10 years ago EA was considered the worst company in America

10 years ago EA was considered the worst company in America
Who do you say is the worst video game company/studio of today? and lets broaden the net with worldwide

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Ironically, I didn’t think that EA was *that* bad when everyone and their cousins shitted on it, but now I’m pretty convinced that they are the worst publisher around.

Not even close. It's TakeTwo/Rockstar now.

ubisoft and actiblizzard

Actiblizz easily

Ea is not the worst, blizzard is by far. Epic games/riot is probably worse as well. EA is probably in the top 10 for worst, but they have some solid games. Blizzard can eat a dick though, they killed every MMO and made sure RTS will never be popular again

Square Enix, Actiblizz and EA are all shit. EA aren't too bad atm since they stick to shooters/sports games and don't kill good studios like they used too.

Riot being bad is just a meme because they're too successful and league is toxic so people love to hate on it

activision, easy
then microsoft and snoy

Blackrock and Vanguard.

Activision/Blizzard would win through the recent scandals alone.
Tencent/Riot are actually the most evil as they are mere arms of the CCP.

Unironically 343 Industries

CCP fought against Tencent as well.

Tencent and NetEase are shit companies, they rot China from the inside.

343 only affects Halofags

Shit like Blizzard/Take Two affects the entire gaming industry

You know what affects the entire gaming industry? Blackrock and Vanguard.

Star citizen devs
Rockstar made a single mistake of releasing a bad remaster. Others are waay worse


nobody has said that dummy

EA isn't really that bad because they stick to football games. i guess Actblizz is worse?

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Ironically all the big western AAA publishers share the same #1 spot. They all wanted to win the race to the bottom and they sure did.
>activision, ea, ubishit, take two/rockstar, microsoft
The list goes on.

It's weird to think, but as bad as EA is, I don't think they're the worst anymore. Activision/Blizzard, Naughty Dog, Konami and Gearbox are all actively worse.
Especially ActiBlizz.
Although, frankly, I don't think EA ever really deserved a 'worst company' award. Amongst just vidya companies, sure, but they were going up against shit like Bank of America, Comcast, Verizon, Wells Fargo, etc. I think those are all inherently more evil.

>share the same #1 spot
ok sure but what did each of them do to earn it?

At that point EA was making a practice of buying companies, stripping them for cash, forcing the employees to work unpaid overtime on a new project, and then firing the developers and liquidating the company once the project shipped. Banks were shit at the time but none of them were even close to EA until the Wells Fargo thing dropped.

No one cares about your sob story about game devs. No one was forcing them to work, there wasn't a gun against their head, and they got paid for the hours they worked just not some BS overtime rate. Maybe if they weren't pampered elites they would be able to give effort throughout the whole project instead of goofing off for 90 percent of development time and crying when you have to crunch the last ten.

No one gives a shit that citibank makes its employees feel bad either dipshit.

>Rockstar made a single mistake of releasing a bad remaster

>paid upgrade for 60fps on console
>triple/quad dipping on a single GTA release
>releasing the PC versions of GTA IV/V in a shitty state way later
>exclusive timed DLC for 360
>banning players for using money making tricks in GTAO
>no PC version of RDR1
>removing/censoring tranny shit from their games to prevent hurt feelings
>broken/invisible hangar door that you can't pass still not fixed in GTAO
>removing legacy releases of GTA 3/VC/SA from stores before the shit versions released
>abandoning RDR2 Online because it doesn't make enough money
>no sequels to Bully, Midnight Club, or anything else in forever
>no crossplay in GTAO in even the same platform family

There are more, but this is just Rockstar. TakeTwo is guilty of even more. Fuck these companies.

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Ea did all the Jew shit first:
>Selling shit sequels
>Buying studio just to fire people

Activision or Ubisoft, not just with shit games and cancerous monetization, but also with just being shit companies run by assholes.

Every AAA publisher is cancer.

Ok so you're a bit slow in the head? Dunno why you posted that unless you're proud of it for some reason.

EA is still up there with their yearly sports versions and shutting off old servers. They're just not as loudmouthed as they used to be. Epic is probably the most hated one considering the bullshit they did and how Timmy portraied himself as saviour of gaming.

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Point is I never said Citibank should feel bad for that and you're clearly crying over how hard white collar employees have it.

None of that brings them anywhere near EA when they were voted worts company, and EA is worse now. Rockstar just follows the trend. Not their fault you never played any other games.

No banks have always been shit user. Banks do more wage theft than any other industry

Epic, without a doubt. If for nothing else but their constant insidious shilling here. I hate shills more than anything.

The salt was hilarious. Like no shit EA's not as bad as those other companies but Halliburton and BoA aren't going to give a fuck if some random internet poll gives them a dumb award, they'll never see it and neither will their customers.
EA does care and went into hard damage control from the start, so that's why people voted for them, to laugh at the reaction.

>None of that brings them anywhere near EA
Yeah, because EA has been shitting out FIFAs and Sims DLC for the past decade.
Unlike EA, people had high expectations from Rockstar, but they've kept fucking themselves over and they frankly don't give a shit due to how many rabid normalfag fanboys and kids still play their shit and beg for GTA VI

Yeah that's bad, I agree, but IIRC Bank of America is partially responsible for the housing crisis, WalMart takes out lifs insurancd policies on their workers (so they get money should the worker die), and Verizon worked directly with the NSA to spy on everyone. I think that's worse than EA buying and killing companies.
Citibank user isn't me btw

And they always have. The entire banking industry isn't going to change, but maybe EA could have gotten the message if they weren't such unaware cunts.

Im pretty sure thats agriculture, by a country mile

it's blizzard and it's not even close

Still not anywhere near as bad.

Fuck off tranny nobody cares that some dumb whore got her ass touched one time and cried about it for internet points and if you do you don't belong here

>EA isn't really that bad because they stick to football games.

EA preys on people by making them buy more lootboxes and rigging their matches with engagement optimized march making


There actually new bugs with the GTA V rehash. Pedestrians spawn inside geometry and they sometimes don't even collide with cars. There is something off and a lot. Their behaviour is also bugged.

They launched an MMORPG full of game breaking bugs, which required a hefty monthly fee to play, and when people wanted to unsubscribe they removed the button for it.

Then, after the first patch didn't fix any of the bugs, but only added gay romance, they publicly announced that everyone who complained against the state of the game was a homophobe.

Then, they launched game rights campaign on their website, and when they found nobody wanted to sign the campaign, they just doxxed their entire userbase and use their data to auto-sign the campaign

EA 10 years ago did their very best to be the worst company, not only in America, but worldwide. They acted like a fucking playground bully. And even then, after doing all that, they posted It amazes me this company wasn't burnt to the ground by an angry mob.

Man, Dragon Age 2 was such shit.

Remember that these were in 2010 so a lot of the information about this shit wasnt available yet. People knew the housing crisis was caused by subprime mortgages but as i mentioned before, people didnt fully know the details of things like wells fargo internally pushing employees to fraudulantly sign customers to loans without telling the customer or getting their agreement

People know about blackrock now.
EA's greed and shitty games is pretty mild in comparison to purposly destroying society and using federal reserve gibs to buy up all property.

EA. Blizzard. Sony studios.

The award in the OP was in 2013 though. It was known.

Nintendo is worse now, and the worst part about that is they will never get criticism for it.

>Companies that are genuinely fucking with people and the earth.
>Winner of "Worst Company" is a dipshit publisher who wanted ten bucks from you when you bought used games.

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EA pointed this out a decade ago whenever they would win these things and people always brushed it off as them being upset. Reality was they were right

Fuck, I forgot Nestle. "Water is not a human right" is 100% more evil than BF2 lootboxes


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>"I love my kike overlords!"
fuck off retard


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>nooooo you don't understand! the ending of my bing bing wahoo was just 3 different color filters!!!
>EA is worse than the banking companies that literally caused the housing crisis and massive recession!
fucking idiots.