Ladydevimon or Angewoman

Ladydevimon or Angewoman
also digimon thread

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>one breast out
Have my bump.

Is there any good current gen Digimon games? I've always been interested by the series and the monsters but I've heard the recent games are mediocre.

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I liked cybersleuth but I haven't finished hacker's memory.

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They rape shotas

as they should
cybersleuth is good. Someone should post the Angewoman pooping webm



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Bellestarmon is goat

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Superior tittymon

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Both Sexy
Both Hot

I'd love to be pegged by LadyDevimon while I suck Angewomon's pussy and Tai's little sister gives me a blowjob

Turn based: Cyber Sleuth
Sim: world Next Order

Normally I go for evil girls, but corrupting an Angel seems pretty hot as well

>Ladydevimon or Angewomon?
The correct answer.

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She needs to be in a goddamn game already

Wrong, correct answer is only bellestarmon

they look like they fuck black guys

*black shotas

I like your ideas.

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no one does that

I'm at my wagie desk job but I would totally post my cards as well. Glad to see she's getting love though

Ange on one side, Lady on the other, my cock in the middle, simple as

Not Cyber Sleuth. The people who recommended it have low standards, it is a boring piece of shit. I’m warning you don’t pay for it.

Cyber Sleuth is fun, but the difficulty of the game kind of ruins it.
Normal mode means everything fucking dies like you are playing Pokemon, but hard means you might not be able to use your favorite because it doesn't have piercing or broken abilities because the bosses are over tuned

Cyber Sleuth is fun.


>Start playing the TCG in March
>Register for the Ultimate Cup
>Get into top 128 and win a promotional Veemon
Feels nice.

Redigitize decode on 3ds with the fan patch is pretty good

KYS shrimpy.

No the main issue with battles is that they are rock-paper-scissors but with stats. There isn’t anything you need to consider when team building than making sure you have an attacker of each attribute and at least one of each has piercing.

Who pissed on her?

Yes, the Beelzemon type.

Nokia and Aiba are the best girls

Me desu

Come on Bandaid, release her X-Antibody card already.

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So, according to the TCG Beelstarmon is built for big shota Impmon dick, huh?

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She was fighting Beelzemon BM(shadow in the wall) and Impmon is standing up for her, nothing romantic about it.

his shadow being Beelzemon is cool
Kind if weird because the old lore made it seem like Bellestarmon was inspired my him not the other way around

I never noticed the shadow was Beelzemon. mostly because the foil is so bright you can't make out background

Does impmon watch them go at it?

I'm pretty sure the shadow belongs to Impmon and it's foreshadowing his evolution

Is Digimon World: New Order any good? I watched Frontier and Tamers as a youngin and want to try it out. Don't really want to play Cybersleuth since I'm burnt out on RPGs

Impmon digivolve to simpmon

The lore is that they're siblings and that Beelstarmon is extroverted, outgoing, and friendly while Beelzemon is grumpy, quiet, and a loner with few friends.

In here they're having an average sibling quarrel and here Impmon is standing up for his sister.
Cool references to the fact that on play you can pick Beelstarmon back to the hand, and evolve him into Beelzemon.

best character to coom provide pics

I liked it. It feels like World without 80% of its charm, but there's so many evolution lines so if you like breeding digimon you'll have a blast.

It's grinding the game eveytime you manage to beat a boss the next thing will one shot you.
Growing your town and Digimon is fun and so is the music that plays when you fuse, but how hard it is to grind sucks.

I'll keep an eye out for it on sale, thanks user

All the Beelstarmon r34 is garbage what the fuck

for me its Brakedramon

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She's a Ridiculously obscure character.

I'm just glad there are a few good pieces of artwork out there.

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she has never been in a game or anime

>Not in any game
>Not in any anime
>The most love she's gotten is in the TCG
Wait for her to appear on something else.

Digimon should just make a femdom dating sim.

Digimon has better monster
Pokemon has better humans


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i think you're just a brainlet, man.

1) time doesn't pass in battle
2) digimon respawn when you zone out and then back into the area
3) you get way more stats when fighting digimon of a higher evolution class than your current digimon
you can battle like 10+ times within the same ingame hour it'd take to use one training station at the gym, and you'd get like ~20x the stat growths by battling.

Just find a good spot with a champion to fight for your rookies (i liked the geremon and garurumon black in the server desert), and a good spot with an ultimate to fight for your champions (i liked weregarurumon black in bony resort or wargrowlmon orange in faulty ex machina). by the time they evolve into ultimates they should have stats pretty equivalent to most ingame mega level enemies, and they're ready to use for pretty much any in game story section, and you'll have another 6-8 ingame days to use them for anything you want.

if possible, use items to teleport places to save time walking, and recover their fatigue with good restaurant food at the town, too.