Sold 13 million copies

>Sold 13 million copies
>Has a great soundtrack and graphics
>A solid story
>CD project constantly fixing it
>Everyone who completed the game agrees that it's a flawed gem and once it's fixed it'll be a classic
>Dumbasses who watched 1 "cyberpunk bad" video dogpiling on it with their favorite game being tlou2

Why are people so blindly following a bandwagon? Why does nobody actually decide to check their own perspective about things anymore?

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>everyone who completed it liked it!
this works for movies that are 2 hours long, not 30 hour games. if the majority of people who are sitting down for 30 hours to play your game are STILL saying it's flawed and needs fixing then it's a bad game

What exactly is the point of doing damage control on a game from a year ago?

Make threads like these once the DLC expansion comes out if it's good and the game hits 2.0 after actually significant updates, for now Cyberpunk is still in early access, stop acting like it's hot shit till the game is actually complete, this game has not had it's no man's sky moment yet

Aliton is that you?

The actual gameplay from shooting to driving and the rpg mechanics range from bad to just mediocre.

I don't hate the game but there is not a chance in hell it will ever be a classic because once the TECHNOLOGY! ceases to be impressive all that is left is gameplay and story and Cyberpunk is mediocre as fuck on both these fronts.

it's a bad game
the narrative will not change
get over it

>game flopping so hard the Polish government had to interfere

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yeah everyone knows about the bugs and that it was a scummy move to release an unfinished game, but the point is exactly that. The game is just unfinished, not bad. But mfs just hate it for the sake of hating, which is retarded

I still remember the refunds because it does not to this day work on ps4.
you can't undo that. you rushed your product.

These shrimps fresh?

I agree OP, I enjoyed the game, we definitely need more stuff like this and less like TLOU2.

>constantly fixing it
The problems are fundamental in the game you can't fix them unless you go back to square one.

This. That was more disappointing and damning than half the broken promises. It plays like some shitty chinese ripoff of a GTA game.

>The game is just unfinished, not bad.
there are so many examples of this, crash twinsanity came to mind instantly
the 'game' is still bad, you are raging because of semantics AND raging that there are retarded people on earth, you are going to be butthurt as long as you are alive, cyberpunk is a bad game, no matter how many redeeming qualities. whether its its own fault or just because of crunch shit remains to be seen, but you being mad doesnt change reality im afraid

>>Sold 13 million copies
14 million pre orders. Since then its only sold 4 million.
>>A solid story
Main story is only 15 hours long. And both panam and judy are boring as hell. Takemura and jackie needed more screen time.
>>CD project constantly fixing it
Everyone already beat the game in december 2020 so it doesnt matter now
>>Everyone who completed the game agrees that it's a flawed gem and once it's fixed it'll be a classic
Once its fixed? We all already played it who cares now?

I played it for about ten hours before I gave up on trying to find the fun, I don't understand. The first two were just a lot of cut scenes.

>fixing it
It fundamentally fucking sucks though. The movement and shooting is shit, the melee is shit, I don't care how many bugs they fix the game is fucking awful

Flawed is not the opposite of fun user.

If no mans sky can turn around. Expect this game to by goty.

Traffic and cop chases will always be impossible because the engine iteration they used does't support it.
The world will always feel lifeless.
Almost all the quests lack any choice or reactivity. The only quest with actual cjoice and variety was the one they used for all the promotional material.
AI will always remain braindead

but most people agree cyberpunk is fun, walking around an insanely glitchy broken mess and watching cars go flying and headless NPC copypasted everywhere can be extremely fun
the OP is questioning whether or not it is bad, we're only 20 posts into this thread, how are you this lost already

except no mans sky is still just busy work for the sake of busy work, it barely classifies as a space game
factorio is more of a space game and that literally IS just busy work, but the game is actually designed around it

I completed it once because I was hooked by the story but I can't fucking stand another playthrough because the gameplay sucks

Even disregarding the issues that it had at launch, and it's poor performance on older consoles, it still didn't meet the expectations that people had for it and just ends up feeling rather mediocre in all aspects.

Just replayed it. It still sucks. Still had one crash despite 1.5 patch. Still has all the awkward dialogue delays. Hacking is still just tab = kill anything and anyone.

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It's okay if you go full stealth. Then it becomes poor man's Deus Ex HR/MD, which is honestly pretty decent.

>eurojank rpg bad because I can't play it like GTA
Why are consolefags like this?

I'll check it out when they are done fixing it. Simple as.
Thanks for betatesting.

A bad game is inherently unfun, if people are having fun despite the flaws then it isn't a bad game in of itself, just not as good as it could be.

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>Why are people so blindly following a bandwagon?
easy upvotes.

>>eurojank rpg bad because I can't play it

>fun = good game, even if 99% of the fun is actively laughing at how shit the game is
you have to be 18 to post here
once again you are butthurt about semantics and unable to talk about video games effectively, please commit suicide if waiting till you are 18 is too much of a task for you

but why not just play DX then

My PS4 plays it just fine.

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Capture 2021.12.08.webm (800x450, 2.91M)

wow the console remaster is out already

Because there's only so many times I can play the same games. A new 7/10 DX game is still great as far as I'm concerned.

No you are just retarded. The purpose of any game is to have fun, if one does so then said game has fulfilled its purpose and is as such fit (or good one might say) for purpose - there is nothing more to it than that. STALKER is filled with bugs and is broken as fuck yet Yea Forums declares it fun for the exact same reasons.

Doesn't matter. Its reputation is ruined forever and will most likely hurt its longevity in the long run. The developer's of no man's sky fixed their game up too but by the time that happened nobody cared about it anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if CD Projekt started purging their executives right about now, they singlehandedly destroyed the game and absolutely deserve the pink slip if I'm being honest.

>once it's fixed

>STALKER is filled with bugs and is broken as fuck yet Yea Forums declares it fun for the exact same reasons.
no they dont retard, people like stalker because there IS an actual game to play and its just a game with bugs, rather than a bug machine with a broken unfinished copy paste game underneath like cyberpunk
ONCE AGAIN you are fixated on semantics instead of actually talking about video games, there is plenty of time to slash your wrists

If you pay for it your opinion is already biased if you pirate same because you lack the investment.
If you watched a review you don't know enough.
Fuck you and logic if I think it's trash it's trash to me.

The PS1 version is really smooth too.

Attached: cyperpunkps1.webm (852x480, 2.38M)

Y'know I could articulate why the game is good (the atmosphere, reasonable game mechanics, interesting characters and the like) but you seem to be angry for no reason so i'm going to call you a fag.

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>i literally do not want to talk about video games
>>projects butthurt
just post the wojak already school is starting soon billy

That is scarily accurate to the Cyberpunk experience. Someone took great pride in making that.

No I don't want them to discuss them with you, maybe someone who can have discussion is available?

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I can't wait until this pixelated zoomer garbage trend wears off. People are gonna sick of it, eventually.

still less people playing it right now than people on Eve Online lmao
face it, your shitty out-of-nowhere 'slap a movie star on the box' cashgrab failed

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>Why are people so blindly following a bandwagon? Why does nobody actually decide to check their own perspective about things anymore?
it's the The Emperor's New Clothes applied to real life... that's why retarded shit like the dark souls franchise, nintendo games and weeb trash in general get so much hyped everywhere
they appeal to the lowest common denominator and they tend to be the majority.. the rest wants to fit in so they charge in blindly

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>Why are people so blindly following a bandwagon? Why does nobody actually decide to check their own perspective about things anymore?
>more damage control than putin
>constant spam threads on Yea Forums with the same narrative of ""j-just decide f-for yourself please don't believe the overwhelming negative feedback and criticism""""""


Who cares
>great soundtrack
It's solid 6/10
not particularly important when the game sucks
>solid story
Lol no
>CD project constantly fixing it
Minimal cosmetic patches that don't really do anything worth of value is not fixing the core issues.
>everyone blah blah
I completed the game and it's not great. It's not a flawed gem it's a sparkly turd.
>blahblah blah tlous2
tlou2 is also dogshit

where is the story dlc? been 2 years

I liked it, though I saw absolutely no promotional material for it beforehand, not even the obvious spoiler in the trailer so it's from a different perspective.

unfortunately, this one is right it's still a very bad, bland and pointless game but they didn't give up on polishing it.. but in the end it's still a turd - just a very shinny turd

Attached: Dorodangos[1].jpg (2949x2212, 2.45M)

How do you live with yourself, shill?

>All those points
>Not single mention of gameplay, how lifeless the city feels, the shit AI
You can't it a flawed gem since the flawed part are the aspects that make it a game.
>Has a great soundtrack and graphics
>A solid story
Might as well make it a movie if these are the only good things about it.

A delayed game will be eventually good, a rushed game will always be bad.

>Has a great soundtrack and graphics
The ost ranged from bland to pretty good but the graphics are dogshit still.
>A solid story
Nope. It's rushed as fuck.
>CD project constantly fixing it
I started with v1.5 and that game still had atrocious stuttering despite my high end gaming pc. Not to mention the jank missions where you drop a guy into a trash can and he counts as dead despite never having killed him
>Everyone who completed the game agrees that it's a flawed gem and once it's fixed it'll be a classic
Played the game 100% and unless they insert in 20 hours more worth of meaty main quests it will stay mid
>Dumbasses who watched 1 "cyberpunk bad" video dogpiling on it with their favorite game being tlou2
E-Celebs and their parrots are cancer, yes.

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They really aren't comparable, even if you ignore the fact that NMS still isn't great. NMS was essentially a blank slate where the devs could add, change and improve anything at any rate they wanted. Cyberpunk is a stroy-driven, single-player RPG with a definitive ending. Any attempt to overhaul anything substantial would have huge knock-on effects requiring something else to be changed, and so on. Take the looter shooter bullshit. It SHOULD be removed, but it can't, as you'd have to redesign the entire game's progression system.

>the graphics are dogshit still.

Kek at this PS4 shitter.

Attached: PSX_20220502_105602.jpg (2000x1125, 2.05M)

>CD project constantly fixing it
>Nearing 2 years of "fixing" and characters still T pose in cutscenes, audio dsyncs or is completely missing, props npcs hold magically float around even when the npc hid it, npcs still glitch through vehicles and a bunch of others
it's a flawed gem, better than ubishit watch dogs by miles but it's no classic, it has issues other than just bugs and glitches

user. That's the 1.52 PC version with max settings and a Blade Runner esque reshade. Are you blind?

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>>Nearing 2 years of "fixing" and characters still T pose in cutscenes, audio dsyncs or is completely missing, props npcs hold magically float around even when the npc hid it, npcs still glitch through vehicles and a bunch of others

Sheer mental illness and utter fucking lies. Cyberpunk is completely fixed now. Whatever jank is left is perfectly normal trival nothingness that you'll see in every major AAA game.

Shazam shitters lost. And they lost hard.

Playing the 1.5 patch on PS4 and it still has some issues:
Driving physics suck
There is a lot of pop-in. Not just textures but NPCs and those stations where you sometimes need to drop off items after missions
Random Crashes
Sometimes you need to wait a minute to talk to a NPC

Not the greatest but I would honestly recommend 2077 over crap like FF15

works fine on my PC

They fixed the police retarded spawn?

>That's the 1.52 PC version with max settings and a Blade Runner esque reshade.

Are you talking about MY image? These are just screencaps for my Xbox Series X. And I have to downgrade them to fit with 4channel's file size limit.

I was laughing at the shitter who says the game looks bad. He must clearly be playing it on a shitbucket PS4.

Attached: PSX_20220502_101211.jpg (2000x1125, 2.13M)

Really love to see how CDPR's astroturfing with 'muh bugs' as a distraction from the game's real issues actually worked. The game has far greater problems but the bugs are all anyone pays attention to.

I tried playing this last night and in my hour long game session, I only "played" the game for about 10 minutes. The rest was either going from cutscene A to cutscene B or "scanning" objects for more dialogue. The worst party about it is Judy doesn't even wanna fuck male V so it felt like an even bigger waste of time.

>They fixed the police retarded spawn?

What would the alternative be? You straight fucking murder an innocent person in broad daylight and nothing happens? You would just complain about that too.

quick question: is this game worth getting on ps5 or will it run like shit?

What form of cope is this?

>Take the looter shooter bullshit. It SHOULD be removed, but it can't, as you'd have to redesign the entire game's progression system.

There was an overhaul mod that deleveled the world, rebalanced crafting and made shop inventories static. It worked pretty well but the modder took it down to update for 1.5.

>you either have insant teleportation cops or no cops at all, no inbetween
I really hope monke burns Poland to the ground, it's what you deserve.

The game doesn't really properly start until you meet Johnny.

You're talking to the same person ESL-kun. Those were two screenshots from the same game with max settings and reshade

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I mean the police spawning magically on your back or impossible places next to you instead of arriving the scene like any normal game.

I'm referring to Judy's final quest with the scuba diving. Scanning was inaccurate, but finding objects underwater was what I did. I'm way past meeting Johnny. I didn't mind the actually, the whole thing was a great addition to Judy's lore, but after coming back to the game after months of playing more gameplay-focused games, I keep remembering how big the gaps are between gameplay and cutscenes in Cyberpunk.