Things will never change, will they, user?
Things will never change, will they, user?
what the FUCK
Nope, I’m gonna kill myself soon!
I keep seeing this, it seems the message is stop letting your kid get away with being a lazy ass. I know if I drop out of uni I would be kicked out the house, and while that is extreme (tradefags are based love them, they're better men then the queers I went with in school) something similar can keep your life on track
holy shit lmao
'Never' has nothing on 'eventually'.
I wish. I send out applications every day. No one ever calls back.
Thinking about ending it desu
That mommy needs a cuddle.
that had me scared for a little lmao
>move in with boyfriend during COVID
>he loses job, won't look for work
>"I'll make it online I swear!!!!"
>threatens to kill himself if I move out
He's literally the guy in the second pic right now
>want to kill myself
>at the same time dont because ive already fucked my mum over enough and dont want her to suffer more
He's depressed you useless whore. How about trying to find out what his issues are instead of complaining about him on Yea Forums
I'm a man.
You're worse than the retards who say "Depressed?? Just don't be SAD".
you should also kill yourself lmao
this is why you get dad to check in on son
mom aint shit and the kids know it when they realize she shrinking
kill your boyfriend then you useless slut.
Being depressed it a choice in easily 7/10 cases
I could draw porn for a living, but i despise the art scene, despise artists and don't want to pay 50% taxes and 50% on rent
The house slidden and dog head came off
>has money for rgb shit despite being a neet
Don't worry you will both die soon from aids.
>I can, I could be a millionaire in a blink
>But I just don't, I don't like the society
Internet is full of people like you. Keep lying to yourself you talentless fag.
I don't understand people who don't self-improve. It's a paradox.
Do you think you are physically incapable of forming new connections in your brain? I'm pretty sure the only people that can't do that are dead people.
Please explain, anyone reading this
>I could draw porn for a living
Post an example of your art
>staying alive just for someone else
I've done this. I've been doing this for the last half decade. It's honestly made me enjoy life a lot more. Knowing that I'm going to kill myself anyway means that most decisions I make are geared toward my immediate enjoyment. It's quite comfy, and I've kept myself in the perfect strike zone of ready to die whenever. I recommend giving it a try if you're committed to both that person and your inevitable suicide.
you can easily find cheap chinese rgb shit on amazon for like 15 bucks
>i could be a millionaire in a blink
You clearly don't know.
Self improvement is a meme and won't change shit. It's for failed normalfags who just need a quick pick me up to get things going again.
>comes on Yea Forums to brag about being a good artist that could go pro
>refuses to post any art to back it up
lol you are one sad little attention-starved tranny
i have brain damage
why would you buy cheap chinese garbage
What does that even mean?
Your brain has the ability to adapt. You have the ability to control the adaption based on input.
Dunno, I went from having 255 uncontrolled blood sugar with an A1C of 6.7 down to 90~ blood sugar with an A1C of 5.7 and it's only going lower and lower.
Stop drinking soda kids or at least drink zero sugar
>post was mostly self-deprecating satire
>makes up his own scenario in his head while not knowing how shit actually works
This is why i don't want to deal with you sociopathic niggers.
It means that at some point you're too far gone to just dude self improve to fix your brain on your own.
I would know, I've tried
Isn't satire supposed to be funny? You literally just complained about being a hipster genius.
>your post made me insecure
>not funny didn't laugh
Ok, still now showing you my shit.
That's impossible. If willpower is your issue, then improve that first.
I'm broken enough to have extreme difficulty with basic interactions, but not enough to get free gibs.
how's that hairline doing?
keep at it, sport
>be 12 or 13 years old
>always felt annoyed by my mom
>every day it was the same shit
>"did you do your homework?"
>"do you want to watch a movie with me?"
>"do you like any girls in your classes?"
>all i wanted was for her to leave me the fuck alone
>one day literally bring her to tears with how awful and shitty i was
>she walked into my room to ask me if i wanted to watch a movie with her
>before she can even open her mouth, i look at her and roll my eyes and say "oh great"
>she just stands there looking at me, eventually starts tearing up and turns around
>all i can think is "oh great now she's crying"
>she walked away and probably cried in the family room
>felt absolutely no fucking remorse for this action
>fast forward to 18
>mom is in the hospital
>she dies a few days later
>at no point was i given the opportunity to apologize to her
>at no point did i ever take any time to mend my relationship with her
>at no point did i ever spend any time with her
i cant believe how much of a fucking self-hating psychopath I was when I was a teenager. holy fucking shit. you guys need to be nice to your mothers. Go hug your mom right fucking now. Please.
I asked you for an example because I knew you were bullshitting, and now I get the expected payoff of laughing at a cringe LARPer. Stay mad tranny.
>you post made me so insecure i'm now laughing at you c-c-c-cause u larp pls post drawings
Yeah, user, still not showing you my anime titties.
why would you say telling people to help him as being worse than people who say depression isn't real?
dumb retarded tranny, join the 41%
>n-n-no you are the insecure one even though i refuse to post my art which i bragged about
lol, lmao even
>Chooseing to be gay
Kill yourself, that should give him proper motivation.
I still look young, have full hair, relatively fit body and I have neither friends nor a gf
games with branching paths?
>you have no social media presence
immediately disregarded the rest of this gay shit
that's me minus the piss bottles
ill still never understand how that's a thing
how fucking degenerate and disgusting do you have to be
this thread is like a sandpaper circle jerk
you people enjoy acting this way?
Are you gonna post your though, user-kun?
Why would I? I'm not the one who thinks he's a pro and wants validation.
I never said anything like that and if i wanted validation i'd be spamming my shit.
Stop being a discord tranny and let's compare dicks like you so desperately want to.
way too much baby shit on here
i was doing just fine until the first 5 in the liability section. god dammit i'm putrified.
lmfao what is this tranny logic
ask him not me
user, where is your art?
This is unbalanced, it automatically puts you in the putrified category if you're a mid 20s virgin even if none of the other items apply to you.
Dog's heads are fucking weird. I've seen so many videos and images of a dog's head looking like something else or vice versa.
I'm happy for your ignorance on this subject. I hope that won't change in the future. Really.
It more just feels pointless to me. I need a job to pay my bills, ok any job that would hire someone without a degree is going to fuck my body and not pay enough (labor) or just pay even less and fuck my mind (fast food/retail). Ok so I need a degree, which means I have to go into a shit ton of debt. When I finally in several years get a well paying job, most of the money will be going towards debt repayment and bills, so I effectively will earn the same amount as I did before I got a degree. And in the meantime, as I go to school, I have bills to pay so I’ll be working one of the shit tier jobs. It just seems meaningless
any good ways to suicide with everyday household items?
ive been looking into the "short drop" method
>i am a real legitimate diamond in the rough artist and you can't deny it unless you post your own art
alright I've had enough of talking to trannies
lets go for that 4A look
Yes, i am better and more valuable than your faggotry is proof enough.