Silent Hill but in space and with good writing

>Silent Hill but in space and with good writing
>Actual engaging combat instead of struggling with tank controls, running past enemies and mediocre puzzle solving
Aside from being a PS5 exclusive, what's the issue here?

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She looks like a female Söyjak.

You're right, thanks for that

>Aside from being a PS5 exclusive, what's the issue here?
I cant play it on the pc I spent $3k on, maybe? is it that hard to figure out snoyboy? fuck exclusives and fuck supporting snoy

>struggling with tank controls
absolute state of this board

Women are the issue

>struggling with tank controls
Oh so you're a zoomer? Nevermind, opinion discarded.

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me see woman
me angry

>Silent Hill but in space and with good writing
I want to stab you in the neck and watch you bleed

>sci-fi tps #9836
>console exclusive
>dyke-looking stronk womyn protagonist
>what's the issue here?

Resident Evil tank controls: GOOD
Every other game's tank controls: SHIT
that includes Silent Hill ladies, all of em.

Shit game

Did they fix the issues with the game crashing? That was all people talked about when the game launched last year.

Did the recent co-op update add anything substantial?

She's in a space suit for the whole game, you almost never see her face, there's nothing brought up about feminism or diversity and she has a kid so is pretty obviously heterosexual not that it matters. You just hate everything don't you?

This, but unironically.

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The average Silent Hill fan ladies and gentlemen

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I will not play your woke trash sonyshill, stop trying.

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She? That's a woman?

Well, w*men say they can't play videogames because there's not enough female protags so I understand that female protag games are not for the bois.

There's nothing even woke about it, what aren't you getting? It the protagonist being a woman enough to make it woke? Is Mirror's Edge woke? Is Tomb Raider?

>You just hate everything don't you?
Nope, I just hate modern gayming where the AA and AAA segments have been completely deprived of any creativity and we are just getting the same copy-paste dogshit again and again with slightly better graphics and particle effects

The game would’ve sold much better if they had just make her a faceless protagonist or at least more attractive tbqh.
I guess nobody wants to play as an angry wine-aunt after all.

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Well if this doesn't look somewhat unique and creative to you then I really don't know what to say other than I guess I have low standards compared to you.

faith isn't a shitty white woman and lara is hot, so no.

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>Aside from being a PS5 exclusive, what's the issue here?

I mean that’s my major problem with it
>released exclusively for a scalper exclusive console
>been like two years and still not available at retail
I ended up just watching a let’s play in the background while painting. Story was absolute lazy dog shit even if the gameplay looked fun. Glad I didn’t actually end up spending money on it, let alone the money I would have had to pay some scalpfag

Furi came out in 2016

It also had a pretty good soundtrack

lmao recturnal

>what's the issue here?
The fact that it fucking never goes down in price and I don't want to pay that much for it.

It looks interesting yet somehow I can't stand the protagonist. It's not because of race or gender it's just not interesting. It happened to me with Alan Wake too.
This other character design (picrel) is probably what a lot people would label as wegly yet I like it much more than that one.

Idk, for some people an interesting protag is everything and I'm one of those I guess.

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Middle aged old hags are repulsive

I see your point but they aren't the exact same, Returnal is more focused on shooting rather than a mix of gun/melee, there are regular levels in-between the boss fights and there's all of the rougelike stuff

Nice bait, but not worth the (You)

so basically for you woke means "pp not hard"

I agree I don't really like the look of Returnal's protag neither but I think she is interesting as a character in regards to her personality/backstory

They aren't the exact same, but honestly Furi was a breath of fresh air at the time, while Returnal looks repellent to me from any point of view (i.e. console exclusive, art style, protagonist, combat system...)

If this game was multi platform and had a busty chick on the cover it would be 4chans favorite game.

Never tried Furi, how long is it?

I haven't gotten around to play the update, how is it? More fun than going through the biomes?

Stfu about your tranny game.

>If this game had good designs people would enjoy it
You sound like a seething western game dev

/pol/ white supremacist here. I literally own an authentic German WW2 uniform I bought at a trade show that I wear occasionally. This game is not woke at all. The protagonist is ugly but there is nothing to suggest woke politics. They even show that the main character is a terrible human being and not some empowered woman.

The story is pretty good. The whole cut scene after Nemesis is really really fucked up one of the most fucked up things I saw in a game.

Good design = huge anime tits for weebs to coom over

Nice one faggot

Depends on how gud you get and if you want to get all the achievements, but easily over 10 hours:

You can have good 3d women design without them being ugly as shit, just look at any Resident Evil or Lara Croft as mentioned earlier in the thread

I don't believe you
Post pics of uniform

Shit looks gay as hell

Sure give me like 15 minutes

You're looking at a mirror, user

>I cant play it on the pc I spent $3k on, maybe?

Chuck owned it earlier, and he had it named after himself as a pun. The implication is that it formerly was not a place to buy farming supplies, but something else. When Sneed took it over, he changed what products they carried.

You're a woman

sounds like an exclusively (you) problem. >Nooooo, everyone must cater to ME! Fuck Microsoft for not putting gears of war on Nintendo switch!!
Imagine spending your hard earned cash on a machine that can’t play the games you want, when you want. Next time do the xbox + PlayStation combo and you’d save thousands from needlessly shaking your fist at the clouds.

We can all be beautiful women if we just chop our cocks off, makes sense to me

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>what's the issue here?
it's shit and predictable with an ugly dyke protagonist.

>bullet hell boss
Nier did it first and it was way more impactful and less clunky than that.

>Aside from being a PS5 exclusive
Sorry but that's a big issue, I'm not going out of my way to get a PS5 for the sake of one game.

>protag constantly talking xerself
Thanks I hate it

>Silent Hill but in space and with good writing

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No, it means forcing everyone to look at sassy black women with afros and strong white women with buzzcuts

You know what the excuse is

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You sound unbelievably miserable and autistic. This is a 3rd person bullet hell rougelike and you’re judging the game based off watching someone else’s results, all because you’re too lazy to enable store notifications.
>I glanced at my phone screen occasionally and vaguely remember the video’s dialogue, therefore this GAME is trash.

What are you talking about? It goes on sale plenty, put it in your wishlist and you’ll see.

Though I personally think it was well worth $70 (especially considering the free Sisyphus tower and co-op DLC added afterwards) you should buy it as soon as there’s a price drop, or wait until it goes on PS+ collection for free.

Mc isn't an underage quirky underage girl who blushies over "thank you" options so Yea Forums doesn't like it

i don't play games that preface themselves with sociopolitical design choices for the express purpose of virtue signaling

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>nope, there was no reason for Selene to be older than 16. none at all. Has to be ((their)) doing.