Why aren’t they more significant in the gaming industry ?
Why aren’t they more significant in the gaming industry ?
considering the size of their country and them producing one of the current (dogshit) flagship titles for sony i'd say they're pretty significant
also killzone, overlord and age of wonders
Terraria is dutch
Why would they be?
Imagine being so cucked as nation you dropped the best tricolour in history. Faggots.
Most of their national stuff is orange so why would it matter?
Luxemburg is a very small country, user
They’re a developped western country with some history with micro-computers and a population of 16 millions (more than finland and czechia combined)
Bek dicht en opsodemieteren
never trust the dutch, dont mind the frisians tho
you like the superhero movie colors that's like the kiddie combo
With the amount of knowledge about the sea and we have, some sort of 17th century trading sim with realistic sailing would be right up our alley.
ik ook sneed
>literally swamp people
Too busy killing hohols and dying of alcoholism.
thank user
No, that's the finns
Amerimutt moment
Nobody likes the current king.
The biggest TV station did their yearly poll on how people feel about the monarch and it's the lowest in modern history.
The odd thing is that opinion on the monarchy itself hasn't really changed, people specifically don't like him.
All polls are bullshit.
i don't give a fuck about americans
they're too busy eating burgers and dying of cholesterol and shootings.
russians and americans both can hang for all i care.
>future queen is a fat hog
>her sister is a 10/10
Shut the fuck up, Willy is based.
Where are you from ?
How fat are we talking?
Sorry guys, Arjen Lubach has more influence than you think.
i live on a boat in international waters living purely off of fish with solar batterys keeping my electronics going. i tapped into the cable lines going under the ocean so i can shitpost on Yea Forums and never get bannu'd
really? been here for 3 months and it doesnt feel so
whatever you say, hobo
your petty national squabbles mean nothing to the ocean man.
>10/10 in Orangeland
you realize that russia was still under the USSR was still in control during the 80s and 90s right? The only reason Tetris got as big as it did was because some guy made it in his spare time and made a deal with some british bootlegger, and they still haven't recovered from the collapse of the USSR
ah fuck I just saw the filename I'm retarded, fuck tricoor flags
I guess kiwi schools are too busy teaching haka dances to teach to differentiate flags or to read filenames
>Implying Alexia is not worth fighting for
The focus is more on little shit games and or phone games.
That is just embarrassing, user
I can think of Killzone and the game with the girl with dreadlocks who shoots robo dinos.
Otherwise it's mostly indie games I suppose.
I'd much rather we were more overlooked than we are. Dutch people get far too uppity whenever we get mentioned.
God look how smug she is. She knows she gets in absolute power unless her mom pops out a boy and she knows it.
That's not true! We got like one major AAA dev that only makes shitty open world games now, we got the devs behind Cyberfunk, and there's Vlambeer... oh right they broke up.
we gaaaan
>absolute power
it's not my fault most of europe decided they would only use three colors in a horizontal 3 line pattern for their flags and half of them use the exact same colors
Why aren’t they more significant in the gaming industry ?
Weet ik niet
Does this country have any mountains? I've seen photos of it and looks flat as fuck which is kind of depressing. I like mountains
I bet you think all music sounds the same
>it's not my fault most of the world decided they would only use 7 notes in a 4/4 time signature for their songs and half of them use the exact same progression
What ever happened to Amsterdam 1666?
Or was that the beta for Vampyr, I can't remember
Too busy sucking Ahmed's dick and seething at superior meds
Isn't the king literally untouchable by law? I wouldn't be surprised if they're also sitting on a gorillion euro and shit.
Having a king seems pretty cool, but I do think they should all just wear their royal gown and crowns and shit, prince William looks like a fucking mook and I don't even know what other kings and queens are around in Europe.
so literally Russia, I think the retarded anons were onto something
No mountains, just hills.
We create land but that is where we stop
>literally who
No thanks, I like my girls red blooded
Dutch is just a dialect of English with maybe a few dozen unique words just to be special.
The country is literally dredged out from swamps and marsh, shit is flat by design. I'm pretty sure their capital is founded on wooden beams
It's flat as fuck and barely above sea level.
Was basically marshland swamp until they built all the canals.
They live under the sea level, Netherlands is basically Rapture
There have been seriously entertaining games coming out of that small weird country.
Sadly they all seem to follow the money and the people who worded for Triumph and Codemasters are now still in their mobile game phase from what I have gathered.
Also I am sure that Yea Forums knows what happened to Orange Games and what they made.
eh he is fine. They are usefull for international relations, other countries seem to like the current king and queen. Monarchs aren't what they used to be, we don't need them to be strong rulers anymore.
If you know, you know.
>it's real
>a country filled with drugged up mutants
Sounds about right
The European monarchies are pretty interesting to me. King William of the Netherlands is also in line for the crown of England because their family trees are some Crusader Kings tier shit, and the previous princes of NL were absolute madlads who were in the SS and went to Africa to shoot natives and create a shitload of bastard kids. Meanwhile our biggest concern here is if the president remembers to wear a tie.