Why did it flop?

Why did it flop?

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Modern men are not interested in sexualized children

She is so pretty!

its just generic tranime game with no sex appeal

Censorship and the Japanese dev got conned by a tranny game journalist from Britain into thinking removing fanservice was a good idea...

I bought it. I know it wasn't really going to be anything great, but I buy pretty much anything NIS puts out if Yea Forums talks about it enough. It was honestly better than I expected.

It was a bad gane just like the first.

What is a gane?

No yuri.

censored garbage with shit story adn sameface character

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>non atelier Gust game
thats why

>coomer game
>no sex
waddaya think?

>hourglass figure
>D-cup tits
I mean, of course a woman is an eternal child but a normal person don't look at someone like her and think in children.

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Wait, navels are haram now?

Breasts too small
not sexualized enough

tits too fat so they flop shouldve kept them small or none at all

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Wasn't 18+

i can only play as girls, fuck that
same reason why i don't really like the modern atelier games, you can't date the girls you are the girls and that's gay

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No navel.


>yuri garbage
Wow, no wonder it's complete shit.

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Faggot post

Poor man's Koikatsu

I fucking wish this wasn't toned down.
It's tame as fuck, the only sexual shit are stuff from the other games and some dlc clothes.

>he's a c/u/ck
You will always be a subhuman piece of shit that needs to blow his brains out.

Not that user but you people are formulaic to the point of being robots. Also, if you're so debased as to watch porn, why wouldn't you want to watch two attractive women instead of a women being fucked by another man? That's a little sus, as your generation say.

>people are formulaic to the point of being robots
Pretty much sums up c/u/cks.

because no titties

she said the same thing

Actually I think it sums up you, election tourist. :)


Anonymous Poster

Censored and too expensive

Is there any way to restore the removed/censored content?

For the first BR, there's a camhack mod. Or you can play the Japanese version. ayuanx.wordpress.com/2017/12/21/blue-reflection-camera-tweak/
For the second, no. It's the same across all regions.
To be clear, there's no text censorship in either game. It's just the angles of the camera in photo mode.

The absolute state of c/u/cks.

Why are you thinking about children, user?

Gotcha, thank you

I just don't think there's enough trannies in the world to sustain such an expensive to produce product.

>To be clear, there's no text censorship in either game
Second Light's English translation tries to pretend the characters are college students rather than high school students in a couple occasions. They still call the place school and zero effort is otherwise made to obfuscate that their lifestyle is obviously that of high schoolers, but it's there.

>yuri garbage
I fucking wish but unfortunately it's not even that, if it was actually a yuri game it wouldn't have flopped and even if it did it wouldn't have been nowhere near as badly

I forgot about those few instances. It was so hastily done that my mind just filtered and ignored it. You could literally just search and replace "college" with "high school" in the text and the censorship would be gone.

Isnt this yuri? Deserved, I say

what are you talking about op
it was kino

where's the navel?

It was a modest success by the way with 120k reported sales as of the end of 2021. Probably not something worth continuing the series over, but it certainly didn't lose them money. Although I doubt the same can be said about the gigaflop anime and the vaporware mobage.

I love how the navel is still there but it's so faint that unless you have a monitor with good color accuracy it's impossible to see

What. BR2 is yuri

>one canon side couple

>make a fanservice game that panders to weebs
>censor it

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>Clearly womanly, matured details
>Thinks of child
You're closer to the Pedro than you realize. Not that it matters because that's a drawing depicting ideals, not a hunan being.

Too light on the yuri, barely anything at all except teasing. If part of the game is about building relationships with other girls we need them being really intimate and cute together

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>two-thirds of your playtime will be spent going on dates with other girls
>there are relationship values that unlock gradually more intimate dialogue and the ability to walk while holding hands
>two of the aforementioned other girls turn out to be a couple
>most of the girls are more or less obviously smitten with the MC by the end
>you have to choose one of the girls during the ending
>endings aren't explicitly romantic
Yeah, I got nothing. They were willing to cross the line with those side characters but not with the MC and the rest. It feels like they could have with zero issues.

How was the anime

>there were retards who insisted that this game wasn't censored.

Too long for its own good.
It's like the first BR where a whole lot of nothing happens until the end. Except in the anime there's also some interesting action around the midway point.
Also, the planned blurays got cancelled so that should tell you what the general public thought of it.

It looks like garbage and eschews the cool environments and monsters from the games for magical girls vs magical girls confrontations mostly in the real world. The characters themselves aren't bad, but it doesn't have much to offer unless you're going through the whole series and want to see the set up for Second Light.

Pure comedy

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I already had one good fap section today.

But should I go for one more, this time to BR2 nude mods?

Who makes a game like blue reflection and then decides to stop making fan service in their games? Who makes that decision just because some journalist told them to do it? That doesn't sound plausible.

yuriniggers are so annoying

>Ruka carefully pondering whether Hiori killed her mom and then Mio

Japa worship white people. If they are told fanservice is bad by a white westerner they will say “thank you gaijin sama for enlightening us stupid japanese”

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The higher ups at Koei who wanted to make it sell better (and completely failed to understand the appeal of BR) and Kishida Mel who seems to be one or two steps off from trooning out.