I'm on the fence about this game, for those who played it, would you recommend it?
What are the overall pros and cons?
Scarlet Nexus opinions
It's fun for a while, but the shoestring budget and repetitive gameplay kind of kill your interest.
story and setting are cool but game gets painfully repetitive fast
The latest update destroyed my fucking Yuito completed route, I'm pissed
I like the game but can definitely say with confidence that the 2 protags idea was a mistake, should've been a one overarching arc with one main protag.
The cons would be how weird everything starts off and the horrible and unrewarding sidequests
I enjoyed it a lot.
Definitely start with Yuito, his playstyle's a lot more enjoyable and Kasane.
too many cutscenes and what says
>crying about content
you should play wow
user, 3/4th of the content was exactly the same. And the last 1/4th doesn't even need to be locked to Kasane, in fact it would be more dramatic if Yuito was also the one that got the vision from the future.
I only played the demo. Feels like it would get repetitive fast tbqh. Art style isn't for me either.
Might have a decent story though. If they release a sequel in a few years might be worth investing time into.
Fun gameplay, but a fuckton of cutscenes that you may not care about
The powers are restricted to who you're on a mission with, I expected a sort of weapon wheel system in which I could go between all the learnt powers throughout the game and play with them and learn each one and utilize them all in different situations with different enemies, but nah, it's very limited and that kinda ruined the fun for me.
>I expected a sort of weapon wheel system in which I could go between all the learnt powers throughout the game and play with them and learn each one and utilize them all in different situations with different enemies
You can do this actually but only when both of team finally merged, so like more than halfway into the game.
Is there a chnace that a sequel comes out at some point?
The story starts interesting but becomes painfully overcomplicated by the halfway point. I think it couldve been a lot better if it leaned in harder to the spooky body horror stuff and not on a conspiracy story. Gameplay is fine and gets better as the game progresses but it's nothing super unique. Looks pretty. Sidequests all suck dick. The social stuff with your party feels tacked on and I feel like the characters could've been explored better if done in a different way. Really wanted to love this game but came out of it feeling very whelmed.
Ah, I gave up before that point. I got bored and didn't like the restrictions.
Pretty high. Bamco has stated that they want to do more stuff with the IP.
Recently finished it. It's pretty great. Combat is fun and has a surprising amount of depth, the characters are well-written, and the story is enjoyable from start to finish. My only problems with it is that the final 2 levels drag on for a bit too much, with what feels like endless combat encounters, and despite me praising the story, it can get a bit convoluted at times with the amount of plots and sub-plots going on at the same time.
i found the half-way point the first visit that snow mountain the most interesting part
Also, not like the production team is currently doing anything.
Half of them are probably working on CV2 right now
>still believing in CV2
i bought CV yesterday
does it have NG+ like souls game?
it will be a few weeks till i play it
I've honestly had my share of souls game for a long time, but i understand some people might be excited for that. I find overall the concept of scarlet nexus more interesting
Yeah, and it's one of the more brutal NG+ modes in terms of how sharply stats increase.
Or GE4.
Yes. You won't get everything in a single playthrough, so there's a decent reason to go NG+ too.
cv has more soul but worse gameplay
It's a really fun game. Some of the most fun I've had in recent years. It gives you more than enough powers to play around with, and each of them having their use in combat. The Others are also pretty interesting and unique enemies that always keep you on your toes. I only wish you could unlock more moves though. A lot of the upgrades basically amount to increasing things like damage, giving you double jump, reviving companions faster, and increasing your brain meter. The game also looks really good. I remember the Mountain section in during the mid game and on my way to Togetsu I stopped to look at that beautiful view. Truly an unforgettable moment.
The combat can get a bit repetitive during the late game, but the encounters and levels more than make up for it. The boss fights are also pretty fun, though some like Dominus Circus have an insane difficultly spike. Story and characters have pretty strong writing, though the plot can get a bit convoluted at times.
TL;DR - Great action game with some rough edges and a lot of story if you don't mind. It's currently on Steam 85% off, which makes it a steal, especially with both Yuito and Kasane's campaigns being about 25 hours long, which is a total of 50 hours worth of content.
there are way too many fucking plot developments and i hate kasane too much to replay it as her. aloof cool-type girls like her only really work as protags, so dealing with her as yuito was awful.
the gameplay is very fun. it starts off pretty limited but it eventually starts to really get fluid, especially towards the end. the music is also really good.
The two protagonist thing is a cool idea...Until you realize each route invalidates and contradicts the other but at the same time neither route answers questions or gives context for stuff that doesn't add up. If you're gonna play it just keep in mind playing one route will leave you with answers playing both for context sake will absolutely ruin the experience.
>Until you realize each route invalidates and contradicts the other
How exactly?
How do they contradict?
it's a massive dissapointment, it's fun for what it was but it falls off fast and the writing becomes dogshit.
>The story starts interesting but becomes painfully overcomplicated by the halfway point.
This. I wish it didn't focus on the narrative too much. I just finished Code Vein the other day and I prefer a similar approach to that, just an adequate amount of talking and cutscenes and focus more on the action. CV is pretty unique actually, the most interesting narratives were in the memories, I really like some of them.
SN's universe is pretty interesting though with manipulated brain and vision and stuff like that, like that other user said I wish it just delve deeper into that instead of old conspiracies and time travel shit.
I wouldn't go as far to say it contradicts itself I honestly feel like the most of the story happened because most of the cast are idiots and plot contrivance, I played first Yuito route I don't even understand why all these characters don't just answer him straight, a lot of conflict and plot problems could have been avoided if they only talk with him, also I'm pretty sure that at least 2 characters of Yuito party should know where is the hideout of Kasane, but nobody try to inform him about that Now Kasane, I like her plot made no sense, the time travel thing is both going to the past and to another timeline, the fact that she didn't think about the inconsistencies of Future Yuito account and just decide, yeah, I gonna kill you, I feel like her whole character development is her supposed to stop being cold to other and learn how to trust people besides her sister, however the writing makes her look like a incompetent idiot for most of the time
>I'm pretty sure that at least 2 characters of Yuito party should know where is the hideout of Kasane
And those would be?
I dropped it after 12 hours / start of chapter 6 with the guy.
Echoing what people already posted, you spend more time watching cutscenes and walking around than playing the game, and the combat is very monotonous. Most disappointing game of 2021 for me.
CV2 is never happening.
Most of Kasane's team weren't around when Yuito (Broken) told her to kill him in the past, so they also didn't know why she was so intent on killing him. Kasane also didn't want to get close to him because she felt like she had to murder him.
I feel like there could have been more time spent with future Yuito, honestly.
boring shit
>combat is fun, especially after you unlock all the characters. You can do pretty elaborate combos chaining together and stacking SAS abilities
>art style is nice and the backgrounds are neat
>monster design is great
>characters are mostly likable
>not enough stages
>story is all over the place with character motivations making no sense, and character reactions being insane
>social links are often boring and they make no sense given you can bond with people trying to kill you…
>side quests are just “kill x monsters using y move,” that’s literally it
>comic book style cutscenes may or may not be your thing
the third dlc has a super boss that's gate keeping about an hour of cutscenes that should have been in the game and for me changes how the story is even presented
The story is cringe shonen shit but the gameplay is good enough
NG+ in CV basically tripled the difficulty. Be warned. You will have to git gud.
The super boss is really cool
Enemies later turn into damage sponges. Way too many cutscenes that have no purpose. No choices. No romancing. Hated the time travel.
It's a really fun game, especially with the max difficulty mode
>No romancing
Video game romances are cringe most of the time
>No romancing
Hanabi... robbed...
I liked it more than Code Vein and Tales of Arise, but I'm a sucker for cel shaded anime graphics, good female protagonists and DMC-like combat systems. It's also got a Ghost in the Shell like setting with run down Asian ghettos and a fuckton of Persona like bonding episodes with all 10 party members.
The game seems very polarizing for some reason I can't wrap my head around though, so play the demo first.
>Damage sponges
Just use your abilities more
Agreed. One of the reasons I dislike western RPGs is they all have incredibly cringey romance. “You can fuck every character, even the dudes! It’s so mature!”
>The game seems very polarizing for some reason I can't wrap my head around though
It's strange really. Some people say the story is fantastic, while others say it's nonsensical. Some say that the gameplay is great ,while others say its boring. I absolutely never expected a game like this to be so polarizing.
if its fun its not a problem
if its not fun i wont even replay it
Maybe it's just the people not making an effort to understand the combat system and running laps around the enemies while spamming PK and SAS. The BABE dungeon was criticized for being too long and too hard, but it was my favorite part of the game.
For me, it's Kyoka
Kasane and Yuito are siblings, so shippers should fuck off.
>Maybe it's just the people not making an effort to understand the combat system
This is bizarre, considering that the combat system isn't even hard to grasp. In fact, compared to other action games, SC is far easier to actually get into and do wild combos. It's probably the most fun I've had in recent years. To me it just seems like people dismissed it as a low budget anime game and didn't even try.
>implying that would stop anything
Imagine the Duplication and Hypervelocity sex