I can fix her
I can fix her
I’m going to kill my boyfrie- ACK!
I can kill her
I need more Fransizka as assistant.
I can make her worse
Did nothing wrong
Based Dahlia, putting beta males like Phoenix Wright in their place.
If there is a THOT patrol, there must be a SIMP patrol.
>kill your love's only sister just so you can kill her murderer who was already executed
>lose all your trials
Feenie & Franny
What do you call her hairstyle?
Fransizka is perfection
very true
Is Dahlia the most genuinely detestable character in vidya? This bitch had me fuming with how genuinely evil she is
I hated Godot more
I hated Mia Fey more
I hated this bitch more
Stop breaking your grandma’s urn you retard
WHY DID SHE GET 3 CASES in AA3? it ruined the game for me
what a fucking simp and a cuck he is, why people like him is beyond me. Edgeworth was more relatable with issues you can actually understand
Because the entire plot revolves around it?
That’s like asking why AAI2 focuses on the fucking cake competition so much
I wasn't invested in her at all and didn't like her. What a shit character. 1 is the best for me.
I can break her
Holy shit I just realized she reminds me exactly of my BPD ex who I thought I could fix
AAI2 also sux
shes just so fucking boring....
Yeah that shit was a bad game. I enjoyed reading the wikipedia article about how Takumi wrote the cases while being drunk more than playing it. But Fransizka is perfection indeed.
just come over to japan and try dating these cutie jap girls. theyre all just as evil as her. they just based the character on reality
who's the bigger simp between Phoenix and Godot?
But Fran likes Edge.
Playing Majoras Mask and seeing the poop hole reminded me harshly that everyone in a game set in the past like this would just be shitting on the streets or something and it kills my boner
t. dahlia
yes, but her legs look nice in nylon so i'm prepared to forgive her
Japan had sewage systems for centuries baka
I really fucking despised Matt Engarde
sewers in (big) European Cities date as far back as the Roman Empire
Arthur "redditor" Morgan is worse.
dammit, a scholar's been found!!!
based, fuck Mia
>fix her
ngmi, i can take her exactly as she is and love her for it!
Susato Sholmes and Iris simply mog every Ace Attorney side characters
I forgive her
*blocked your path*
>her legs look nice in nylon
i love her. i love her so much
Name a character more unlikeable than Blackquill
These characters look so fappable
Bimon Slackquill
Science Maya is best Maya
>walk into boss' office
>see this
What do?
*honk* *honk*
Time to update that autopsy report *unzips dick*
>No no, I admit to killing her, but I never had anal sex with the corpse and then draw a semen mustache on her face you have to believe meeeeee!
>mfw no abusegf to abuse
You can't fix a remorseless serial killer who kills THREE TIMES in the same fucking PW game
16 year old Pearl is hot though
I just wanted to cum on her forehead
For me, it's Maya.
Kristoph is the most evil character in the series imo, but i didn't hate him, i was more in awe at how sinister he was