic gameplay from the 1st game.

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that's a mighty hot pile of shitty opinion you got there

that would have been amazing, but sadly good games doesnt appeal to the masses

>walking back a lot of basic gameplay from the 1st game.

lol what the fuck are you talking about

How is it minor, it happens all over the game

>be on rocky slope
>there's a guy sniping you from above
>hide behind a rock and shoot him in the head from afar
>mission failed
>"hmm, maybe he's an important character they want to save for later"
>try running up to him while evading shots
>reach him and kill him
>mission goes on, it was just a random enemy but they REALLY wanted you to do that extremely easy part in that specific way
seriously wtf


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Think about the sort of things that happen in RDR1 that don't happen in 2. The random events that involve helping out shopkeepers, people in danger, outlaws riding into town are all extremely frequent -- they're repetitive sure, but it's more engaging to me than something that only happens once and you can never make it happen ever again under any circumstance. There's probably a lot more stuff but that comes to mind as an example.

I mean, there are some rare exceptions and a few pre-made events, again making the game more predictable and stale but you're can't bullshit me on this one. I autismed my ass off for my first playthrough and hunted everything there was to hunt, filling every single compendium page, even hunting 3stars of the retarded guarma snakes. I spent more hours than healthy with the hunting and animal systems so I know for a fact that animals interact with each other way less often than they should or could to make the world feel more fun and lived in.

I never got around to playing it. It's installed on my PC but I just don't feel the same about most games these days. Elden Ring is the only one I grinded till the end, this just looks boring.

Delete yourself from existence

good thing there's a whole game outside those two missions ;)

Things that never happened for $500 Alex

the highly detailed ecology in 2 alone is better than all of that

>t. projecting redditbob lover
fuck off you'll never be welcome here

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If you just want checklist autism stick with ubishit

it solves numerous issues holding the game back, it gives more freedom to the player and does away with the majority of the ludonarrative dissonance bullshit
>slaughter 50+ people of a town in a story mission
>you can go back and they won't care
this would be fixed by leaning more heavily on simulation elements ala DF and Kenshi, you wouldn't be allowed back there and it wouldn't break the game because there's no mandatory story missions there
>restrictive missions
no longer an issue, since there's no pre-determined missions, you create your own objectives and there's no set fail state beside death, you'll never be told you did something wrong
>story of seeking redemption and being good despite killing 900 people
again, not an issue if this main story doesn't exist, if you want to kill 900 people in the roguelike version that's entirely valid and no story will contradict it

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have you even played the game? Pretty sure this happens in a main mission

the "Greet/Antagonize convo tree with any NPC" thing is the greatest mechanical addition to an open-world game since Morrowind. It never stops being fun as hell to wind up complete strangers to make them spaz out, and go "haha just kidding dude don't be such a pussy. alright see ya". i just want this system expanded in whatever rockstar makes next even if the game sucks overall.

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When did I imply that's what I wanted?

>it solves numerous issues holding the game back,
those aren't issues holding the game back, you just have a shitty opinion of things

>muh ludonarrative dissonance
fuck off to Kotaku, faggot

I've never seen a redditor trying to fit in as much as you

>have you even played the game?
Have you? There is never a situation where the game punishes you with a failstate for not killing an npc the "correct way". It has worked the same ever since the III era games. It makes it very fucking clear when you are in a scenario or a chase on when you should be able to kill people or CHASE them. It's the same deal here. There is no place in the game that is going to punish you for shooting an NPC in the wrong fucking place.

>game has a clear focus on attention to detail, realism and a serious story
>yet the game contradicts each of these things constantly by both giving you the allusion of freedom whilst wanting to tell you a specific story
the game has too many systems and too much ambition with its story for the two of them to be frictionless, it is what it is, many people have taken issue with the disconnect between the story and what the player perceives and does
>nooo not muh heckin ludonarrative dissonance, he said the thing!
you know exactly what it means, cope
games are not movies and not utilizing freedom of mechanics and choice (which are aspects uniquely strong in the medium) is exactly what leads to ludonarrative dissonance, because the developer wants to show you one thing, but the game is doing another

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>This game is a prefect representation of what happens when you prioritize realism and immersion over fun.

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